Abstract: A new and distinct cultivar of Achillea plant named ‘Peachy Seduction’, characterized by its upright, columnar and mounded plant habit; strong and vigorous growth habit; freely branching habit; freely flowering habit with plants remaining in flower for a long period time; inflorescences with peachy pink-colored ray florets; and good garden performance.
Abstract: A new and distinct cultivar of Bidens plant named ‘BID 719’, characterized by its semi-upright, outwardly spreading to somewhat trailing plant habit; vigorous growth habit; freely flowering habit; large inflorescences with bright yellow-colored ray florets; and strong peduncles that hold the inflorescences above and beyond the foliar plane.
Abstract: A new cultivar of Iberis, ‘Masterpiece’, characterized by its strong, densely branched, and stocky vegetation, its very long flowering period, blooming from at least April to August in the U.K., its large white inflorescences that fade to pale pink, its cold hardiness at least to 6° F., and its mildew resistance.
Abstract: A new cultivar of Gaura lindheimeri, ‘HARROSY’, characterized by its flowers that emerge from crimson red buds and have flower petals that are white in color with pink margins.
Abstract: A new Lobelia plant named ‘Tec Travio’ particularly distinguished by the large intense purple-violet colored flowers, medium green foliage, vigorous, mounding, but semi-trailing and well branched habit with early flowering.
Abstract: A new and distinct cultivar of Achillea plant named ‘Pineapple Mango’, characterized by its upright, columnar and mounding plant habit; strong and vigorous growth habit; freely branching habit; freely flowering habit with plants remaining in flower for a long period time; inflorescences with pink-colored ray florets that become yellow with development; and good garden performance.
Abstract: A new and distinct cultivar of Hydrangea plant named ‘Horheart’, characterized by its upright and mounded plant habit; strong and healthy root system; strong stems; and large mophead-type inflorescences with dark pink-colored flowers with white-colored margins.
Abstract: A new and distinct cultivar of Geranium plant named ‘Blushing Turtle’, characterized by its upright, low spreading and rounded plant habit; vigorous growth habit; freely branching habit; large purple violet-colored flowers with red purple-colored venation; long and continuous flowering period; and good garden performance.
Abstract: A new cultivar of hybrid Rudbeckia, ‘Little Goldstar’, characterized by its dwarf plant habit, its numerous inflorescences from mid summer through fall, its foliage with narrow leaves, its basal leaves that remain healthy and green during flowering, and its vigorous growth habit.
Abstract: A new and distinct cultivar of Canna plant named ‘ORANGE CHOCOLATE’ that is characterized by dwarf habit, olive green to purple brown foliage, and bright orange flowers which are open faced and attractively arranged within the inflorescence. In combination these traits set ‘ORANGE CHOCOLATE’ apart from all other varieties of Canna known to the inventor.
Abstract: A new and distinct cultivar of Canna plant named ‘CHOCOLATE SUNRISE’ that is characterized by dwarf habit, olive green to purple brown foliage, and deep yellow flowers which are open faced and attractively arranged within the inflorescence. In combination these traits set ‘CHOCOLATE SUNRISE’ apart from all other varieties of Canna known to the inventor.
Abstract: A new cultivar of Sedum plant named ‘Razzleberry’ characterized by its very compact plant habit with stems that do not flop, its size of about 22 cm (9 inches) in height and 46 cm (18 inches) in spread, its very large inflorescences up to 22 cm (9 inches) in diameter, its flowers that are dark raspberry red in color, its foliage that emerges gray-blue in spring and turns to dark purple-black in mid summer, its very early blooming season, and its resistance to Sedum foliage blight.
Abstract: Buddleja davidii ‘Summer Skies’ is a distinct form of butterfly bush that combines several desirable characteristics in a landscape plant including the following: upright and outwardly spreading plant habit; green and yellow to bright white leaf variegation with sharp contrast between colors; variegated foliage that is resistant to sun scald and greening; vigorous and free branching habit; long floral panicles of pale violet-blue flowers that are freely produced; easy asexual propagation by softwood or semi-hardwood cuttings; and rapid plant development in container culture.
July 15, 2010
Date of Patent:
January 24, 2012
University of Connecticut
Mark Henry Brand, William Addison Smith
Abstract: A new and distinct Kniphofia plant characterized by its very long, repeat blooming, compact habit with multiple crowns, narrow, grassy leaves, creamy red orange flowers, and excellent vigor.
Abstract: A new and distinct Guzmania hybrid cultivar named ‘SCHIELI’ is disclosed, characterized by a compact plant form, yellow bracts with red tips and many leaves. The new variety is a Guzmania, and is normally used as an ornamental plant.
Abstract: A new and distinct cultivar of Chrysanthemum plant named ‘White Pamplona Jogger’, characterized by its uniform, upright, outwardly spreading and rounded plant habit; moderately vigorous growth habit; freely branching habit; dense and full plant habit; freely flowering habit; large decorative-type inflorescences with white-colored ray florets; long flowering period; and excellent garden performance.
Abstract: A new and distinct Begonia cultivar named ‘Nzcfour’ is disclosed, characterized by its unique foliage and stem coloration. The new cultivar is a Begonia, typically suited for garden and ornamental container use.
July 9, 2010
Date of Patent:
March 20, 2012
New Zealand Institute for Plant and Food Research, Ltd.
Abstract: A new and distinct cultivar of Spathiphyllum plant named ‘Spadalu’, characterized by its upright, outwardly arching and uniform plant habit; freely clumping growth habit; bushy and dense plants; glossy dark green-colored leaves; freely flowering habit; white-colored spathes that are positioned above and between the foliar plane on strong and erect scapes; and good inflorescence longevity.
Abstract: A new Anthurium plant particularly distinguished by having glossy pink, durable spathes that very slowly turn brown with age, dark green, durable glossy leaves, an erect penduncle, rich shoot formation, continuous flowering throughout the year, a compact and full plant habit, and a plant height of 40.0 cm to 55.0 cm, is disclosed.
Abstract: A new Anthurium plant particularly distinguished by having durable red-purple spathes that very slowly turn green with age, dark green durable glossy leaves, very rich and early flowering throughout the year, a long erect penduncle, rich shoot formation, a compact and full plant habit and a plant height of 35.0 cm to 45.0 cm, is disclosed.