Patents Examined by HoangAnh T. Le
  • Patent number: 5745083
    Abstract: A slotted leaky waveguide array antenna comprises a flat, thin bottom plate made of a metallic material; a flat, thin slotted plate made of a metallic material, and disposed parallel with the bottom plate at a predetermined distance from the bottom plate to form a space between the slotted plate and the bottom plate, the slotted plate being formed with a plurality of slots arranged in substantially parallel rows extending in a predetermined guide axial direction; a plurality of flat, thin side walls made of a metallic material and arranged in the space so as to partition the space between the bottom plate and the slotted plate into a plurality of waveguides communicating with each other and including radiation waveguides extending in parallel in the guide axial direction, a lower surface of each of the side walls being fixed to the bottom plate and an upper surface thereof being fixed to the slotted plate; and an electrically conductive adhesive agent layer between the upper surface of each of the side walls
    Type: Grant
    Filed: April 29, 1997
    Date of Patent: April 28, 1998
    Assignees: Nippon Steel Corporation, Mikuni Corporation
    Inventors: Masahiro Uematsu, Nobuharu Takahashi, Takashi Ojima, Hiroaki Kawaguchi, Yutaka Arai, Yoshikazu Takahashi, Seiji Koyama
  • Patent number: 5739791
    Abstract: An antenna that may be retrofitted for incorporation in an internal compartment of a computer terminal when a radio transmitter or receiver is installed in an expansion slot of the computer terminal. The present invention provides a radio receiver/transmitter communication system for a computer terminal. The computer terminal includes an expansion slot operative to receive a radio transmitter or receiver and includes an enclosed compartment defined in the housing of the computer terminal. The enclosed compartment is separate from the expansion slot. The radio receiver/transmitter communication system includes a printed circuit board and a radio frequency communication medium. The radio frequency communication medium is etched on a first side of the printed circuit board, thereby forming a circuit board antenna, and the printed circuit board antenna is positioned within the enclosed compartment of the computer terminal.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: November 6, 1995
    Date of Patent: April 14, 1998
    Assignee: LXE Inc.
    Inventors: Jonathan D. Barefield, Hosea D. Dorris, Emory P. Long
  • Patent number: 5739793
    Abstract: A mobile communication information terminal apparatus comprises a mobile mainframe; a radio portion which is provided in the mainframe for transmitting and receiving via a radio channel; a control portion which is provided in the mainframe and connected to the radio portion for transmitting and receiving communication information; an operating portion which is provided in the mainframe for providing the communication information with the control portion by an operation from outside; a storage portion which is provided in the main frame for storing the communication information; an antenna attachment portion which is provided on a surface of the mainframe; a helical antenna which is provide in the antenna attachment portion and electrically connected to the radio portion; a combination antenna/touch pen comprising an electrical conductor portion having a predetermined length, which is attached into the antenna attachment portion along with a central axis of the helical antenna, wherein a tip of the combination
    Type: Grant
    Filed: September 18, 1996
    Date of Patent: April 14, 1998
    Assignee: Mitsubishi Denki Kabushiki Kaisha
    Inventor: Keigo Adachi
  • Patent number: 5739792
    Abstract: A wireless communication device (20) provides a matching state between a radio circuit (28) and an antenna assembly (26) in both its retracted and extended positions, and does so with an elegant design that increases reliability and manufacturability by reducing the number and complexity of components and moving mechanical parts. A matching circuit (30), which is reconfigured according to a switch (32) that is responsive to the antenna's position, provides the matching states. Furthermore, the switch (32) can be integrally formed as part of a feed terminal (36), the feed terminal (36) and a ground terminal (38) can hold the antenna in position, and the ground terminal (38) can hold a guiding tube (52).
    Type: Grant
    Filed: December 22, 1995
    Date of Patent: April 14, 1998
    Assignee: Motorola, Inc.
    Inventors: Brian J. Hassemer, James D. Domoleczny, Stephen J. Gaynes, Jin D. Kim
  • Patent number: 5739795
    Abstract: The receiver which comprises a flat picture screen (20) has an antenna which comprises two articulated main plates (4, 5) symmetrically disposed on either one of the two sides of the screen, and forming an angle with each other, as well as two plates (2, 3) parallel with the screen and symmetrical to each other relative to the median vertical plane (19) of the screen.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: April 3, 1996
    Date of Patent: April 14, 1998
    Assignee: U.S. Philips Corporation
    Inventors: Pierre Chanteau, Bram P. Van Sambeek, Steven T. Slot, Daniele Santilli
  • Patent number: 5736966
    Abstract: The invention relates to a microwave antenna for the generation of a beam with adjustable parameters. Use is made of a reflective Fresnel zone plate that is written into a thin layer of silicon by means of a laser plus deflection means. A reflector is positioned behind the Fresnel zone plate for reflecting microwave radiation that is not reflected by the Fresnel zone plate.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: August 1, 1996
    Date of Patent: April 7, 1998
    Assignee: Hollandse Signaalapparaten B.V.
    Inventor: Bernard Jozef Reits
  • Patent number: 5736727
    Abstract: Apparatus for infrared communication between a first electronic device (10, FIG. 7) such as a notebook computer which has a slot (84) for receiving an IC card, and a second electronic device (104) such as a computer, printer, etc. that has an infrared transmit/detect unit (100) (or another notebook computer with a slot). The apparatus includes an IC card (82) with a rigid frame (112, FIG. 8) having a front portion (114) that holds a connector (88), the frame having a rear portion (116) that projects rearwardly from the slot and that holds an infrared emitter (120) and an infrared detector (122). As a result, the first electronic device fixes the position and orientation of the emitter and detector. The IC card with the emitter and detector preferably has a width (W) and thickness (T) as prescribed by JEIDA and PC CARD standards. The emitter preferably includes a plurality of emitter elements (141-144) spaced laterally along the rear end portion of the card to provide increased power in a small thickness.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: November 22, 1995
    Date of Patent: April 7, 1998
    Inventors: Eiichi Nakata, Masahiro Hirayama
  • Patent number: 5736965
    Abstract: A radio frequency antenna for use with a wall mounted transmitter and/or receiver for receiving and/or transmitting signals adapted to control a control device and/or indicate status of the control device. The antenna includes an insulating substrate sized to fit within an area defined by a faceplate sized to cover an outwardly facing opening of an electrical wallbox. Conductors are disposed on both sides of the substrate forming a capacitive component. At least one of the conductors is adapted to radiate radio frequency energy into the environment. The one conductor is electrically coupled to the other conductor, and the one conductor has a pattern such that the conductor is absent in areas so as to provide the antenna with an inductive component. The at least one conductor further provides a connection to the transmitter and/or receiver.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: February 7, 1996
    Date of Patent: April 7, 1998
    Assignee: Lutron Electronics Co. Inc.
    Inventors: Donald R. Mosebrook, Richard C. Compton, Joel S. Spira
  • Patent number: 5734354
    Abstract: A dual polarized flat plate antenna structure has a single circular waveguide output accommodating probes for separate orthogonally polarized signals. A housing to be affixed to the antenna structure contains a low noise block having a single circular waveguide input with complementary probes. The housing is rotatable relative to the antenna structure about the common axis of the waveguides. The low noise block incorporates switching means for selectively coupling the output signals of the antenna array structure with a common low noise block input circuit. Rotation of the low noise block enables the angle of the polarizing coupling between the array output probes and the low noise block input probes to be varied.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: November 13, 1995
    Date of Patent: March 31, 1998
    Assignee: Northern Telecom Limited
    Inventor: Alan Twelves
  • Patent number: 5734356
    Abstract: This invention discloses an improved construction for portable disk antenna. This construction mainly comprises a disk antenna body, an outer member, an inner member, and a base. The outer member may rotate over 360 degrees about a first axis relative to the base. The inner member is rotably fitted into the outer member. The disk antenna body is connected to the inner member such that the disk antenna body, together with the inner member, can be rotated with respect to the outer member within an appropriate angular range about a second axis perpendicular to the first axis. This invention is characterized by further comprising an azimuth calibrating device having an azimuth calibration scale formed thereon for calibrating the azimuth deviation of the disk antenna body before use according to the indication of a compass; and an elevation calibrating device having an elevation scale formed thereon for calibrating the elevation deviation of the disk antenna body according to the indication of a level instrument.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: June 7, 1996
    Date of Patent: March 31, 1998
    Assignee: RF-Link Systems, Inc.
    Inventor: Johnny Chang
  • Patent number: 5734350
    Abstract: A Radio Frequency (RF) microstrip antenna employs a planar or curved radiator element that is mounted or supported in spaced relation to a planar or curved ground plane element. A RF feed is attached near one edge of the radiator element for receiving and/or transmitting RF signals in a lobe that is substantially perpendicular to the ground plane element. The radiator element and the ground plane element are maintained in a converging or tilted physical relationship. When a coaxial cable is employed as the antenna feed, the cable's outer insulation is secured to the ground plane element, the cable's center conductor extends away from the ground plane element to provide a signal feed to the radiator element and to provide physical support for one edge of the radiator element, and two insulator posts extend away from the ground plane element to provide support for the opposite edge of the radiator element.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: April 8, 1996
    Date of Patent: March 31, 1998
    Assignee: Xertex Technologies, Inc.
    Inventors: Douglas Robert Deming, Dax Craig, Robert Eugene Munson, Joseph Theofil Negler
  • Patent number: 5734351
    Abstract: The invention relates to a double-action, two-piece antenna structure whose first antenna part, preferably a helix antenna (1), is fixedly connected to the antenna port of a radio communications set, and the second antenna port, preferably a rod antenna (2), is movable with respect to the first antenna part. In an active position, the second antenna part (2) is coupled to the first antenna part (1), forming a serial connection whose electrical length is as great as or greater than the electrical length of the first antenna part alone.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: May 29, 1996
    Date of Patent: March 31, 1998
    Assignee: LK-Products Oy
    Inventors: Seppo Ojantakanen, Seppo Raatikainen, Petteri Annamaa, Tero Haapamaki
  • Patent number: 5731791
    Abstract: An antenna configuration for a portable radio set provides a helical antenna, a rod antenna and an antenna connecting device that selectively connects the two antennas to a printed substrate to enable their operation. When the rod antenna is partially retracted within the interior of a body housing beyond a threshold point where the antenna connecting device becomes electrically disengaged from the rod antenna, the antenna connecting device elastically returns to an original position and becomes electrically connected to the helical antenna. Alternatively, when the rod antenna is fully extended from the body housing, the antenna connecting device is electrically connected to the rod antenna. The present invention provides advantages in that a large amount of radiating power may be distributed in accordance with the length of the rod antenna, thereby minimizing any radiating interference caused by a user's body and reducing the loss of radiating power.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: January 16, 1996
    Date of Patent: March 24, 1998
    Assignee: SamSung Electronics Co., Ltd.
    Inventor: Chang-Weon Jang
  • Patent number: 5731575
    Abstract: A system and method for the discrete identification of a duress transaction at an ATM banking machine. The system and method allows the customer to alert the police that a crime is taking place without alerting the criminal that an alarm has been given by the entry of an access number equating to a non-prestored personal distress or emergency number in place of the stored PIN number. When an access number is entered to begin a transaction, the system compares the entered access number with the prestored PIN number. If the entered access number is the same as the PIN number, the transaction proceeds as normal. If not, an algorithmic function is applied to either the entered access number or the PIN number. These two number are then again compared and if after application of the algorithmic function they are the same, then the duress signal is triggered.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: April 21, 1997
    Date of Patent: March 24, 1998
    Inventors: Joseph P. Zingher, Abraham R. Zingher
  • Patent number: 5729237
    Abstract: A layered antenna having a linear array of radiating elements 11 is disclosed. Each radiating element comprises an aperture with one or more probes 16,18 which extend into the area defined by the aperture. The elements are deformed about an axis parallel with a longitudinal axis of the linear array to provide beam control. A method of manufacture is also disclosed.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: January 17, 1995
    Date of Patent: March 17, 1998
    Assignee: Northern Telecom Limited
    Inventor: Roger Charles Webb
  • Patent number: 5729238
    Abstract: A system for preventing the interruption of satellite communications between an earth antenna and a satellite during inclement weather. The system is comprised of a cover, which covers the antenna and substantially prevents the accumulation of snow and precipitation on the antenna, and a heating system which provides heated air to a space between the cover and the antenna to inhibit snow from sticking to the cover and also to inhibit the formation of frozen moisture on the cover during freezing rain and freezing fog conditions. In one embodiment, the system has an electric, gas or oil heater and a blower system which draws air from the space between the cover and the antenna, heats this air and then recirculates the heated air back to the space. Further, the heating system is equipped with a temperature and moisture sensor unit and a controller.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: July 16, 1996
    Date of Patent: March 17, 1998
    Inventor: William B. Walton, Jr.
  • Patent number: 5726666
    Abstract: An antenna comprising a waveguide component and a probe assembly, coupled to the antenna assembly, for distributing radio frequency (RF) energy to slots positioned on at least one of the broad walls of the waveguide component. The probe assembly can be positioned at the approximate center point of the waveguide component to present a desired impedance to the waveguide cavity and to distribute RF energy of substantially equal amplitude and phase to each section of the waveguide cavity. The probe assembly includes a post, connected to one or both of the rear and front walls, and a probe pin. The post, which is typically positioned within the center of the waveguide cavity, comprises (1) a post cavity located within and extending along at least a portion of the post, and (2) a post slot having an opening located along the post and traversing the post cavity.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: April 2, 1996
    Date of Patent: March 10, 1998
    Assignee: EMS Technologies, Inc.
    Inventors: John C. Hoover, David J. Kiesling
  • Patent number: 5717411
    Abstract: A radiating waveguide comprises an elongated waveguide with a transverse cross-section dimensioned to carry only the dominant mode at a selected operating frequency. One wall of the waveguide forms a continuous non-resonant longitudinal slot or equivalent thereof to produce a radiated field polarized perpendicularly to the slot. The slot extends substantially parallel to the axis of the waveguide and has a transverse dimension that is sufficiently narrow to substantially avoid the radiation of a field polarized parallel to the slot.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: April 19, 1995
    Date of Patent: February 10, 1998
    Assignee: Andrew Corporation
    Inventors: Charles M. Knop, Edward L. Ostertag, Gregory S. Orseno
  • Patent number: 5714962
    Abstract: Array antenna has a number of radiating elements and is provided with an arrangement to reduce the reflection of the incident radiation in a direction opposite to that of the incident radiation. The arrangement includes electrically conducting elements which are located between the radiating elements and substantially parallel to the electrical field of the radiating elements.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: May 9, 1997
    Date of Patent: February 3, 1998
    Assignee: Telefonaktiebolaget LM Ericsson
    Inventor: Lars Gustaf Josefsson
  • Patent number: 5714961
    Abstract: A directional planar antenna is disclosed. The antenna has an array of coaxial ring-slot radiating elements formed through a conductive layer on a dielectric substrate. A number of probes, coupled to the ring-slot elements, selectively excite a separate resonant mode on each ring-slot element. The resonant mode supported by a ring-slot element depends upon the geometry of that ring-slot element. The resonant modes combine in the far field to form a radiation pattern directional in azimuth and elevation. By adjustment of the relative phase difference or relative amplitude between the excited modes, the radiation pattern can be steered.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: June 4, 1996
    Date of Patent: February 3, 1998
    Assignee: Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
    Inventors: John Seward Kot, Trevor Stanley Bird, Nasiha Nikolic