Abstract: An environmentally-friendly-tampon assembly of the type which includes an inner sleeve, an outer sleeve and an absorbent pledget has inner and outer sleeves which are fabricated from a biodegradable, flushable material such as paper. The outer sleeve has an inwardly extending tang for preventing movement of the pledget during retraction of the inner sleeve. The tang is also formed of biodegradable material, and may be formed of material which is from the same blank out of which the outer sleeve was formed. Six different methods of forming the outer sleeve and tang are disclosed.
Abstract: Protective underwear made of air-tight polyurethane-coated nylon (10) with elastic sewn around the waist (12) and around the bifurcated legs (14a, 14b). An exit hole (24) for the flatus is cut from the back, near the bottom, of the underwear. The exit hole is covered with a pocket (16a, 16b) made of porous fabric, and designed in the same shape as the exit hole (24), only larger. The bottom layer of the pocket (16b) is sewn (22) around the edge of the exit hole (24) connecting it to the underwear. The top layer (16a) is sewn (20) around the edge of the bottom layer (16b) and onto the underwear, except at the top, leaving the pocket opening. The pocket opening is kept closed by a fastener. The replaceable filter is large all around than the exit hole (24), but smaller all around than the pocket (16). The top and bottom layers are of wool felt (26a, 26b); and both layers are cut larger than all other layers to facilitate sewing (28).
Abstract: An apparatus for collecting semen to be used in animal breeding by means of a collecting apparatus connected to an artificial vagina. In the collecting apparatus, a collector funnel is fitted between the artificial vagina and a receiver, where the funnel has an upper semen-receiving opening and a lower discharge opening. A holder outside the discharge opening of the funnel of the collecting apparatus positions at least one semen receiver below the discharge opening. To the holder of the collecting apparatus are fitted weighing elements for weighing the contents of the receiver outside the discharge opening of the collector funnel.
Abstract: A flexible diluent container has a helical threaded port plug which enhances or modifies the mechanical interlock with a stopper of an additive vial in a drug delivery system. The additive vial is screwed into the port of the diluent container with the recess of the vial stopper fitting over the engagement portion of the port plug. In doing so, the helical threads of the port plug engage the stopper throat in a complementary manner to enhance the axial mating engagement therebetween and hence minimize or avoid axial resistance to passage of the large plug head through the neck of the stopper recess. With the helical threads of the port head having a lead greater than the threads of the vial which engage the port, a positive axial drawing action may be obtained so as to induce or "pull" the engagement portion of the port plug into the recess of the stopper.