Patents Examined by Aaron Weisstuch
  • Patent number: 5437734
    Abstract: Disclosed herein is a solar cell which is composed basically of a first semiconductor layer of first conductivity type, a second semiconductor layer of second conductivity type, and a third semiconductor layer formed between them. The third semiconductor layer has a band gap narrower than that of the first and second semiconductor layers. The third semiconductor layer also has a pn junction therein. The semiconductor layers are each separated by a buffer layer in which the composition changes gradually across the thickness so that the lattice mismatch between the semiconductor layers is relieved.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: February 8, 1994
    Date of Patent: August 1, 1995
    Assignee: Sony Corporation
    Inventors: Takeshi Matsushita, Dharam P. Gosain, Jonathan Westwater, Setsuo Usui, Kunio Hane
  • Patent number: 5437735
    Abstract: A photovoltaic roofing shingle includes a strip of roofing material having an overlap portion, and a plurality of tab portions depending therefrom. Each of the tab portions includes a photovoltaic generating device affixed thereto. The photovoltaic devices are electrically interconnected, and each photovoltaic shingle member includes a pair of electrical terminals for delivering power from said photovoltaic devices. In use, the shingle members are affixed to a roof so that the tab portions of one row of shingles cover the overlap portion of an adjoining row. Electrical interconnection may be made through the roof to the inside of the building, or to a point atop the roof.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: December 30, 1993
    Date of Patent: August 1, 1995
    Assignee: United Solar Systems Corporation
    Inventors: Kais Younan, David Wolf, Mark Lycette, Troy Glatfelter, Kevin Hoffman, Arindam Banerjee
  • Patent number: 5437736
    Abstract: A semiconductor solar cell formed on a optical fiber or fibers, including layers of semiconductor materials surrounding an annular extent of each fiber. The cell is embedded into a superstrate which is a collimating lens. A method of manufacturing the cell and module are disclosed.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: February 15, 1994
    Date of Patent: August 1, 1995
    Inventor: Eric D. Cole
  • Patent number: 5438556
    Abstract: The present invention provides a horological piece (P) comprising an energy source having at least one photovoltaic cell (1) capable of transforming luminous radiation into an electrical current. This photovoltaic cell includes an active surface (F) sensitive to luminous radiation. A horometrical movement (56) is supplied by the energy source and is capable of supplying time keeping information. A display (58) is adapted to receive the time keeping information supplied by the horometrical movement (56) and displays this information so that it is readable by a user. The active surface (F) of the photovoltaic cell (1) has at least one transparent region which at least partially covers the display (58). The invention may be applied to horological pieces without portable power sources, such as a battery.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: December 8, 1993
    Date of Patent: August 1, 1995
    Assignee: Asulab S.A.
    Inventors: Rudolf Dinger, Eric Saurer, Michael Graetzel
  • Patent number: 5433835
    Abstract: A target, target backing plate, and cover plate form a target plate assembly. The sputtering target assembly includes an integral cooling passage. A series of grooves are constructed in either the target backing plate or the target backing cooling cover plate, which are then securely bonded to one another. The sputtering target can be a single monolith with a target backing plate or can be securely attached to the target backing plate by one of any number of conventional bonding methods. Tantalum to titanium, titanium to titanium and aluminum to titanium, diffusion bonding can be used. The target plate assembly completely covers and seals against a top opening of a sputtering processing chamber. Cooling liquid connections are provided only from the perimeter of the target assembly. When a top vacuum chamber seals the side opposite the pressure chamber, the pressure on both sides of the target assembly is nearly equalized.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: November 24, 1993
    Date of Patent: July 18, 1995
    Assignee: Applied Materials, Inc.
    Inventors: Richard E. Demaray, Manuel Herrera, David E. Berkstresser
  • Patent number: 5433836
    Abstract: An arc source macroparticle filter (1) includes a circular cathode (2) for emitting particles and an extended cylindrical anode (3) adjacent to and co-axial with the cathode for accelerating the emitted particles. Toroids (4) generate a magnetic field to define a continuous non-linear plasma duct (5) for directing charged particles and separating therefrom undesirable larger particles. The duct is minimally non-linear to permit high rates of charged particle transmission. Arc source filter (1) allows heating and/or the deposition of a variety of surface coatings to a workpiece (8).
    Type: Grant
    Filed: January 19, 1994
    Date of Patent: July 18, 1995
    Assignee: Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization
    Inventors: Philip J. Martin, Roger P. Netterfield, Terence J. Kinder
  • Patent number: 5431799
    Abstract: A plasma deposition system for sputter depositing material from a target onto a wafer, the system including a vacuum chamber; a platform for holding the wafer during plasma processing; a source onto which the target is mounted and for generating a plasma in the chamber during operation; an equipotential conductive plane dividing the chamber into an upper cavity in which the target is located and a lower cavity in which the wafer is located, the equipotential conductive plane permitting material sputtered from the target to pass therethrough; and an upper antenna located inside the upper cavity and surrounding the plasma, the upper antenna for coupling RF power into the source-generated plasma.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: October 29, 1993
    Date of Patent: July 11, 1995
    Assignee: Applied Materials, Inc.
    Inventors: Roderick C. Mosely, Ivo J. Raaijmakers, Hiroji Hanawa
  • Patent number: 5431743
    Abstract: A highly efficient material for producing electrical currents from sunlight and thus useful in solar cells is silicon with a total oxygen and carbon content of from 3 to 200 ppm and wherein the ratio of oxygen:carbon, as determined by infra-red analysis, is less than 2:1.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: February 24, 1992
    Date of Patent: July 11, 1995
    Assignee: Bayer AG
    Inventor: Ingo Schwirtlich
  • Patent number: 5431741
    Abstract: A novel structure of a silicon solar cell is disclosed, which can be prepared at an outstandingly low cost but can still exhibit good efficiency for the conversion of solar energy to electricity. The silicon solar cell comprises, as an integral body:(a) an electrically insulating substrate plate of, e.g., glass or a ceramic;(b1) a first group of metal contact lines formed in parallel with each other on the substrate surface to jointly serve as an electrode; (b2) a second group of metal contact lines formed in parallel with each other on the substrate surface to jointly serve as a counterelectrode, each of the metal contact lines of the second group being disposed between two metal contact lines of the first group, maintaining electric insulation therebetween; and(c) a plural number of wires of silicon semiconductor, each of which perpendicularly crosses each of the metal contact lines of the first and second groups in direct contact therewith.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: December 13, 1993
    Date of Patent: July 11, 1995
    Assignee: Shin-Etsu Chemical Co., Ltd.
    Inventors: Susumu Sakaguchi, Toru Yamada, Tadashi Kamioka, Teruhiko Hirasawa
  • Patent number: 5431742
    Abstract: The invention is drawn to a planar luminescent solar concentrator including an optical fiber comprised of laser material. Solar energy collected by the concentrator is processed into laser radiation emitted by the optical fiber with high energy density corresponding to a concentration factor much greater than possible with prior art luminescent solar concentrators.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: January 24, 1994
    Date of Patent: July 11, 1995
    Inventor: Marcos Y. Kleinerman
  • Patent number: 5429685
    Abstract: The present invention provides a photovoltaic element in which the open-circuit voltage and the path length of holes are improved by preventing the recombination of photoexcited carriers.The p-i-n junction type photovoltaic element is composed of a p-type layer, an i-type layer of a laminated structure consisting of an i-type layer formed by RF plasma CVD on the p-type layer side and an i-type layer formed by microwave (.mu.W) CVD on the n-type layer side, or an i-type layer formed by microwave (.mu.W) plasma CVD on the p-type layer side and an i-type layer formed by RF plasma CVD on the n-type layer side, characterized in that the i-type layer formed by .mu.W plasma CVD is formed by a process in which a lower .mu.W energy and a higher RF energy than the .mu.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: November 12, 1993
    Date of Patent: July 4, 1995
    Assignee: Canon Kabushiki Kaisha
    Inventors: Keishi Saito, Tatsuyuki Aoike, Masafumi Sano, Mitsuyuki Niwa, Ryo Hayashi, Masahiko Tonogaki
  • Patent number: 5427628
    Abstract: A geometric dome comprises a number of interconnected members which are arranged at specific angles. The geometric dome is excellent in strength due to the angular configuration of each member. One member of the dome is in the form of a convex lens and the rest of the dome is made up of two-way mirrors with the planes of the mirrors facing internally of the geometric dome. Sunlight is concentrated and directed to pass through the convex lens of the geometric dome. As concentrated sunlight passes through the convex lens, the light will be spread out internally of the geometric dome. Solar cells are arranged to face each other and receive light internally of the geometric dome, by means of the convex lens.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: February 2, 1994
    Date of Patent: June 27, 1995
    Inventor: Douglas J. Hartley
  • Patent number: 5423971
    Abstract: The invention relates to an electrode configuration for a device for generating a plasma. RF is coupled contactlessly via a capacitive coupling electrode disposed at the dark space distance into a carrier backside of a coating installation. Dark space shields on the coating side define the plasma zone and prevent the formation of parasitic plasmas. HF substrate bias voltage on the moving substrate carrier is achieved with a defined plasma zone and the development of parasitic plasmas is avoided.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: January 10, 1994
    Date of Patent: June 13, 1995
    Assignee: Leybold Aktiengesellschaft
    Inventors: Manfred Arnold, Guido Blang, Rainer Gegenwart, Klaus Michael, Michael Scherer, Jochen Ritter, Oliver Burkhardt
  • Patent number: 5423970
    Abstract: An apparatus for performing the method comprising a vacuum treatment chamber containing a target of ohmic conductive material. The target and workpiece are supported by suitable electrodes. Superimposed DC and AC power is applied to generate a glow discharge in the chamber in which the target is sputtered. Particles sputtered off the target react with a reactive gas in the space between the target and workpiece and the reaction product is deposited upon the workpiece. The operating parameters of the system are selected so that sputtering and deposition are performed in an unstable transition mode between a metallic and a reactive mode whereby particles are deposited on the workpiece to form a layer on the workpiece of lower conductivity than the target material. A feedback arrangement is preferably utilized to maintain operation with the aforesaid unstable transition mode.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: December 10, 1993
    Date of Patent: June 13, 1995
    Assignee: Balzers Aktiengesellschaft
    Inventor: Eduard Kugler
  • Patent number: 5421908
    Abstract: To reduce power loss in a transparent electrode with a high sheet resistance in a thin-film solar cell that uses an amorphous semiconductor layer, without having to use a complex patterning process. A large number of holes are formed through an insulating substrate, while a third electrode layer with a low sheet resistance is disposed on the rear side of the substrate and a transparent second electrode layer disposed on the light incidence side. The second and third electrode layers are connected to each other via said holes. To build a series-connection structure, an extended portion of the third electrode layer on one cell and extended portions of the first electrode layers on adjoining cells are connected to each other via similar holes formed on the substrate.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: December 22, 1993
    Date of Patent: June 6, 1995
    Assignee: Fuji Electric Co., Ltd.
    Inventors: Takashi Yoshida, Sugao Saito, Takuro Ihara, Yukimi Ichikawa
  • Patent number: 5421979
    Abstract: Vacuum coating apparatus (30) includes a coating chamber (32), and a load-lock chamber (34) connected to the coating chamber via a high vacuum valve (44). The coating chamber includes deposition-devices (123) and a cylindrical or drum shaped substrate-transporter (100) for transporting substrates (64) past the deposition-devices. Substrates are carried on substrate-carriers (66) which are configured to fit into transport-stations (102) around the periphery of the substrate-transporter. A magazine (61) holding a plurality of substrate-carriers is located in the load-lock chamber. An injector arrangement (120) is provided for ejecting a substrate-carrier from the magazine, transporting the substrate-carrier through the high vacuum valve, and inserting the substrate-carrier into a transport-station of the substrate-carrier.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: August 3, 1993
    Date of Patent: June 6, 1995
    Assignee: Photran Corporation
    Inventor: David E. Stevenson
  • Patent number: 5421909
    Abstract: A photovoltaic device having a semiconductor layer; front and back electrodes; and a surface protection layer adjacent to the light incident side, wherein granules of a material different from that of the surface protection layer are disposed in the surface protection layer.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: March 1, 1993
    Date of Patent: June 6, 1995
    Assignee: Canon Kabushiki Kaisha
    Inventors: Nobuyuki Ishikawa, Keishi Saito, Soichiro Kawakami, Jinsho Matsuyama, Toshimitsu Kariya, Yuzo Kouda, Naoto Okada
  • Patent number: 5421978
    Abstract: Cathode sputtering apparatus includes a target, a cooling channel, and a flexible diaphragm therebetween. The target is fixed to a base independently of the diaphragm, so that the target can be replaced with disturbing the cooling channel. In a preferred embodiment, the diaphragm and the target are fixed by respective sets of cleats retained by screws received from respective opposite directions.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: December 28, 1993
    Date of Patent: June 6, 1995
    Assignee: Leybold Aktiengesellschaft
    Inventors: Manfred Schuhmacher, Helmut Schilling, Gerhard Joos
  • Patent number: 5419783
    Abstract: A photovoltaic device has a transparent substrate, a transparent electrode layer, a photovoltaic layer, and a back electrode which are stacked in this order. The photovoltaic layer has a p-type a-SiC layer provided on the transparent electrode layer, a buffer layer provided on the p-type a-SiC layer, a photosensitive layer provided on the buffer layer, and an n-type semiconductor layer provided on the photosensitive layer. The buffer layer is an a-SiC layer first deposited on the p-type a-SiC layer and then subjected to a plasma treatment. The plasma treatment should be carried out using a gas selected from a group consisting of hydrogen (H.sub.2), Argon (Ar), Helium (He), Neon (Ne), Krypton (Kr), and Xenon (Xe). In the device, the buffer layer may be composed of a microcrystalline SiC layer or an amorphous SiC layer. The buffer layer may have a thickness ranging from about 10 .ANG. to about 100 .ANG., and may be formed by a plasma-CVD process.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: March 24, 1993
    Date of Patent: May 30, 1995
    Assignee: Sanyo Electric Co., Ltd.
    Inventors: Shigeru Noguchi, Keiichi Sano, Hiroshi Iwata
  • Patent number: 5419781
    Abstract: A flexible photovoltaic device includes a flexible substrate and a photovoltaic device body. The flexible substrate is a metal foil or film provided with an electric insulating layer of a material having an electric conductivity of not more than 10.sup.-7 ( at the time of light impinging and selected from a heat resistant polymer, a metal oxide, a crystalline or amorphous silicon compound and an organometallic compound.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: February 4, 1994
    Date of Patent: May 30, 1995
    Assignee: Kanegafuchi Kagaku Kogyo Kabushiki Kaisha
    Inventors: Yoshihiro Hamakawa, Yoshihisa Tawada, Kazunori Tsuge, Masanobu Izumina