Patents Examined by G. Z. Rubinson
  • Patent number: 4365283
    Abstract: The present invention provides a process for preparing piezoelectric film using a corona discharge device wherein a multi-layer of pellicles, of which at least one or more is a piezoelectric sensitive film and at least one other of the multi-layer is a companion pellicle (i.e. a pellicle with a conductance no less than that of the piezoelectric sensitive pellicle when the conductance is measured under the poling conditions of the corona discharge and in the direction of the discharge field), is subjected to a corona discharge between a pair of electrodes of which at least one such electrode has a textured surface.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: October 16, 1980
    Date of Patent: December 21, 1982
    Assignee: Pennwalt Corporation
    Inventor: Peter F. Radice
  • Patent number: 4365168
    Abstract: A porcelain coated metal substrate bearing a printed circuit and in which a capacitive coupling is created between the substrate and the circuit to eliminate unwanted frequencies. This coupling is formed by the inclusion of a conductive element on the porcelain. The conductive element is out of direct electrical contact with the printed circuit and has a means to connect the element to ground. Connection to ground provides the desired capacitive coupling and another capacitive coupling from the metal substrate to the conductive element, the two couplings being in series.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: July 14, 1980
    Date of Patent: December 21, 1982
    Assignee: Northern Telecom Limited
    Inventors: Guy J. Chaput, Edward M. Sich
  • Patent number: 4365257
    Abstract: Optical recording disc having a rigid, dimensionally-stable support which keeps a plastic film taut and flat so that an optically-recordable coating on the plastic film resists the dimensional changes and warping which it otherwise might experience if unsupported. The optically-recordable coating may include an energy-absorbing layer which develops discontinuities immediately upon impingement by a focused laser beam and thus provides DRAW capability.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: March 5, 1981
    Date of Patent: December 21, 1982
    Assignee: Minnesota Mining and Manufacturing Company
    Inventor: Sten R. Gerfast
  • Patent number: 4363953
    Abstract: A plurality of band-shaped regions on a specimen are successively scanned by an electron beam having a ribbon-shaped rectangular cross-section. This scanning is effected by deflecting the electron beam electrostatically in the direction of the shorter side of the beam cross-section and electromagnetically in the direction of the longer side of the beam cross-section.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: May 1, 1980
    Date of Patent: December 14, 1982
    Assignee: Hitachi, Ltd.
    Inventors: Teiji Katsuta, Koji Nishiwaki, Shinjiro Katagiri
  • Patent number: 4363544
    Abstract: The disclosed camera is capable of being operated either with a normal shutter release or a remote cable release. An exposure control circuit includes a photoelectric element for automatically controlling the exposure on the basis of the brightness of the object being photographed. A motor control circuit operates a photographic mechanism. A first switch operates in response of the first step of depression of a release button and a second switch responds to further depression of the release button. A third switch is connected to the remote release in parallel with the second switch for actuating the automatic exposure control circuit and the motor control circuit. A delay circuit starts in response to operation of either the first or third switches and produces a signal at a predetermind time after operation of either of the switches.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: February 26, 1980
    Date of Patent: December 14, 1982
    Assignee: Canon Kabushiki Kaisha
    Inventors: Takayuki Nemoto, Hiroyuki Takimoto
  • Patent number: 4364061
    Abstract: After adjustment of a charging phase of ink droplets in an ink jet, printing of a line is accomplished by deflecting the ink jet through a number of incremental positions and applying a binary image signal to the ink jet during this time. The proper amount of deflection of the ink jet is adjusted between the above mentioned steps by sweeping the ink jet along an axis. A target electrode (80a) is provided along the axis with an edge thereof intersecting the axis. The ink jet deflection is stopped when an output of an integrating circuit (220) indicates that the ink jet reached the edge. An electric signal is produced indicating an amount of deflection force applied to the ink jet at the time it reaches the edge. A voltage amplification factor for deflecting the ink jet through the incremental positions is set in accordance with the magnitude of the electric signal.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: February 17, 1981
    Date of Patent: December 14, 1982
    Assignee: Ricoh Company, Ltd.
    Inventors: Masanori Horike, Yutaka Ebi
  • Patent number: 4364019
    Abstract: A multi-part actuating mechanism formed of at least two correlated individual actuating elements contained within a housing. The actuating elements being arranged to move relative to each other and each being equipped with differently poled magnetic fields so that the fields are moved from a position in which identically poled magnetic fields oppose each other to one in which differently poled magnetic fields are opposite each other.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: January 21, 1980
    Date of Patent: December 14, 1982
    Inventor: Hans-Georg Hutter
  • Patent number: 4364059
    Abstract: Ink is recirculated from a reservoir (624) through an ink ejection head (100) and back to the reservoir (624) while it is being heated prior to actual printing to purge air from the ink and prevent erroneous ejection. The heat (100) has a nozzle assembly formed of a thick glass plate (184') and a thin plate (190') of monocrystalline silicone which is bonded to the glass plate (184'). Ink ejection ports (191') are etched through the silicone plate (190') which communicate with an ink chamber of the head (100) through passageways (185') formed through the glass plate (184').
    Type: Grant
    Filed: December 8, 1980
    Date of Patent: December 14, 1982
    Assignee: Ricoh Company, Ltd.
    Inventor: Haruhiko Nagayama
  • Patent number: 4364057
    Abstract: An ink-landing-position control electrode is provided in such a way that one end of the control electrode is positioned adjacent to the back of a recording medium in opposed relationship with a predetermined position on the recording medium at which a charged ink drop must be deposited. The control electrode is charged oppositely of the charge on an ink drop in such a way that the electric lines of force of the electric field established by the control electrode are concentrated at the landing position, whereby a charged ink drop is forced to land at the predetermined position even when it is influenced by aerodynamic and electrostatic disturbances while it is in flight. The control electrode can also be used to eliminate an inclination of a line of dots deposited by a stream of charged ink drops issued from one nozzle when a recording medium is transported in the direction perpendicular to the traveling path of an ink-jet print head.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: May 6, 1980
    Date of Patent: December 14, 1982
    Assignee: Ricoh Co., Ltd.
    Inventors: Yutaka Ebi, Kikuo Kubo
  • Patent number: 4362909
    Abstract: Echo canceler for use in a data transmission system, comprising two and four-wire connections and arranged to suppress echo signals occurring in the four-wire connection. This echo canceler is provided with an adjustable signal processing device to which the data signal to be transmitted is applied and which produces a synthetic echo signal. A signal formed by a received data signal and an echo signal is present in the receive path of the four-wire connection. From the signals in the receive path there is now subtracted the synthetic echo signal, in order to generate a residual signal.To adjust the signal processing device an adjusting device is connected thereto to which a digital control signal is applied, which is constituted by a digital version of the residual signal.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: April 21, 1980
    Date of Patent: December 7, 1982
    Assignee: U.S. Philips Corporation
    Inventors: Wilfred A. M. Snijders, Nicolaas A. M. Verhoeckx, Petrus J. van Gerwen
  • Patent number: 4362949
    Abstract: A load controller, primarily intended for use in systems having geographically distributed, energy utilizing loads, and employing stored energy heating apparatus. The controller (1, 10) disclosed, in conjunction with a stored energy heater (3, 4), when installed on an energy distribution system having a multiplicity of heaters and controllers, adjusts individual heater storage (3), providing adequate energy for varying heat requirements of individual heaters after a mandatory "off" period (46, 47, 49, 51), thereby greatly reducing the overall peak energy or demand requirements on a central energy source. Alternate embodiments utilize a microprocessor (300) to provide close control of heater storage and improve efficiency. Digital display (307) and a keyboard input are provided for adjusting system constants and evaluating unit operation.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: July 15, 1981
    Date of Patent: December 7, 1982
    Assignee: Vapor Corporation
    Inventors: James L. McKenney, Robert H. Stevenson
  • Patent number: 4362907
    Abstract: A combination automobile sun visor and radio and speaker assembly for use in automobiles and other motor vehicles, to be mounted above the windshield in place of a conventional sun visor. The assembly comprises a thin, flat, bidirectional speaker assembly enclosed within a layer of acoustically transparent material, a radio module having a tuner and amplifier mounted in the speaker assembly, and means for mounting the speaker assembly above the windshield. The radio and speaker assembly provides speaker placement which is superior to prior art automobile speakers and provides speakers which may be adjusted and which do not waste interior space.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: February 17, 1981
    Date of Patent: December 7, 1982
    Inventor: David D. Polacsek
  • Patent number: 4362378
    Abstract: In apparatus for electrostatographic reproduction of an original document having an electrostatographic recording member supported on a rotatable drum or belt, a developing station, a copy sheet supply station and a transfer roller at which developed toner images are transferred by an applied electric field from the recording member to the copy sheet, the transfer roller is arranged to operate in timed relationship to the operation of the copy sheet supply station and rotation of the drum or belt so that the leading edge of each copy sheet passes through the transfer zone before the electric field is applied. The copy sheets therefore separate or strip cleanly from the drum or belt. The apparatus may be a duplicator in which the recording member is imaged at a relatively slow speed in a first cycle of the drum or belt and the image is preserved for use in subsequent high speed cycles of the drum or belt.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: August 12, 1980
    Date of Patent: December 7, 1982
    Assignee: Roneo Alcatel Limited
    Inventors: William G. Erskine, Kenneth Moore, Ronald Purvis, Robert F. Ridley, Nicholas G. Shreeve
  • Patent number: 4362951
    Abstract: Disclosed is a standby power supply system appropriate to supply a set of signal amplifiers within a cable television network. The standby power supply normally operates off of utility company power and alternatively operates from a battery power supply during power failures. Circuitry is disclosed to use battery power during failure mode operation to generate a pulse width modulated alternating current of substantially constant true rms voltage and of substantially constant frequency. Circuitry is also disclosed to cycle charge the battery supply to a desired voltage and then stop the charging cycle and begin timing normal mode operation until another charging cycle. Further, isolating circuitry is disclosed to remove much of the load on the battery supply during normal mode operation. Various safety provisions including soft start provisions, a high current cut off, a low voltage cut off, and protection for the amplification stages is included.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: December 10, 1980
    Date of Patent: December 7, 1982
    Assignee: Control Technology
    Inventors: Charles S. Turner, Donald J. McNeal, Donald G. Cheshier, James C. Gray
  • Patent number: 4362380
    Abstract: A document feeder defines a sheet path along which a document sheet is fed across a platen of a copier/duplicator, for example, in order to copy the sheet. An oscillating vacuum tube feeds sheets from a supply into the sheet path. The feeder includes a platen vacuum transport having vacuum belts that move the sheet across the platen. The vacuum transport has a first vacuum plenum and a second vacuum plenum located along the sheet path. The first vacuum plenum has a relatively high level of vacuum to insure lifting of the sheet onto the vacuum belts. The sheet is then transported into the area where it comes under the influence of the second vacuum plenum. The second vacuum plenum has a somewhat lower level of vacuum, but it is sufficient to retain the sheet on the belts as the belts drive the sheet into engagement with a registration member. One vacuum blower is used to establish a vacuum in the vacuum tube and in the two plenums.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: June 2, 1981
    Date of Patent: December 7, 1982
    Assignee: Eastman Kodak Company
    Inventor: Roger T. Dragstedt
  • Patent number: 4363070
    Abstract: Apparatus including a brush-like device having an array of conductive filaments is able to neutralize electrostatic charges on, for example, a moving web of charge-retaining materials by passing said web through the alternating electrostatic field established by said device when it is electrically connected to a relatively low potential AC source having the proper magnitude and frequency.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: September 2, 1980
    Date of Patent: December 7, 1982
    Assignee: Polaroid Corporation
    Inventor: Semyon Kisler
  • Patent number: 4362952
    Abstract: Method and apparatus for start-up of reciprocal remote supply feeding of intermediate stations utilizing DC current series feeding. In the operation of remote feeding systems of this type, the switch-on operation for reasons of safety for the individuals, must be accomplished only after testing the remote feeding circuit for freedom of faults. For this purpose the invention provides a test current circuit delivered by one feed circuit which triggers a transmission and delivery of a remote feed current in the other feed circuit which in turn causes in the first feed circuit a change-over switch to operate to switch from test current to remote feed current. The apparatus and method is particularly suitable for the remote feeding of intermediate amplifiers in transmission line sections of communication engineering systems.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: July 18, 1980
    Date of Patent: December 7, 1982
    Assignee: Siemens Aktiengesellschaft
    Inventor: Alfred Ziegler
  • Patent number: 4362981
    Abstract: A driving circuit for a stepping motor has a pair of emitter-connected PNP transistors with the common junction point of the emitters connected to a source voltage. A pair of source-connected static induction transistors each has its drain connected to the collector of one PNP transistor with the connection point being connected to one side of the drive coil of the motor. The leak current characteristic of the static induction transistors along their drain-to-source paths is chosen so that sufficient leak current flows when all four transistors are simultaneously in the OFF state to effectively dampen the motor.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: September 12, 1980
    Date of Patent: December 7, 1982
    Assignee: Kabushiki Kaisha Daini Seikosha
    Inventor: Satoshi Arai
  • Patent number: 4361766
    Abstract: A ripple control relay is arranged (i) to delay implementation of a received command until the end of a predetermined time interval following reception of the command; (ii) to delay implementation as in (i), and to implement the complementary command automatically after a further predetermined interval; or (iii) to repeat the sequence as in (ii) cyclically.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: October 15, 1980
    Date of Patent: November 30, 1982
    Assignee: Enertec
    Inventors: Arnaud de Montgolfier, Marc Laprie
  • Patent number: 4361767
    Abstract: An apparatus and method for automatically de-energizing electrically operable equipment in response to a lack of animal activity in a specified environment for predetermined time period. The apparatus of the present invention utilizes a circuit which is designed to detect activity which generates energy in a certain wavelength range and particularly, sonic energy in a certain environment and is responsive to the lack of activity within a certain predetermined time delay period or interval. Thus, if an activity which generates sonic energy is detected within a confined environment within the predetermined time interval, a signal is generated to energize or maintain energization of one or more electrical devices connected to the system of the invention. Contrariwise, if no sonic energy is detected within the predetermined time interval, there is a resultant de-energization of the electrically operable equipment. A control is provided to adjust the predetermined time delay period.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: March 24, 1980
    Date of Patent: November 30, 1982
    Assignee: National Technical Systems
    Inventors: David C. Pelka, Baron O. A. Grey