Patents Examined by Clyde T. Coughenour
  • Patent number: 4730606
    Abstract: The invention is to an apparatus for applying traction to an immobilized patient undergoing oscillatory therapy. The support means for weights has a portion on an oscillating support platform of the bed and part stationary beyond the oscillating portion with a cable contained partially within a conduit thereinbetween offset from the longitudinal center line of oscillating patient support.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: December 17, 1986
    Date of Patent: March 15, 1988
    Assignee: Kinetic Concepts, Inc.
    Inventor: Peter A. Leininger
  • Patent number: 4693179
    Abstract: A rotary screen printing apparatus for delivering coating fluid from the inside of a print cylinder through patterned openings onto an adjacent advancing substrate, having a print cylinder support frame, a drive mechanism for rotatably driving the print cylinder, a resilient suspension device for supporting the print cylinder at high rotational speeds, an adjacent radiant heater for generating heat energy for absorption by the print cylinder, an enclosure substantially surrounding the print cylinder and confining the radiated heat therein, at least one infrared sensor for sensing heat emitted from the print cylinder, and a control circuit for controlling the radiant heat energy from the heater in response to the sensed emitted radiant energy, about a manually controlled set point.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: October 31, 1985
    Date of Patent: September 15, 1987
    Assignee: Lockwood Technical, Inc.
    Inventor: John D. Watts