Abstract: This invention provides a pressurizable zero-headspace extractor vessel useful in preparing mixtures of solid- and liquid-phase material for constituent analysis, for example for preparing environmental samples for analysis of toxic contaminants. The inventive extractor vessel has a sample chamber pressurizable either by gas or mechanical means. The sample chamber is constructed with a removable liner of polytetrafluorethylene to be resistant to both organic an metallic contaminants and has a more robust pressure-resistant support housing, in which the liner is a snug fit, formed of a structural material such as high-density polyethylene. The invention also provides a rotary agitation apparatus for rotating such extractors or bottles end-over-end, in which apparatus the bottles are mounted in a manner which automatically centers them on the axis of rotation.
Abstract: This invention provides a pressurizable zero-headspace extractor vessel useful in preparing mixtures of solid- and liquid-phase material for constituent analysis, for example for preparing environmental samples for analysis of toxic contaminants. The inventive extractor vessel has a sample chamber pressurizable either by gas or mechanically. The sample chamber is constructed with a removable liner of polytetrafluorethylene to be resistant to both organic an metallic contaminants and has a more robust pressure-resistant support housing, in which the liner is a snug fit, formed of a structural material such as high-density polyethylene. The invention also provides a rotary agitation apparatus for rotating such extractors or bottles end-over-end, in which apparatus the bottles are mounted in a manner which automatically centers them on the axis of rotation.
Abstract: A filing system adaptor, to be inserted into an existing file cabinet drawer having a conventional hanging file frame with a pair of parallel side rails for supporting hanging files, is disclosed. A removable base plate made of plastic is placed at the bottom of the file cabinet drawer. A number of oversized dividers made of rigid plastic are used to keep documents organized. With a height of about eleven inches, the dividers store large, bulky documents within the same filing cabinet drawer as standard letter size and legal size documents, and the dividers fit within the closed cabinet drawer by resting at an angle of about 60 degrees. A deep cutaway in the divider allows the user to quickly identify the documents maintained in the filing system. The oversized dividers are secured into place by locking tabs at the bottom edge of the divider which lock into accommodating slots in the base plate.