Abstract: An Achilles tendon rehabilitation brace for protecting motion that may be imposed on a repaired Achilles tendon following surgical anastomosis consisting of a member receiving shoewear to be received and secured upon a rugged slip resistant sole, side arms having upper and lower extremities vertically disposed proximate an ankle portion, the lower extremity securely attached to the sole, the upper extremity pivotally securely attached to a lower terminus corresponding medial and lateral uprights, an upper terminus of the medial and lateral uprights coupled to flexible, spring resilient strap engaging upon a calf area of one's leg, toe arm member having upper and lower extremities generally vertically disposed proximate an instep area of the toe, the lower extremity securely attached to the sole, the upper extremity pivotally securely attached to a lower terminus of an extensible link, an upper terminous of the link coupled to an instep side portion of the strap, and a tension adjustable spring member included
Abstract: A colicky infant's vestibular and auditory centers are stimulated mechanically to simulate womb conditions to ease the transition from womb to postgestational life. In this soothing method an infant is placed in a crib with a mattress and having padded protective sides assuring appropriate positioning on the mattress, to which is imparted a regular, repetitive low frequency sine wave motion progressively traveling longitudinally thereof with simultaneous vibrations, whereby the infant experiences gentle, low frequency, regular, progressive, traveling sine wave motion plus hearing and sensing subdued vibrations like sensations previously experienced in the womb. The protective padded sides encircling the infant offer a warm enclosure while subduing or muffling exterior sounds.
Abstract: A shell-like orthopedic brace is described which is divided into two halves and is prefabricated in various shapes and sizes. The measurement and applications of this device is used as required on any member of the patient's body. Two molded parts or shells are formed to the shape and size of the specific member or limb of the body where a brace is needed. The inside of each molded part or shell is fabricated to include cushionlike supports or suchioned areas of a soft material that are joined to the shell. These cushioned areas are placed between grooves in the shell. To provide air circulation, holes are positioned equally along the grooves and are opened through the shell.Construction for the utmost safety, the left and right parts come together precisely. This construction makes the device very stable.
Abstract: The present invention discloses an improved hand therapy apparatus, wherein the hand is supported in an elevated upright position, and a therapeutic fluid and a therapeutic energy are directed at the hand.
Abstract: A knee guard and brace having both lateral and medial side members in which a single, medial condyle support pad is affixed to a plate hingedly connected to the inner side of an upper longitudinal rib within the medial side member. A spacer mounted on the plate and rotatable about a pivot thereon determines the angle at which the longitudinal centerlines of the medial condyle support pad and of the upper rib are inclined with respect to each other when the pad is pressed as far as possible medially, that is, in a direction toward the median plane of the human body. The spacer includes an eccentric arm with a ramp which can be rotated about the pivot. The medial condyle support pad is readily positioned to accommodate a particular user without elaborate custom-fitting once the thigh and calf support pads in the lateral side member have been custom-fitted to his leg and strapped thereon.
Abstract: A foot brace for correcting paralysis caused by cerebral vascular impairment. The brace has a heel cup for positioning around the wearer's heel and a portion of the wearer's foot and clamp means flexibly connected to and extending upward from the heel cup to an elevation where it may be clamped on the wearer's leg immediately above the wearer's ankle. A binder encircles at least portions of the clamp means to enable the clamp means to be tightened around the leg.
Abstract: Device for externally fixing and/or imparting traction to the cervical spine having a fastening ring attached to the patient's head, the ring having plural outwardly projecting fastening bearings. A plurality of support bearing are affixed to the chest and/or back of the patient and the fastening and support bearing are connected together by plural connecting rods. The connecting and support bearings include clamping elements and ball joints which are connected to the connecting rods by the clamping elements. The ball joints are preferably composed of a pin having a spherical head. The fastening ring includes a bore having an internal thread, the pin having a reduced diameter at its end opposite the spherical head, the pin having an external thread which is threadable into the corresponding internal thread of the bore.
Abstract: Ventilator adapted to be connected to a source of gas comprising a case and an inlet adapted to be connected to the source of gas. It also is comprised of an oscillator cartridge carried by the case having a body with an inlet and an outlet and a flow passage interconnecting the inlet and the outlet. A valve member is carried by the body and is movable between open and closed positions with respect to the outlet. A diaphragm is also carried by the body and is connected to the valve member. A servo port is carried by the body for supplying gas to one side of the diaphragm to cause movement of the diaphragm to move the valve member between open and closed positions to interrupt the flow of gas from the inlet to the outlet. An adjustable impact metering valve is provided for metering the flow of gas to the servo port. A patient adapter and a pneumatic clutching device having an output coupled to the airway of the patient adapter are provided.
Abstract: A human knee stabilizer having a semi-rigid posteriorly open U-shaped cuff for the upper leg,a semi-rigid, generally prism-shaped cuff for the lower leg which has a generally triangular cross section,rigid lateral and medial upper support arms,rigid lateral and medial lower support arms,lateral and medial polycentric pivot structures connecting the upper support arms to the lower support arms,at least one pre-molded condylar pad,an interior generally inelastic strap attached at one end to one of the two faces of the lower leg-engaging cuff adjacent a vertically-extending gap in the prism-shaped cuff and having a free end attachable to the other face adjacent the vertically extending gap to complete the encirclement of the wearer's lower leg when the lower leg-engaging cuff is in position on the wearer's lower leg,an exterior, elastic strap attached at one end to a face of the lower leg-engaging cuff and having a free end attachable to a different face,an elastic strap attached at one end on one side of the po
Abstract: An improvement to a face mask is disclosed which has two eyepieces, a pliable full face covering, breathing means and means for sealing and securing the mask to the face of a wearer. The improvement being nose occluding means which include a pair of prong members made of a rigid material. Each prong member is adjustably attached at one end thereof to a lower rim portion of a respective eyepiece at an angle with respect thereto so that it is directed inwardly toward the nose of the wearer. A method of nose occlusion in order to perform the valsalva maneuvre utilizing the improved face mask is also disclosed.
June 29, 1988
Date of Patent:
May 22, 1990
Her Majesty the Queen in Right of Canada, as represented by the Minister of National Defence of Her Majesty's Canadian Government
Abstract: A device for limiting the intermalleolar expansion in the mortise of a human ankle without significantly limiting the range of ankle dorsiflexion or plantar flexion.
Abstract: A planar body stimulating assembly that includes a plurality of rows of spheroidal silicon rubber members connected by a single cable having ends alternately pulled by a single reciprocating shock absorbing tension assembly.
Abstract: An improved method and apparatus for promoting flow of a body fluid within a human limb, which has been subjected to an amputation procedure, wherein a novel distal inflatable cell having a pair of inflatable cell portions, one of which encompasses such a limb adjacent the stump end thereof and the other of which extends transversely across the stump end thereof, is utilized in a novel method of therapy to treat Lymphedema and similar fluid accumulation disorders of the extremities.
Abstract: Conventional massage devices rely on rotary motion for massaging the skin or tissue of the user. A massage device for effecting a gentle kneading of the scalp includes a casing with an open bottom end, a pair of crossbars slidably mounted in tracks in such opening for cyclical reciprocating movement towards and away from each other, fingers extending downwardly from each of the crossbars, resilient pads on the outer, free ends of the fingers, a pair of meshing gears above the crossbars between the tracks, arms eccentrically connected to the gears and connected to the crossbars for effecting reciprocating movement of the crossbars in the tracks and of the fingers and pads with the crossbars, an electric motor, and speed reducing transmission means connected to the motor and to the gears for rotating the latter at a slow speed.
Abstract: The invention is directed to a single stage snowthrower wherein a flat rear wall section of an impeller housing, a rear wall of a chute opening and the central axis of an external chute are all aligned to more efficiently remove snow. A gate is also provided to control the recirculation of snow through the impeller housing. The gate may comprise a sliding dam movable along a straight line into the housing. In a further embodiment of the present invention a pivotable dam is disposed between sidewalls of the impeller housing to vary the throat area into the chute opening in accordance with the wet or dry conditions of the snow.
July 27, 1988
Date of Patent:
April 17, 1990
Textron, Inc.
Jaroslav J. Olmr, Robert D. Batting, John W. Hopkins
Abstract: An orthopaedic hinge mechanism has a body with at least one pivot and at least one hinge arm mounted thereon and having two cam abutment stops which arise from the said hinge arm either side of and close to the pivot.Screw adjustment means are housed in threaded holes in the hinge body in the plane of the hinge arms and may be driven down to impinge on the cam abutment stops. The plane of the operating surfaces of the cam abutment stops is at right angles to the axis of the motion limiting screws. The mechanism provides limiting and locking possibilities over a clinically useful range.
Abstract: A combination back scratcher/body massager is provided by attaching to one surface of a backing fabric a hook-portion strip of a hook-and-pile fastener, and attaching to the other surface face of the backing fabric the pile-portion strip of the hook-and-pile fastener. The pile-portion strip is usable as a massager, while the hook-portion strip is usable as a scratcher. The product may be used as a head band or robe sash.
Abstract: A method of making a harness that significantly facilitates application and enhances its effectiveness in infants with congenital hip dislocation. The novel and significant features of the invention include adjustable attachment of the leg straps at the legs just below the knees and not at the chest, use of an attached toe-cover to prevent slippage of the foot from the stirrup, and color-coding of the leg straps to prevent wrong attachments.
Abstract: A passive range of motion (PROM) device which manipulates hand muscles of patients suffering from contracture. The PROM device includes a glove for receiving the hand of a patient where the glove has an elastic sleeve secured to a palm side of the glove adjacent the points on the glove where fingers join the hand. The elastic sleeve is inflated to stretch and separate the fingers, and is deflated to allow the fingers to contract.
Abstract: A hip stabilizer for a patient who still has control of the muscles in his leg to prevent atrophy of the muscles, characterized by a non-inflatable, adjustable belt, serving to engage the hips, the belt being adjustable for fitting the hips of any patient; a hip pad disposed on a desired side of the patient when in place, at least one metal biasing means on one of the hip pads for controlling the thigh of the patient at a desired angle of abduction in the range of from 0-90 degrees, preferably 0-15 degrees, with respect to the downwardly extending hip pad; non-inflatable, adjustable thigh engaging mechanism. In the preferred embodiment, the thigh engaging means includes a longitudinally extending member, a deformable plastic pad and a plurality of straps that extend around the pad and the thigh. It is also preferred that suitable padded material be interspersed, or disposed between the respective elements and the body.