Abstract: Disclosed is a new variety of Prunus persica named ‘Smooth Delight One’. This new variety, which requires 350-400 chilling units of dormancy, is considered to be a nectarine tree of early season maturity, ripens in early to mid-May in the medium chill zone of Texas, which produces white fleshed sub acid fruit that are very firm, attractively colored, and suitable for both local and regional markets.
Abstract: Disclosed is a new variety of Prunus persica named ‘SMOOTH TEXAN THREE’. This new variety, which requires approximately 650 chilling units of dormancy, is considered to be a nectarine tree of early mid-season maturity, which ripens in late May to early June in the medium chill zone of Texas and which produces yellow fleshed fruit that are firm, attractively colored, with excellent sub-acid flavor and suitable for both local and regional markets.
Abstract: A new and distinct Spiraea cultivar named ‘SMNSNFD’ is disclosed, characterized by a uniquely compact plant habit, easy, vigorous growth, without developing a rangy habit. Plants have a strong flowering habit. The new variety is a Spiraea, normally produced as an outdoor garden or container plant.
Abstract: A new and distinct Echeveria cultivar named ‘Galaxia’ is disclosed, characterized by compact, concentric rosettes comprised of blue-violet leaves with rose margins. Plants freely offset, enabling increased and faster propagation of the cultivar. Robust growth, in combination with the freely offsetting, results in clusters at an early age, enhancing production intervals, as well as creating an aesthetically superior product for the consumer. The new variety is an Echeveria, part of the Crassulaceae complex that includes Aeonium, Cotyledon, Graptopetalum, Pachyphytum, Sedum and others. Echeveria is a popular genus, typically produced as container plants for the patio or as landscape plants.
Abstract: A new and distinct cultivar of Alstroemeria plant named ‘Tesvalen imp.’, characterized by its broadly upright plant habit; relatively short flowering stems; sturdy and strong plants; moderately vigorous growth habit; numerous large dark red-colored flowers; and good garden performance.
Abstract: A new and distinct cultivar of Alstroemeria plant named ‘Tesindig imp.’, characterized by its broadly upright plant habit; relatively short flowering stems; sturdy and strong plants; moderately vigorous growth habit; numerous large purple-colored flowers; and good garden performance.
Abstract: A new and distinct Campanula plant named ‘PTW1300101’, characterized by its compact, upright to spreading and uniformly mounding plant habit; freely flowering habit; white-colored flowers; and good garden performance.
Abstract: A new and distinct variety of Phalaenopsis plant named ‘PHALDESAL’, particularly characterized by having white flecked flowers, 2 to 5 peduncles, a peduncle that is long and moderate, leaves that are narrow oblong and moderately elongated, and is propagated by tissue culture is disclosed.
Abstract: A new and distinct variety of apple tree is described and which is characterized as to novelty by producing a flavorful apple which is mature for harvesting and shipment about October 4th under the ecological conditions prevailing in Quincy, Wash.
Abstract: A new and distinct variety of Phalaenopsis plant named ‘PHALDUKAI’, particularly characterized by having purple flowers with small centers, 1 to 2 peduncles, a peduncle that is long and sturdy, leaves that are obovate and moderately elongated, and is propagated by tissue culture is disclosed.
Abstract: Disclosed is a new variety of Prunus persica named ‘SMOOTH TEXAN ONE’. This new variety, which requires approximately 600 chilling units of dormancy, is considered to be a nectarine tree of early season maturity, ripening in mid- to late-May in the medium chill zone of Texas, which produces yellow fleshed fruit that are firm, attractively colored, and suitable for both local and regional markets.
Abstract: A new and distinct variety of Phalaenopsis plant named ‘PHALDEMCEP’, particularly characterized by having white flowers, 2 to 5 peduncles, an inflorescence that is long and moderate, leaves that are narrow and obovate, and is propagated by meristem tissue culture is disclosed.
Abstract: A new and distinct cultivar of Begonia plant named ‘KRELECE01’ characterized by its upright to somewhat outwardly spreading and mounded plant habit; moderately freely branching habit; moderately to freely flowering habit; double flowers that are cerise in color and held above the foliar plane; and excellent postproduction longevity.
Abstract: Disclosed is a new nectarine variety of Prunus persica named ‘SMOOTH ZEST ONE’. This new variety, which requires 200-250 chilling units of dormancy, is considered to be a nectarine tree of early season maturity, which ripens in early to mid May in the medium chill zone of Texas and produces white fleshed fruit that are firm, attractively colored, and suitable for both local and regional fresh fruit markets.
Abstract: A new and distinct variety of peach tree (Prunus persica). The following features of the tree and its fruit are characterized with the tree budded on ‘Nemaguard’ Rootstock (non-patented), grown on Handford sandy loam soil with Storie Index rating 95, in USDA Hardiness Zone 9, near Modesto, Calif., with standard commercial fruit growing practices, such as pruning, thinning, spraying, irrigation and fertilization. Its novelty consist of the following combination of desirable features: 1. Vigorous, upright growth of tree. 2. Regular and productive bearer of large size fruit. 3. Fruit with an attractive red skin color. 4. Fruit with firm, yellow flesh. 5. Fruit with very good flavor and eating quality. 6. Fruit with good storage and handling quality.
April 19, 2013
Date of Patent:
July 18, 2017
Gary Neil Zaiger, Leith Marie Gardner, Grant Gene Zaiger
Abstract: ‘Sweet Gino’ is a new and distinctive variety of Spathiphyllum which is characterized by large and attractive flowers presented at or slightly above the foliage, a relative abundance of fully opened flowers, dark green and glossy foliage with unruffled margins, and the stability of all characteristics from generation to generation. The new variety is typically produced as an indoor ornamental plant.
Abstract: A new and distinct cultivar Citrus limon (L.) Brum.f. is provided which displays a substantially different time for initial fruit harvest than the standard ‘Primofiori’ cultivar (non-patented in the United States). The attractive juicy fruit of the new cultivar commonly is initially ready for harvest by about the end of March. This follows greatly the typical October initial harvest time for the ‘Primofiori’ cultivar. The new cultivar is a diploid, and displays a relatively dense spreading growth habit. The supply of the fresh fruit market for consumption, use in beverages, and in cooking is facilitated at an atypical season of the year by the new cultivar.
Abstract: A new and distinct cultivar of Lantana plant named ‘Balucred’, characterized by its dark red-colored inflorescences, dark green-colored foliage, and moderately vigorous, compact-mounded growth habit, is disclosed.
Abstract: A new and distinct cultivar of Mandevilla plant named ‘Sunpapri’, characterized by its vining plant habit; vigorous growth habit; freely branching habit; dark green-colored leaves; early and freely flowering habit; long flowering period; and medium-sized light to pale orange-colored flowers.
Abstract: A new cultivar of Sempervivum plant named ‘Gold Nugget’ characterized by its unique foliage coloration throughout the growing seasons; spring coloration is golden green with dark red margins (picotee), summer coloration is lime green without red margins, fall coloration is golden yellow with dark red leaf margins, winter coloration is red, its very vigorous growth habit, its plant height up to 7.6 cm and a plant width of 13 cm, and by its hardiness in at least U.S.D.A. Zones 4 to 9.