Patents Examined by George B Bennett
  • Patent number: 10830568
    Abstract: An object of the present invention is to provide a measurement device and a measurement system which make it possible to obtain various pieces of driving information and realize accurate analysis of an operation state. A measurement device according to an embodiment comprises: a main body which comprises a probe having a gauge head which can be moved, in a relative manner, relative to an object to be measured, and a move mechanism for moving the gauge head; and a control section which controls driving of the move mechanism, and comprises a generation section for generating driving information of the main body, in association with identification information of the probe, in response to driving of the move mechanism, and a recording section for recording the driving information.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: October 1, 2018
    Date of Patent: November 10, 2020
    Inventors: Yuuto Karasawa, Mitsuru Fukuda, Kazumi Mizukami
  • Patent number: 10831175
    Abstract: A method of configuring a machine (201) for production of a thread, having a pitch (227), on a workpiece (310), the machine (201) comprising: a tool (220) having a thread (223) centred on a first axis (250) and comprising one or more thread-producing peaks (225) for producing the thread having the pitch (227); and a tool holder (210) holding the tool (220), the method comprising: determining a first distance (441), in a first direction (260) parallel to the first axis (250), from a reference position (412) of the tool holder (210) to a first thread-producing peak (226) on the tool (220) when said tool (220) is held in the tool holder (210); and setting a first configuration (401) of the machine (201) wherein the reference position (412) of the tool holder (210) has a displacement (440) parallel to the first axis (250) from a reference position (411) of the workpiece (310) depending only upon: the determined first distance (441); a translation (443) parallel to the first axis (250) to account for an angular of
    Type: Grant
    Filed: May 17, 2017
    Date of Patent: November 10, 2020
    Inventors: Stephen Yeoman, Ben Onley
  • Patent number: 10830567
    Abstract: A non-Cartesian coordinate positioning machine that includes an extendable leg assembly for positioning a component such as a measurement probe within a working volume of the machine. The extendable leg assembly includes a first member and a second member which move relative to one another when the extendable leg assembly changes length. The first member including an axial arrangement of magnets forming part of a linear motor for extending and retracting the extendable leg assembly, and at least one resilient member for absorbing at least some of any axial thermal expansion or contraction of the magnets in use.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: March 31, 2017
    Date of Patent: November 10, 2020
    Assignee: RENISHAW PLC
    Inventor: Stephen Mark Angood
  • Patent number: 10823543
    Abstract: A sample gauge length and length after fracture measuring device includes a worktable, a first sliding table support and a second sliding table support, a control and length display, a spiral micrometer head, a scriber, a sample, etc. The reading device using the spiral micrometer head to directly measure the gauge length and the length after fracture has a detection accuracy of ±0.01 mm, which is superior to the requirement of ±0.05 mm in GB/T228 Metallic Materials Tensile Testing at Ambient Temperature.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: January 28, 2019
    Date of Patent: November 3, 2020
    Assignee: CITIC Dicastal CO., LTD.
    Inventors: Hanbao Sun, Jinqi Lv, Yingwei Zhu, Jingying Liu, Yingfeng Wang, Zhuxing Wang, Zhihua Zhu
  • Patent number: 10820663
    Abstract: A shoe sizing assembly for measuring and constructing custom shoe sizes includes a panel that is positionable on a support surface for having a person's foot placed thereon. A scanner is coupled to the panel and the scanner emits a measuring signal upwardly from the panel thereby facilitating the scanner to detect the sole of person's foot. In this way the scanner measures the size of the person's foot. A heating element is coupled to the panel and the heating element heats the panel when the heating element is turned. Thus, the heating element melts an adhesive between the shoe sole and the shoe upper for bonding the shoe sole to the shoe upper.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: October 9, 2018
    Date of Patent: November 3, 2020
    Inventor: Shawn Walker
  • Patent number: 10823554
    Abstract: An optical sensor calibration apparatus in the form of a wheel clamp. The wheel clamp apparatus is configured to determine a center point of a wheel of a vehicle, and to provide a measurement reference with respect to the center point. The measurement reference may be used to position other apparatuses in an optical sensor calibration system configured to calibrate an optical sensor of the vehicle.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: September 28, 2018
    Date of Patent: November 3, 2020
    Assignees: Bosch Automotive Service Solutions Inc., Robert Bosch GmbH
    Inventor: Steven Zack
  • Patent number: 10823544
    Abstract: A height difference gauge includes a base plate, a sliding sleeve, a guide sleeve, a measuring column, a positioning cone, a positioning sleeve, a spring. The height difference gauge can be used for measuring the relative height difference of two planes, and has the characteristics of strong versatility, high detection precision, simple structure, low manufacturing cost, convenient operation and the like.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: January 25, 2019
    Date of Patent: November 3, 2020
    Assignee: CITIC Dicastal CO., LTD.
    Inventors: Bowen Xue, Ruisong Tong, Sheng Zhang, Jiandong Guo
  • Patent number: 10809060
    Abstract: A spirit level comprising a generally central elongate bar (1), and at least one pair of arm members (6) pivotally coupled at a respective end of said bar for movement between a first, extended, generally H-shaped configuration in which said arm members (6) extend from said end of side bar at an angle thereto, and a second folded configuration, in which a side-wall of each of said arm members (6) is substantially parallel to and located against or adjacent to a side edge of said central bar, wherein at least one bulb (2) containing a bubble is provided in or on said central bar (1) and oriented substantially parallel to its longitudinal axis, and at least one bulb (2) containing a bubble is provided in or on an arm member (6) and oriented substantially parallel to its longitudinal axis.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: September 22, 2016
    Date of Patent: October 20, 2020
    Inventor: Richard Bryce
  • Patent number: 10809047
    Abstract: A welding gauge and method of use that allows a user to measure the difference in height between a first material surface with that of a second material surface when they are welded together along the same plane or at an angle. The gauge has a first plate with a foot portion and a bottom reference edge. The first plate is connected to a second plate at an axis of rotation corresponding to a circular measurement scale located on the first plate. The gauge also has a third plate that is attachable to the second and slidably connected through vertical slots located in said second and third plates. The third plate has a bottom contact edge and tolerance indicators along its left and right edges that can align with a tolerance measurement scale located on the second plate and along the vertical slot of the second plate.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: August 19, 2015
    Date of Patent: October 20, 2020
    Inventor: Gary P Rettig
  • Patent number: 10809407
    Abstract: A tool for locating the position of an electrical junction box on a finished wall surface has a vertical support beam to which is attached a junction box position marking mechanism. When in use, the support beam rests upon a floor surface that is proximate to the wall and the marking mechanism can be forced into contact with the wall surface leaving an imprint that can be later used as a guide to position an electrical junction box. The marking mechanism can be connected to the support beam in a manner that permits it to be adjusted along the length of the support beam. Alternatively, the marking mechanism can be comprised of a template that serves as a guide for the operator to trace a line around at least a portion of the circumference of the interior opening of the template.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: September 26, 2018
    Date of Patent: October 20, 2020
    Inventor: Richmond Hornby
  • Patent number: 10788305
    Abstract: A device for measuring and/or marking height is disclosed. The device comprises a rear section, side sections coupled to the rear section. Further, the device comprises a front section coupled to the side sections. The side sections comprise a rod receiving section. Further, the device comprises a rod coupled to the rod receiving sections. The device comprises a paper wound onto the rod, in which one end is coupled to the rod. The device is coupled to a wall or a door at a height from the ground and free end of paper is pulled down to mark height of a user and the paper is made to retrieve into the device when not in use.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: December 17, 2018
    Date of Patent: September 29, 2020
    Inventor: Mark Neu
  • Patent number: 10788302
    Abstract: The modular bore gauge system comprises a plurality of modular spring-loaded bore gauge head adaptors, each having a bore gauge head on a first end thereof and having a female threaded second end, a plurality of modular spring-loaded depth extensions, each having a first male threaded end and a second female threaded end and configured to have its first end screwed onto the second end of one bore gauge head adaptors or to have its first end screwed onto the second end of another one of the depth extensions, and a modular indicator adaptor, configured to have an indicator fitted on a first end thereof and a male threaded second end and configured to have its second end screwed onto the second end of one of the bore gauge head adaptors or screwed onto the second end of a last in line of one of the depth extensions.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: September 7, 2018
    Date of Patent: September 29, 2020
    Assignee: Dorsey Metrology International
    Inventor: Mark R. Swenson, Jr.
  • Patent number: 10788300
    Abstract: A tape measure apparatus including a housing having a base-wall, a retractable measuring tape disposed within, and a first-set of indicia markings beginning at a second-end of the base-wall and terminating at a second-tape-end of the retractable measuring tape. The first-set of indicia markings comprise of graduated measurements for measuring a distance between two surfaces or objects. The tape measure apparatus, having the first-set of indicia markings and a lock-mechanism, is useful for enabling a user to accurately measure the distance without bending or distorting the retractable measuring tape and for convenient reading of the measurement result.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: July 25, 2018
    Date of Patent: September 29, 2020
    Inventors: Nikolay Suvorov, Olga Suvorova
  • Patent number: 10788306
    Abstract: In order to improve a method for positioning a centre point of a second machine tool unit of a machine tool on a geometric axis of a first machine tool unit of the machine tool, wherein the second machine tool unit has a circular path concentric with the centre point, and wherein the first machine tool unit has a component that is rotatable about the geometric axis, in such a way that said method can be performed by an operator easily, reliably and within a short timeframe, it is proposed that a measuring unit is arranged in a defined manner relative to the geometric axis and the position of the circular path relative to the geometric axis is established using the measuring unit, that the position of the centre point of the circular path in the geometric plane relative to the geometric axis is calculated, and that adjustment paths in the geometric plane, which are associated with the adjustment directions, for positioning the centre point on the geometric axis are calculated, and that the machine tool units a
    Type: Grant
    Filed: September 12, 2018
    Date of Patent: September 29, 2020
    Assignee: Index-Werke GmbH and Co. KG Hahn and Tessky
    Inventors: Stefan Grossmann, Stefan Stifter, Markus Reinert
  • Patent number: 10788810
    Abstract: The present disclosure relates to a method for the automatic determination of the geometrical dimensions of a tool having a machining region in worm thread form, in particular of a grinding worm, wherein in the method: a measurement element is directed to the tool for the detection of a distance, the tool is set into rotation with respect to the measurement element, and a conclusion is drawn on the geometry of the tool on the basis of distance values that were detected by the measurement element during the rotation of the tool.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: September 13, 2018
    Date of Patent: September 29, 2020
    Inventor: Josef Hörburger
  • Patent number: 10775150
    Abstract: An optical roughness sensor for a coordinate measuring machine, comprising a beam coupling unit for coupling and decoupling optical radiation, a local reference oscillator element for providing a reference path and an interferometric reference signal by means of a reference radiation component of the radiation, a first decoupling path comprising a first beam passage window for bidirectional transmission of a measuring radiation component of the radiation such that the measuring radiation component is aligned onto an object surface to be measured and a reflection of the measuring radiation component is acquired and a surface signal is provided by the reflected measuring radiation component. The reference path and the decoupling path interact such that the reference signal and the surface signal interfere and a roughness signal is derivable.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: July 25, 2018
    Date of Patent: September 15, 2020
    Inventor: Thomas Jensen
  • Patent number: 10773330
    Abstract: Methods and systems are provided herein for measuring 3D apparatus (e.g., manual tool or tool accessory) orientation. Example implementations use an auto-nulling algorithm that incorporates a quaternion-based unscented Kalman filter. Example implementations use a miniature inertial measurement unit endowed with a tri-axis gyro and a tri-axis accelerometer. The auto-nulling algorithm serves as an in-line calibration procedure to compensate for the gyro drift, which has been verified to significantly improve the estimation accuracy in three-dimensions, especially in the heading estimation.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: May 22, 2018
    Date of Patent: September 15, 2020
    Assignee: University of Kentucky Research Foundation
    Inventors: Yuming Zhang, WeiJie Zhang
  • Patent number: 10775147
    Abstract: A hexapod CMM or hexapod-like CMM has a base structure and a movable structure connected to each other by at least three telescopically extendable legs via spherical joints. Each of the telescopically extendable legs comprises a linear first member and a linear second member having countersliding surfaces and are designed in such a way that allows a relative, linear movement of the first linear member and the second linear member. Further each of the telescopically extendable legs has an air cushioning mechanism, which comprises at least one air supply system connected to at least one source of compressed air and having at least one air escape. The air escape is arranged in such a way that compressed air escaping the air escape flows into a gap between the countersliding surfaces of the at least two linear members of the leg cushioning the two linear members against each other.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: August 31, 2018
    Date of Patent: September 15, 2020
    Inventors: Claudio Iseli, Bernhard Sprenger
  • Patent number: 10767970
    Abstract: A tape measure including a housing defining an interior and an exterior, where the housing has an opening. A spool is rotatable within the interior of the housing. A tape is at least partially coiled around the spool and extends through the opening of the housing. The tape is movable between an extended position and a retracted position. A biasing member is disposed within the interior of the housing, and the biasing member biases the tape towards the retracted position. The tape measure further includes a bumper disposed at least partially within the housing and having a channel that receives the tape such that the tape extends through the channel. The bumper is movable relative to the housing and is configured to move in response to movement of the tape.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: August 20, 2018
    Date of Patent: September 8, 2020
    Assignee: Milwaukee Electric Tool Corporation
    Inventors: Jacob Feuerstein, Roger D. Neitzell, Abhijeet A. Khangar
  • Patent number: 10767972
    Abstract: Disclosed herein are measuring assemblies including a measuring assembly for measuring one or more dimensions of a pipe that has an inner surface and an outer surface, which measuring assembly may include: a cylindrical housing capable of being disposed at least in part inside the pipe, the cylindrical housing having an inner housing space and a housing wall with an inner housing surface and an outer housing surface; a bearing disposed in the housing wall; and a probe rotatably coupled to the housing, wherein the probe is capable of providing one or more dimensions of the pipe.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: March 26, 2020
    Date of Patent: September 8, 2020
    Inventor: Mark Turnbaugh