Patents Examined by Michael W Choi
  • Patent number: 11015827
    Abstract: A method of controlling an environmental control system, where the environmental control system is configured to operate in accordance with a control schedule, in a scheduled mode of operation. At a control device that is associated with the environmental control system, a user can receive input indicative of a boost mode. In the boost mode, the environmental control system can disregard the control schedule and operate in accordance with a boost setting, with a target temperature. Responsive to the boost mode, further user input may be used to set the target temperature for boost mode. Boost mode can be activated based on the target temperature, and environmental control can be performed based on the target temperature.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: April 9, 2019
    Date of Patent: May 25, 2021
    Assignee: British Gas Trading Limited
    Inventors: Nicola Combe, Curtis John Collinsworth, Brett Derek Middleton, Hideaki Matsui
  • Patent number: 10994375
    Abstract: A galvanometric laser for cutting and/or etching textile embellishments such as transfers or applique's and a method of operation thereof that is capable of visually capturing an incoming graphic image and referencing a cut pattern to the captured image and dynamically adjusting the cut pattern during cutting, etching and/or application of energy from the laser to thereby compensate for distortions in the fabric. The device includes a conveyor with an imaging station at which the graphic product is indexed under a high-resolution static camera with color recognition capability for the purposes of image capture. A high intensity bottoms-up light source resident at the imaging station provides ample illumination regardless of whether the design elements are face up toward the camera or face down toward the light source, or a combination of both.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: March 28, 2019
    Date of Patent: May 4, 2021
    Inventor: Paul Weedlun
  • Patent number: 10996658
    Abstract: The systems and methods described provide improved process control operating range and capabilities and integrate process control monitoring and management with broader process automation (PA) systems process management, extending the real-time operation and control of a process control system to process handling of a PA system, and extending PA-style process management by adding real-time process controls and monitoring, and adding new functionality by permitting management of these processes to externally defined completion goals. This combination provides new functionality in dynamically determined process flexibility, extended operating range and extended process recipe definition capabilities for process control systems using this technology, and provides improved error recovery and exception handling of traditional PA systems.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: January 5, 2018
    Date of Patent: May 4, 2021
    Assignee: 6TH STREET, INC.
    Inventors: David Potts, Brian Hamilton
  • Patent number: 10983504
    Abstract: This invention concerns apparatus for generating instructions for machines of a manufacturing chain used to manufacture a workpiece. The apparatus comprising a processor arranged to receive a model based definition (MBD) of a workpiece including geometric dimensions and tolerances; receive inputs setting an additive build design for building the workpiece based upon the geometric dimensions; generate additive instructions for an additive manufacturing machine of the manufacturing chain based upon the additive build design; determine a prospective intermediate workpiece product expected from an additive build in accordance with the additive build design; determine differences between the prospective intermediate workpiece product and the model based definition of the workpiece; and generate further instructions for at least one further machine of the manufacturing chain based upon the differences.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: September 29, 2016
    Date of Patent: April 20, 2021
    Assignee: RENISHAW PLC
    Inventors: Geoffrey McFarland, Ramkumar Revanur, Mark Buckingham
  • Patent number: 10983538
    Abstract: A mass flow control apparatus comprising a proportional valve upstream of a flow measurement portion, a pressure sensing element fluidly connected to determine a fluid pressure downstream of the flow measurement portion, and a dynamically adjustable variable valve downstream of the flow measurement portion and adjacent to the pressure sensing element connection. Fluid conductance of the variable valve is adjusted according to a control scheme based upon limitations of the flow measurement portion. Integral flow verification may be enabled with additional fluid pathway elements upstream of the flow measurement portion.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: February 27, 2018
    Date of Patent: April 20, 2021
    Inventors: Bhushan Somani, Christophe Ellec, Eric J. Redemann
  • Patent number: 10983537
    Abstract: A mass flow control apparatus comprising a proportional valve upstream of a flow measurement portion, a pressure sensing element fluidly connected to determine a fluid pressure downstream of the flow measurement portion, and a dynamically adjustable variable valve downstream of the flow measurement portion and adjacent to the pressure sensing element connection. Fluid conductance of the variable valve is adjusted according to a control scheme based upon limitations of the flow measurement portion. Integral flow verification may be enabled with additional fluid pathway elements upstream of the flow measurement portion.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: February 27, 2018
    Date of Patent: April 20, 2021
    Inventors: Bhushan Somani, Christophe Ellec, Eric J Redemann
  • Patent number: 10974458
    Abstract: In an example, a method includes receiving, at at least one processor, object model data representing at least a portion of an object that is to be generated by an additive manufacturing apparatus by fusing build material within a fabrication chamber. An intended object placement location within the fabrication chamber may be determined, and a dimensional compensation to apply to the object model data may be determined using a mapping resource relating dimensional compensations to object placement locations. The determined dimensional compensation may be applied to the object model data to generate modified object model data using at least one processor.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: January 11, 2019
    Date of Patent: April 13, 2021
    Assignee: Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P.
    Inventors: Jordi Sanroma Garrit, Enrique Gurdiel Gonzalez, Victor Diego Gutierrez, Manuel Freire Garcia
  • Patent number: 10966540
    Abstract: A remote-control device for controlling an appliance having a plurality of appliance components is provided. The remote-control device includes a plurality of pushbutton units, each pushbutton unit including at least one physical operating pushbutton configurable to control at least one appliance component. Each of the pushbutton units is provided with a visually detectable distinguishing feature for visually distinguishing one pushbutton unit from another pushbutton unit. The remote-control device also includes a display unit configured to display representations of each controllable appliance component. Each representation of an appliance component includes the same visually detectable distinguishing feature as a corresponding pushbutton unit to which the appliance component is assigned.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: August 17, 2017
    Date of Patent: April 6, 2021
    Assignee: MAQUET GMBH
    Inventors: Thomas Krickeberg, Roland Hopp, Tim Golde, Fred Held
  • Patent number: 10965995
    Abstract: A system determines who is present within an area by reading radio waves emitted from a device carried by the user and then adjusts various devices within or near the area of the user based upon a profile(s) of the user(s) that are in the area. The devices (e.g. speaker systems, lighting systems, televisions, music systems) are controlled based upon profiles of the users, giving more control priority to the users that are closer to the devices.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: July 9, 2018
    Date of Patent: March 30, 2021
    Inventor: J. Whitaker McRae
  • Patent number: 10941725
    Abstract: The disclosure includes a system that includes an adaptive control module for an engine. The adaptive control module is configured to receive a power input signal and receive, from an engine vibration sensor, a vibration signal indicative of an operating condition of the engine. The adaptive control module is further configured to determine, using a set of control laws, a power demand signal based on inputs including the power input signal and the vibration signal. The adaptive control module is further configured to output the power demand signal to at least one component of the engine.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: June 27, 2017
    Date of Patent: March 9, 2021
    Assignee: Rolls-Royce Corporation
    Inventor: Keith Calhoun
  • Patent number: 10937266
    Abstract: The invention provides a banknote processing machine having a power control electronics that comprises: —a low voltage monitor constructed to detect a lowering of a voltage of the power delivered by the power source below a minimum voltage; and —a power failure control circuit constructed to, in the case that a lowering of said voltage below said minimum voltage occurs, discontinue supply of power to a first group of said elements and to continue supply of power to a second group of said elements.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: December 2, 2015
    Date of Patent: March 2, 2021
    Inventor: Amit Kumar Jain
  • Patent number: 10932344
    Abstract: Systems and methods are disclosed for emulating an environment created by the outputs of a plurality of devices. The system receives device control data for a device in a first venue. The control of the outputs of said devices according to the device control data creates an environment within the first venue. The system retrieves profile data for devices within a second venue. The system associates a device in the second venue with a device from the first venue, both devices having a similar output type. The system then generates control information adapted from the associated device of the first venue for the device in the second venue. The system controls the outputs of each device in the second plurality of devices according to the generated control information to emulate the environment within the first venue in the second venue.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: October 9, 2018
    Date of Patent: February 23, 2021
    Assignee: Rovi Guides, Inc.
    Inventors: David Shoop, Dylan M. Wondra
  • Patent number: 10914357
    Abstract: The disclosure is directed at a method and apparatus for controlling unwanted vibrations in a mechanical system. The apparatus includes a set of different eccentric and/or concentric masses mounted to the mechanical system for generating forces to counteract the sensed unwanted vibrations. The apparatus further includes a set of motors that control movement of the set of masses.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: February 15, 2017
    Date of Patent: February 9, 2021
    Inventor: Amir Khajepour
  • Patent number: 10890346
    Abstract: An on/off system operates to affect a variable state or condition of a building by switching between an on state and an off state. An extremum-seeking controller operates the on/off system by providing a pulse width modulated (PWM) control signal having a duty cycle to the on/off system. The extremum-seeking controller is configured to generate the PWM control signal by receiving a performance variable as feedback from the on/off system, extracting a gradient of the performance variable with respect to the duty cycle, modulating the duty cycle using an extremum-seeking control technique to determine an optimal value of the duty cycle that drives the gradient toward zero, and generating the PWM control signal such that each period of the PWM control signal has a pulse width proportional to the duty cycle.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: August 21, 2018
    Date of Patent: January 12, 2021
    Assignee: Johnson Controls Technology Company
    Inventor: Timothy I. Salsbury
  • Patent number: 10877445
    Abstract: A predictive controller controls a vehicle subject to equality and inequality constraints on state and control variables of the vehicle and solves a matrix equation of necessary optimality conditions to produce control inputs to control the vehicle. The controller represents the state variables as a function of the control variables using discrete-time dynamics and determines the control inputs iteratively using two levels of iterations. The first level of iterations selects active inequality constraints, updates a constraint Jacobian matrix with a low-rank update for a change in the set of active inequality constraints to include the active inequality constraints, and updates a preconditioning matrix with a low-rank factorization update, in response to the low-rank update of the constraint Jacobian matrix. The second level of iterations, nested in the first level, solves the matrix equation with the updated constraint Jacobian matrix using the updated preconditioning matrix to produce the control inputs.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: August 14, 2019
    Date of Patent: December 29, 2020
    Assignee: Mitsubishi Electric Research Laboratories, Inc.
    Inventors: Rien Quirynen, Andrei Kniazev, Stefano Di Cairano
  • Patent number: 10837669
    Abstract: The present invention relates to a technology for a sensor network, machine-to-machine (M2M) communication, machine-type communication (MTC) and internet of things (IoT). The present invention can be applied in intelligent services (smart home, smart building, smart city, smart car or connected car, health care, digital education, retail business, security and safety-related services, and the like) utilizing said technology.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: June 2, 2017
    Date of Patent: November 17, 2020
    Assignee: Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd.
    Inventors: Kyungjae Kim, Kwanwoo Song, Gunhyuk Park, Jeongil Seo, Daeeun Yi, Hyejung Cho
  • Patent number: 10831178
    Abstract: A processing step data generating apparatus includes: a processing procedure data group storage unit that stores a plurality of pieces of processing procedure data each including data defining a processing unit, which is a unit of a processing step, and processing order data of the processing unit defined by the data defining the processing unit; a processing procedure selection unit; and a processing step generation unit that determines a processing shape for the processing unit on the basis of the data defining the processing unit included in the processing procedure data selected by the processing procedure selection unit as well as product and material data to generate processing unit data, and generates processing step data from the processing unit data being generated.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: October 14, 2016
    Date of Patent: November 10, 2020
    Inventors: Kenji Iriguchi, Susumu Matsubara, Hiroki Kaneko
  • Patent number: 10792795
    Abstract: An interactive software application on a mobile computing device is used to configure an electronic torque wrench via a wireless connection. The software application obtains torque specifications for a vehicle from a remote database. When the torque specification require that work pieces be torqued in an ordered sequence, the software application guides the technician through the sequence, but accommodates changes when the technician departs from the sequence.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: May 22, 2017
    Date of Patent: October 6, 2020
    Assignee: Snap-on Incorporated
    Inventors: Nathan J. Lee, Christopher Lawton
  • Patent number: 10767878
    Abstract: An indoor air quality (IAQ) system for a building includes a relative humidity (RH) sensor. The RH sensor is configured to measure a RH of the air within the building. At least one of a thermostat and an IAQ control module is configured to control humidification of the building based on the RH measured by the RH sensor.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: November 20, 2018
    Date of Patent: September 8, 2020
    Assignee: Emerson Climate Technologies, Inc.
    Inventors: Hung M. Pham, Stuart K. Morgan, Brian R. Butler
  • Patent number: 10768652
    Abstract: In various embodiments, a hedge mode plugin increases the ability of an energy storage system to reduce the demand charges associated with purchasing electricity from a utility. A utility measurement interval (UMI) is divided into a pre-discharge phase and a subsequent compensatory charge phase. During the pre-discharge phase, the hedge mode plugin causes an energy storage device to discharge. At the beginning of the compensatory charge phase, the hedge mode plugin computes time-indexed charge values based on the total amount of energy that the energy storage device discharged during the pre-discharge phase. The hedge mode plugin then causes the energy storage device to charge based on at least one of the charge values. By systematically pre-discharging and re-charging the energy device, the hedge mode plugin optimizes the demand reduction effectiveness of the energy storage system during each UMI while stabilizing the state-of-charge of the energy storage device across multiple UMIs.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: June 30, 2016
    Date of Patent: September 8, 2020
    Assignee: Stem, Inc.
    Inventors: Jon Burlinson, Chris Benjamin, Ben Kearns, Garrison Venn