Patents Examined by David D. Chang
  • Patent number: 6366121
    Abstract: A programmable logic array integrated circuit device has a plurality of regions of programmable logic disposed on the device in a two-dimensional array of intersecting rows and columns of regions. The output signals of several regions share a group of drivers for applying region output signals to interconnection conductors that convey signals between regions. This conserves driver resources and increases signal routing flexibility. Various approaches can be used for configuring the interconnection conductors to also conserve interconnection conductor resources. Logic regions may be used to directly drive specific input/output cells, thereby simplifying signal routing to the I/O cells and also possibly simplifying the structure of the I/O cells (e.g., by allowing certain I/O cell functions to be performed in the associated logic region).
    Type: Grant
    Filed: May 25, 2001
    Date of Patent: April 2, 2002
    Assignee: Altera Corporation
    Inventors: Richard G. Cliff, Francis B. Heile, Joseph Huang, Christopher F. Lane, Fung Fung Lee, Cameron McClintock, David W. Mendel, Ninh D. Ngo, Bruce B. Pedersen, Srinivas T. Reddy, Chiakang Sung, Kerry Veenstra, Bonnie I. Wang
  • Patent number: 6351151
    Abstract: A technique for reducing soft errors in a dynamic circuit. For one embodiment, a dynamic circuit includes a dynamic logic gate having an output node at which a logical output value of the logic gate is detected. A keeper circuit coupled to the output node is configured to harden the dynamic circuit by increasing the critical charge at the output node.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: July 18, 2001
    Date of Patent: February 26, 2002
    Assignee: Intel Corporation
    Inventors: Sudarshan Kumar, Wenjie Jiang
  • Patent number: 6329842
    Abstract: An output circuit that prevents the flow of a leakage current from its output terminal to a power supply is able to accommodate voltage levels higher than the power supply voltage level. The output circuit includes a p-channel MOS transistor connected between the output terminal and a high potential power supply. A first switch circuit is connected between the transistor and the high potential power supply. The first switch circuit selectively connects and disconnects a back-gate of the transistor and the high potential power supply in response to an external signal applied to the output terminal.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: April 11, 2000
    Date of Patent: December 11, 2001
    Assignee: Fujitsu Limited
    Inventors: Hiroshi Naritomi, Osamu Kobayashi