Patents Examined by Kevin D. Wilkens
  • Patent number: 5369917
    Abstract: A clamping device for stiff explosion panels for closing off a safety opening in a holder filled with powder, gas or vapor, where a frame is fastened around the safety opening and several inclined clip strips are provided between the frame and the sides of the explosion panel for pressing the explosion panel onto the frame, wherein the clamping device comprises plural upright connecting blocks, a housing for each connecting block which fits over the associated connecting block to cover the connecting block, two clamping edges in each housing lying opposite one another, the connecting blocks and housings being spaced apart, one of each of the connecting blocks and associated housing being fastened to the perimeter of the explosion panel and the other to the perimeter of the frame, and at least two diverging clip strips in each housing, one end of each strip being supported by the connecting block and the other end pressing on one of the clamping edges of the housing in order to connect the housing to the conne
    Type: Grant
    Filed: March 10, 1993
    Date of Patent: December 6, 1994
    Assignee: Stuvex International Naamloze Vennootschap
    Inventor: Henri Janssens
  • Patent number: 5369931
    Abstract: A frame for a louver holds the louver below the ceiling surface, away from a light fixture. This helps to collimate the light rays and direct the light downward, thus preventing unwanted sideways glare. In addition, the use of a frame tends to hold the louver more securely in the ceiling framework. The frame is formed of Z-shaped members, with one arm of the Z resting on the T-bar cross-bar and the other arm supporting the louver. A stop along one side of the frame prevents movement of the louver in the frame. In one aspect of the invention, rotatable angle supports at the ends of the frame rotate from a vertical position for use during louver installation to a horizontal supporting position for supporting the louver in the frame.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: February 25, 1993
    Date of Patent: December 6, 1994
    Assignee: Inner Fit Enterprises, Inc.
    Inventor: Terry N. Emmerson
  • Patent number: 5369924
    Abstract: It is known in structural curtainwall systems to have a series of rafters and purlins supporting glass panes. It known also to provide drainage panels in the supporting elements to drain away any water which seeps past the external surfaces of the glass panes. In this invention, separate panels are formed comprising purlins and sub-frame members and supporting glass panes. These panels will be formed off-site in a factory. The sub-frames of the panels are received directly into channels in the rafters thus enhancing the resistance of the system to leakage particularly where the panels intersect the rafters. The joint between adjacent panels spanning the same pair of rafters is sealed by providing tongue members on the purlins which are resiliently deformable. The biasing of the tongue members provides a seal between adjacent panels. Furthermore, the tongue members form drainage channels to drain water into the drainage channels of the rafters.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: April 30, 1993
    Date of Patent: December 6, 1994
    Inventor: Peter Neudorf
  • Patent number: 5367846
    Abstract: A glass construction block comprising a plurality of glass members, each of which has a front wall, a rear wall and a plurality of side walls. A frame surrounds the glass members and is secured to the glass members spacing the glass members apart from each other while holding the glass members in a static position. The frame defines a channel member with side walls which extend inward from the outer side edge of the glass members terminating in a bottom wall and has flange portions which extend outward and are secured to the side walls. The blocks are assembled as a wall system by fitting a positive rib placed into the channel member into the channel member of an adjacent block. The two are adjoined with a void between the edges of the blocks which is then filled with a sealant.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: June 14, 1993
    Date of Patent: November 29, 1994
    Inventor: Kenneth F. vonRoenn, Jr.
  • Patent number: 5365714
    Abstract: A wall for a rampart or building, consisting of a plurality of building blocks, each comprising slightly compacted sawdust or wood chips glued with resin. The building blocks are interconnected by a number of assembling pins and by recesses integral to the respective blocks, so as to frictionally engage into one another. There are also provided full length projections and corresponding grooves of the respective blocks for the same purposes. The thus erected structure is remarkable by the quality of the joints and by the ease and quickness of its assembly or disassembly.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: September 4, 1992
    Date of Patent: November 22, 1994
    Inventor: Ricardo Potvin
  • Patent number: 5363627
    Abstract: Principal members of structures are manufactured as foldable assemblies of like size and shape structural members, foldable for handling, packaging, shipping, and storage, and unfolded into their respective principal member configurations. Each like size and shape structural member has its opposite end surfaces formed on a sixty degree bias, whereby one longitudinal edge surface is longer than the other opposite edge surface, thereby creating opposite trapezoidal side surfaces. Each of these members has two spaced holes formed along its centerline, and each of these holes is equally spaced from a respective bias end. Regarding relative design dimensions, the respective longitudinal centerline length of each like size and shaped structural member is given the formula dimension, L, then the space between holes, X, is equal to 0.464L, and the space from each hole to centerline end, Y, is equal to 0.268L.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: June 4, 1993
    Date of Patent: November 15, 1994
    Inventor: Donald M. Wilson
  • Patent number: 5363622
    Abstract: A suspended grid system to support screw applied drywall ceilings. The system includes parallel rows of main runners suspended from the structural ceiling. Cross channel members are attached in parallel rows at right angles to the main runners. Drywall is screw attached to the lower surface of the cross channel members. Connectors are formed on the ends of the cross channel members which engage and lock to the main runners. Each such connector uses two upper latches and two lower tongue shaped stop shoulders. The lower stop shoulders will collapse in a controlled manner to relieve excessive compression as would be created from thermal expansion. The main runner will also provide a means for relieving thermal expansion.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: December 24, 1992
    Date of Patent: November 15, 1994
    Assignee: Armstrong World Industries, Inc.
    Inventor: Gale E. Sauer
  • Patent number: 5359820
    Abstract: A wall insert to be affixed within an opening in a vertical wall providing a finished recess for accommodating washer and dryer appliance fittings within the wall dimensions permitting the appliances to be mounted close to the wall. The insert is preferably of a molded synthetic plastic configuration, includes mounting flanges and lips, and an appliance fitting support.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: March 16, 1993
    Date of Patent: November 1, 1994
    Inventor: Michael R. McKay
  • Patent number: 5357729
    Abstract: A framework is formed from a plurality of thin-walled, round composite fiber rods having a pressure-resistant foam core and walls. The walls include at least one layer of axially parallel fibers. The framework is constructed from strut rods, transverse rods and joint plates which are operative for connecting the strut rods to the transverse rods. The joint plates are formed from a composite fiber material. Axially parallel recesses are provided in the walls of the strut rods, and the recesses have a width corresponding to the thickness of the joint plates. The recesses extend diagonally through the foam core of the strut rods, and the joint plates are inserted into the recesses where they are glued in place. The transverse rods are provided with slots in the ends thereof. The joint plates are inserted into the slots and glued to join the strut rods to the transverse rods.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: February 23, 1993
    Date of Patent: October 25, 1994
    Assignee: Deutsche Forschungsanstalt fur Luft-u Raumfahat e.V.
    Inventor: Rainer Schutze
  • Patent number: 5356343
    Abstract: A black magician's wand with white tips with a built in flash at one end and a triggering means contained therein. The method of triggering the flash is concealed. In one version of the wand, the flash is triggered by means of a push button switch. In another version of the invention, the flash is triggered by means of a mercury tilt switch within the wand. Manipulation of the wand through a horizontal plane causes the switch to activate the flash.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: July 29, 1992
    Date of Patent: October 18, 1994
    Inventor: Christopher J. Lovetere
  • Patent number: 5351458
    Abstract: The floor system comprises spaced parallel horizontal planks, each including a metal inverted channel comprising a deck member having two spaced depending structural flanges and two laterally projecting edge channels thereon, each having a depending leg and an in-turned lower leg with a slot between each lower leg and the adjacent structural flange. U-shaped connectors extend between the planks and have upturned flanges with in-turned hook members received in the slots and interlocking with the edge channels. Soft rubber-like cylindrical stops are tightly fitted into the slots adjacent opposite ends of the connectors to prevent sliding movement thereof. Each inverted channel has a heat insulating resinous plastic cushioning cover with a top wall over the deck member, side walls enclosing the depending legs, and in-turned horizontal flanges clamped to the lower legs. Depending drip lips extend along the lower edges of the side walls of the cover.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: September 30, 1992
    Date of Patent: October 4, 1994
    Inventor: Russell B. Lehe
  • Patent number: 5349797
    Abstract: A slab with two or more adjacent sub-slabs with a space therebetween and a liquid stop spanning the space, a portion of the liquid stop embedded in each of the sub-slabs. In one aspect, when joint material is present in the space, the liquid stop is, preferably, disposed beneath the joint material. A liquid containment system for a treatment facility with liquid containing vessel(s) and slab(s) which includes liquid stop apparatus for each slab/slab interface and liquid stop apparatus for each slab/vessel interface.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: April 29, 1993
    Date of Patent: September 27, 1994
    Assignee: The Dow Chemical Company
    Inventor: Jeffrey H. Stultz
  • Patent number: 5347769
    Abstract: A guard device is designed to be fitted around a signpost to provide a barrier against persons attempting to climb the signpost. A pair of mating guard members each have a mating edge for engagement with the mating edge of the other guard member, and the mating edges each have a central recess forming an opening with the other recess for fitting around a signpost. Fastener devices such as bolts secure the guard members together with the opening in gripping engagement with the signpost. The guard members when secured together form a continuous barrier surface projecting outwardly from the signpost.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: July 15, 1993
    Date of Patent: September 20, 1994
    Assignee: Joyce Gangewer DBA Sea Coast Canvas & Awning Co.
    Inventor: David W. Dinsmore
  • Patent number: 5347778
    Abstract: A system for joining partitioning panels is simple to assemble and take down while effectively concealing the inter-panel connections and maintaining visual continuity of the panels. Attachment fittings are provided at the top and bottom corners of each panel and plate-like connector brackets are used to connect the fittings and assemble the panels either in line or at an angle. Snap-on covers are provided for the top attachment fittings which conceal the connector brackets and form a visual continuation of finishing strips which extend along the top edges of the panels.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: April 7, 1993
    Date of Patent: September 20, 1994
    Assignee: Globe Business Furniture, Inc.
    Inventor: James R. Bray
  • Patent number: 5347773
    Abstract: A cover arrangement together with a displacement mechanism for a swimming pool having a basin (1). The displacement mechanism moves the cover vertically inside the basin (1) of the swimming pool between two extreme positions. One position is a bottom (7) and the other position is a surface of the pool. The cover arrangement comprises sealing shutters which are movably supported on a support structure (9) in such a way that they can occupy an open position and a closed position. The support structure (9) is provided with plurality of partitions, each of which can be sealed by at least one shutter. The displacement mechanism is also suitable to position and maintain the supporting structure (9) in at least a third position situated between the extreme positions.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: December 23, 1992
    Date of Patent: September 20, 1994
    Inventor: Albert J. Thil
  • Patent number: 5345739
    Abstract: Edge protective tape, on a package consisting of two predecorated wallboards, partially adhered to the wallboard back faces, forms pockets in non-adhered areas, into which wallboard mounting clips can be inserted.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: June 4, 1993
    Date of Patent: September 13, 1994
    Assignee: National Gypsum Company
    Inventor: Robert J. Menchetti
  • Patent number: 5345732
    Abstract: A method of giving strength to a pole comprising taking a nail comprising two longitudinally extending metal sections generally of L-shape cross-section, wherein the two sections are secured together so that, in cross-section, the nail is generally of T-shape, driving the nail into the ground adjacent the pole with the cross-bar of the T-shape adjacent the pole and the upright of the T-shape extending generally radially of the pole, and fastening the nail to the pole.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: June 1, 1993
    Date of Patent: September 13, 1994
    Inventors: John K. Knight, Noel W. Murray
  • Patent number: 5341619
    Abstract: A truss girder hanger connection including a metal truss girder hanger joining a supporting wood truss girder to a carried wood truss girder.The metal truss girder hanger is structurally connected only to a supporting wood vertical member of the supporting wood truss girder and not to the supporting wood bottom chord.The truss girder hanger connection is primarily used where the carried wood truss girder is to be supported in a sloped and/or skewed relationship to the supporting wood truss girder.The metal truss girder hanger is constructed from a single piece of metal and a single weld connects the edge of an extension member to an elongated back member.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: April 9, 1993
    Date of Patent: August 30, 1994
    Assignee: Simpson Strong-Tie Company, Inc.
    Inventors: Brian D. Dunagan, Alfred D. Commins
  • Patent number: 5341829
    Abstract: An adjustable forearm crutch, wherein the fork support is formed with a central reinforcing rib for increasing the bending-resistant strength of the fork support, the reinforcing rib and the adjacent wall of the fork support defining a recess. After the fork support is molded, the recess can serve as a standard face for the processing procedure so that when punching holes on the fork support, no deflection will take place. The fork support and fixing tube being inserted in through holes of a sleeve member so that the waste chips and water produced when processing the fork support can be easily removed. The through hole of the sleeve member for receiving the fixing tube is formed with an annular groove which provides a resilient clamping effect, the end of which is cut into several equal sections for providing resilient clamping effect, so that the adjusting tube is firmly supported at two points without loosening or swinging.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: July 20, 1993
    Date of Patent: August 30, 1994
    Inventors: Fang-Jung Hsiao, Ming-Lung Hsieh
  • Patent number: 5337529
    Abstract: A system is provided for firmly attaching roof tiles to a building. The system includes an underlayment, a layer of adhesive overlying the underlayment and a plurality of ceramic slabs for mounting on the adhesive layer. Anchors are employed for securing the ceramic slabs in a contiguous manner to the adhesive layer. These anchors include a substantially planar first flange which is embedded within the ceramic slab. A web is fixed to the first flange and extends transversely away from the first flange and beyond the ceramic slab. A substantially planar second flange is fixed to the web at a location distant from the first flange and is embedded within the adhesive layer. The first and second flanges are generally parallel and are generally symmetrical relative to the web and are substantially coextensive. In another construction, the first and second flanges define first and second perimeters and the web is attached to both of the flanges at locations substantially central of the perimeters.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: July 23, 1993
    Date of Patent: August 16, 1994
    Inventors: Gregory D. Lutin, Peter R. Hill