Patents Examined by Joseph Thomas
  • Patent number: 5475586
    Abstract: An electronic dictionary for storing a plurality of items such as idioms, where each item includes an entry string and information associated with the entry string. The entry string includes a first representative symbol representing a plurality of words having a prescribed common attribute. The information may include more than one representative symbol with each representing a separate group of words having a common attribute. An information retrieval apparatus identifies an input character string and an entry string by regarding the first representative symbol as being the same as any one of the words which the symbol represents, and outputs the information corresponding to the identified entry string. The dictionary enables information to be stored more efficiently and economically.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: May 4, 1993
    Date of Patent: December 12, 1995
    Assignee: Sharp Kabushiki Kaisha
    Inventors: Ichiko Sata, Shuzo Kugimiya
  • Patent number: 5475588
    Abstract: A system is provided for dramatically decreasing the time required to parse a sentence by automatically converting a context-free grammar into a lexicalized form called lexicalized context-free grammar (LCFG) which is used in the parsing process. Lexicalized context-free grammar employs adjoining but, to decrease parsing time, only allows non-wrapping adjoining. The lexicalized context-free grammar is parsed using a parser that decreases parsing time by filtering the grammar based on the words in a sentence and maintaining the valid prefix property while parsing.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: June 18, 1993
    Date of Patent: December 12, 1995
    Assignee: Mitsubishi Electric Research Laboratories, Inc.
    Inventors: Yves Schabes, Richard C. Waters
  • Patent number: 5467269
    Abstract: An apparatus and method provides for the crediting of accounts of a user for purchasing a given product. A manufacturer establishes an account with a service bureau who, in turn, sets up an access line such that the user can access the line to obtain a credit on his account. The account is typically a distinct account for each user associated with each user's individual access line. The service bureau can tabulate total credits for a given user during a given time period and then each user's account can be credited as appropriate.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: May 31, 1994
    Date of Patent: November 14, 1995
    Assignee: J. B. Laughrey, Inc.
    Inventor: Lawrence M. Flaten
  • Patent number: 5463549
    Abstract: Characteristics of invasion profiles exhibiting effects of gravity, and particularly their manifestations on resistivity logs of a plurality of different radial depths of investigation, are used to determine formation characteristics, including vertical permeability. One embodiment includes the following steps: suspending a logging tool in the borehole; producing a plurality of resistivity measurements, having respectively different radial depths of investigation, as the logging device is moved through the borehole, to obtain a plurality of resistivity logs; determining the presence of a buoyancy marker in the resistivity logs in a formation bed invaded with filtrate from the drilling mud, and the extent of the buoyancy marker; and determining permeability of the formations as a function of the extent of the buoyancy marker.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: October 15, 1993
    Date of Patent: October 31, 1995
    Assignee: Schlumberger Technology Corporation
    Inventors: Elizabeth B. Dussan V., Francois M. Auzerais, Barbara I. Anderson
  • Patent number: 5437838
    Abstract: A multi-tasking clinical laboratory work-flow system for test sample and reagent transfer to semi-automate various laboratory assays. The system includes a controller having a menu of protocols which provide format instructions to a robotic sample transfer device. The sample transfer device includes a work-flow surface (deck) having defined coordinates for mounting one or more test racks and one or more reaction mediums, and means for interacting a test sample with one or more reagent(s) or gel in a reaction medium.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: June 16, 1994
    Date of Patent: August 1, 1995
    Assignee: Ciba Corning Diagnostics Corp.
    Inventors: Victoria E. DeMoranville, James E. Ellis
  • Patent number: 5424945
    Abstract: A system evaluates the psychological effect of an image embodied in image data. At least one subset of the image data is identified by a visually-perceptible characteristic thereof. A point-score relating to the extent of the visually-perceptible characteristic is derived from at least one visually-perceptible characteristic of the identified data. The point-score is then applied to an algorithm relating to a predetermined psychological effect.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: August 31, 1993
    Date of Patent: June 13, 1995
    Assignee: Xerox Corporation
    Inventor: Jean P. Bell
  • Patent number: 5416697
    Abstract: A method for determining rock mechanical properties and for selecting a drill bit is disclosed. A set of electrical log data parameters over a selected zone in a wellbore is provided, and the respective shale and non-shale volumes are determined. A fluid-corrected Poisson's ratio for the non-shale volume is determined. Shear wave velocity for the shale volume is then determined and a corrected Poisson's ratio, relating to shale volume and fluid composition is determined. Uniaxial compressive strength, angle of internal friction, and cohesive shear strength can be determined, and drill bits selection can therefore be made more accurately.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: July 31, 1992
    Date of Patent: May 16, 1995
    Assignee: Chevron Research and Technology Company
    Inventor: Harvey E. Goodman
  • Patent number: 5414621
    Abstract: A system and method for determining comparative values of comparable properties based on assessment percentages and sales data of the comparable properties to ultimately determine a value for a subject property. In a first embodiment, the "assessment percentage" is the "base property tax" for the subject property and comparable property. A price/tax factor is computed for each comparable property by dividing the sale (or sold) price of the comparable property by its base tax. The price/tax factor for each comparable property is then multiplied by the base tax of the subject property to generate a net comparative value for each comparable property. To take into account appreciation for recently sold comparable properties, an average appreciation is obtained for the area in which the subject and comparable properties are located. The average appreciation is pro rated to determine the comparative value for each comparable property.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: March 6, 1992
    Date of Patent: May 9, 1995
    Inventor: John R. Hough
  • Patent number: 5402337
    Abstract: A method and an apparatus for constructing three-dimensional surface shading image display from three-dimensional sequential tomographic images, capable of obtaining the distance image at a high speed by using a hardware configuration with a high general applicability. In the apparatus, an individual distance image for each of the tomographic images with respect to a predetermined reference plane is constructed; a synthesized distance image in which the individual distance images for all of the tomographic images are synthesized together is constructed, by sequentially carrying out an image extrema calculation between each individual distance image for each tomographic image and a previous synthesized distance image; a distance image for surface shading is constructed by applying an affine transformation to the synthesized distance image; and a surface shading image is obtained by applying a shading process to the distance image for surface shading.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: July 24, 1992
    Date of Patent: March 28, 1995
    Assignee: Kabushiki Kaisha Toshiba
    Inventor: Akihiko Nishide
  • Patent number: 5402338
    Abstract: Radiation images of an object constituted of tissues exhibiting different levels of radiation absorptivity are formed with two kinds of radiation having different energy levels. A first original image signal SO1 and a second original image signal SO2 representing the radiation images are detected. A superposition image signal is generated with a weighted addition expressed asS=(N2.sup.2 /(N1.sup.2 +N2.sup.2)).times.SO1+(N1.sup.2 /(N1.sup.2 +N2.sup.2)).times.SO2wherein N1 and N2 respectively represent noise contained in the first and second original image signals. A first image signal representing a first image primarily composed of patterns of first tissues of the object is generated by subtracting the first and second original image signals from each other. A first smoothed image signal representing a first smoothed image, in which noise of the first image has been reduced or eliminated, is generated by smoothing the first image signal.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: December 28, 1992
    Date of Patent: March 28, 1995
    Assignee: Fuji Photo Film Co., Ltd.
    Inventor: Wataru Ito
  • Patent number: 5400255
    Abstract: A computed tomography x-ray imaging system acquires a three-dimensional array of x-ray attenuation values using a cone beam x-ray source [(13)] and a curved two-dimensional array of detector elements [(16)]. Two-dimensional image slices [(55)] are reconstructed using a filtered back projection method, and corrections are made to the images to account for inaccuracies in the reconstruction method and for incomplete data due to the cone beam geometry.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: February 14, 1994
    Date of Patent: March 21, 1995
    Assignee: General Electric Company
    Inventor: Hui Hu
  • Patent number: 5377101
    Abstract: A computer-controlled method and expert system for urinary flow measurement, analysis and classification that facilitates accurate and reliable discrimination between normal and abnormal micturition. A diagnostic uroflow classification software routine is provided to facilitate reliable interpretation of urinary flow curves. The routine affords a reliable approach to interpret the uroflow curve by characterizing it by reliable and sensitive variables. It can then be determined if the values of these variables lie in the normal range or not. The classification system and method uses diagnostically significant variables with unambiguous definitions, reliable normal limits, and a standardized analysis procedure.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: February 21, 1992
    Date of Patent: December 27, 1994
    Inventor: Harm J. Rollema
  • Patent number: 5369572
    Abstract: A method for processing a radiographic image, containing: a step for calculating an average S.sub.m of original image data of an averaging area around each pixel of the radiographic image; and a step for transforming the original image data S of each pixel of the radiographic image to obtain a processed image data Q of each pixel in accordance with an equation, Q=S+.function.(S-S.sub.m), where .function.(S-S.sub.m) has a characteristic in at least one of first and second ranges of the difference S-S.sub.m, the difference S-S.sub.m is positive in the first range and negative in the second range, and according to the above characteristic, the absolute value .vertline.Q-S.vertline. varies in accordance with an increasing monotonic function of the absolute value .vertline.S-S.sub.m .vertline. when the absolute value .vertline.S-S.sub.m .vertline. is less than a predetermined value, and the absolute value .vertline.Q-S.vertline. varies in accordance with a decreasing monotonic function of the absolute value .
    Type: Grant
    Filed: March 20, 1992
    Date of Patent: November 29, 1994
    Assignee: Fujitsu Limited
    Inventors: Takahiro Haraki, Shiro Takeda, Fumihiro Namiki, Hideyuki Hirano, Kenji Ishiwata
  • Patent number: 5365428
    Abstract: A device is provided for reducing the number of ECG data sample points presented to a video display system to avoid overwhelming the video display screen with a number of ECG sample points and to present several seconds of data on the screen at the same time. The device ensures that the maximum and minimum values of the original ECG signal are displayed. A collection of consecutive points is broken into sub-groups which are each processed to produce representative amplitude values for each sub-group which representative values are then displayed on the display screen.In the preferred embodiment, the device includes a microprocessor with electronic memory which calculates a representative amplitude value for each sub-group. The representative amplitude value is chosen depending on whether the sub-group contains a local maximum or a minimum in the values of consecutively sampled points or whether the data points of the sub-group are part of a curve leading to a local maximum or minimum.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: January 21, 1992
    Date of Patent: November 15, 1994
    Assignee: Quinton Instrument Company
    Inventors: Victor M. dePinto, Curtis D. Kinghorn
  • Patent number: 5363298
    Abstract: A device and method for advising an individual (diver or aviator or caisson orker) how to proceed from a high ambient pressure to a lower one in a minimum amount of time without exceeding a specified acceptable risk of suffering decompression sickness. The central algorithm is calibrated to reliably estimate instantaneous risk for the pressure exposures and functions to rapidly provide the optimum (fastest) return to lower pressure.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: April 29, 1993
    Date of Patent: November 8, 1994
    Assignee: The United States of America as represented by the Secretary of the Navy
    Inventors: Shalini S. Survanshi, Paul K. Weathersby, Edward D. Thalmann
  • Patent number: 5349524
    Abstract: An ultrasonic imaging system for displaying color flow images includes a receiver which demodulates ultrasonic echo signals received by a transducer array and dynamically focuses the baseband echo signals. A color flow processor includes a time domain adaptive wall filter which automatically adjusts to changes in frequency and bandwidth of the wall signal components in the focused baseband echo signals. The mean frequency of the resulting filtered baseband echo signals is used to indicate velocity of flowing reflectors and to control color in the displayed image.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: January 8, 1993
    Date of Patent: September 20, 1994
    Assignee: General Electric Company
    Inventors: Christopher M. W. Daft, Anne L. Hall, Sharbel E. Noujaim, Lewis J. Thomas, Kenneth B. Welles, II
  • Patent number: 5337231
    Abstract: An apparatus for correcting patient motion between views in a medical imaging device employing multiple views in the generation of an image, and where some view data is truncated as a result of the finite area of the detector array, establishes a last row in the matrix of data for each view prior to and independent of the truncation for the purposes of evaluating motion. The data prior to this last row is compared with the data from the previous view with repeated relative shifts between the data to determine a lowest difference sum. Several difference sums may be employed to determine a shifting amount including a fractional part of a row.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: March 31, 1992
    Date of Patent: August 9, 1994
    Assignee: General Electric Company
    Inventors: Michael P. Nowak, David J. Nowak
  • Patent number: 5331553
    Abstract: Images are reconstructed using multi-slice rebinning of raw data to create a stack of two-dimensional data sets. A three-dimensional image is reconstructed slice-by-slice from the data sets and the rebinned data is axially filtered to reduce blurring resulting from the rebinning, the filtering being performed either before or after reconstruction of the three-dimensional image.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: April 15, 1992
    Date of Patent: July 19, 1994
    Assignee: UGM Medical Systems, Inc.
    Inventors: Gerd Muehllehner, Robert M. Lewitt
  • Patent number: 5289374
    Abstract: A computerized method and system for reducing the number of false-positive detections of nodule candidates in the detection of abnormalities in digital chest radiography. The image is initially subjected to an image difference technique where the detection sensitivity is increased so as to avoid missing small nodules which might otherwise go undetected. Such a technique tends to increase the number of false-positives, however, leading to possible incorrect diagnoses of the radiographs. To reduce the number of false-positives, feature extraction techniques are applied to grown regions around the nodule candidates, in order to provide computer generated information concerning the candidates. A data base of parameters common to false-positives is compared to calculated parameters of a candidate of interest. The candidates with grown region parameters within the data base range common to false-positives are eliminated as being probable false-positive detections due to normal background anatomical features.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: February 28, 1992
    Date of Patent: February 22, 1994
    Assignee: Arch Development Corporation
    Inventors: Kunio Doi, Tsuneo Matsumoto, Maryellen L. Giger, Akiko Kano
  • Patent number: 5289371
    Abstract: A system for routing data and communications to one of a plurality of remote sites to promote reciprocal interaction among the remote sites. The system includes a central processing unit and a storage device to store a first set of data identifying a plurality of remote sites and a second set of data identifying the frequency at which each of the remote sites communicates with the system. The system selects a particular remote site to receive a particular communication by analyzing the second set of data. The system also contemplates a method of routing data and communications including the steps of storing routing data for identifying a plurality of remote sites and the frequency at which each of the remote sites communicates with a central processor, receiving a communication at the central processor, analyzing the routing data to select a particular remote site, and forwarding the communication to the selected remote site.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: April 11, 1992
    Date of Patent: February 22, 1994
    Assignee: MemoryLink, Inc.
    Inventors: William D. Abel, Thomas D. Cali