Patents Examined by Monica M Pyo
  • Patent number: 7650363
    Abstract: A document management system for managing a document together with property information thereof in a folder can respond to various user's needs by providing some latitude with the property information. When the document management system detects some actions related to a document registering operation with a designated folder by a user, the document management system starts a template attaching process for attaching a template (property information) associated with the designated folder to a newly registered document. Even if a plurality of templates are provided to the folder, the document management system can attach all the templates to the document. In detail, the document management system reads templates in a template information table based on template IDs obtained from a folder-template correspondence table and then provides the read templates to the document to be processed.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: February 21, 2003
    Date of Patent: January 19, 2010
    Assignee: Ricoh Company, Ltd.
    Inventor: Yuki Kitamura
  • Patent number: 7644097
    Abstract: When a number of document data registered in one of full-text index-for-registration/deletion storage parts reaches a predetermined number, or when a capacity of the full-text index-for-registration/deletion storage part reaches a predetermined capacity, a merge processing is performed for merging data from the full-text index-for-registration/deletion storage part to a full-text index-for-search storage part. While this merge processing is performed, a registration/deletion processing is performed by using another full-text index-for-registration/deletion storage part.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: December 29, 2006
    Date of Patent: January 5, 2010
    Assignee: Ricoh Company, Ltd.
    Inventors: Kensaku Yamamoto, Yasushi Ogawa, Tetsuya Ikeda, Takuya Hiraoka, Hiroshi Takegawa, Kazushige Asada
  • Patent number: 7634500
    Abstract: A method and apparatus for multiple string searching using a ternary content addressable memory. For one embodiment, the method includes receiving a text string having a plurality of characters and performing an unanchored search of a database of a stored patterns matching one or more characters of the text string using a state machine, wherein the state machine comprises a ternary content addressable memory (CAM) and wherein the performing comprises comparing a state and one of the plurality of characters with contents of a state field and a character field, respectively, stored in the ternary CAM. In various embodiments, one or more of the following search features may be supported: exact string matching, inexact string matching, single character wildcard matching, multiple character wildcard matching, case insensitive matching, parallel matching and rollback.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: November 3, 2003
    Date of Patent: December 15, 2009
    Assignee: NetLogic Microsystems, Inc.
    Inventor: Sunder Rathnavelu Raj
  • Patent number: 7627553
    Abstract: Methods, systems, and data structure custom queries for segmentation. Queries are imported into a segmentation tool and modified. The queries are associated with data sources that are not mapped within the segmentation tool. Parts of the queries are manually supplied or imported into the segmentation tool and parts of the queries are automatically generated based table and key selections associated with a customer hierarchy. When the custom queries are executed the query results provide customer segmentations for desired marketing campaigns.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: January 7, 2004
    Date of Patent: December 1, 2009
    Assignee: Teradata US, Inc.
    Inventors: Susan Jamie Borofsky, Larry L. Terhune, Michael Chaves, Jason Allen Stone
  • Patent number: 7593922
    Abstract: A method for providing delivery of segmented data files including a method for providing distributed delivery of segmented data files. The method includes receiving a request to send a data file to a target device. A directory is queried for one or more segments corresponding to the data file, where each of the segments includes a pointer to a data bundle located at one or more source locations. One of the source locations is selected for each of the segments. The data bundle from each of the selected source locations is transmitted to the target device.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: October 29, 2003
    Date of Patent: September 22, 2009
    Assignee: AT&T Intellectual Property, I. L.P.
    Inventors: Robert Wright, Barbara J. Roden
  • Patent number: 7587394
    Abstract: Methods and apparatus are provided for rewriting queries during a database query processing operation to include auxiliary attributes not included in the original query, thus improving processing efficiency. For example, in one aspect of the invention, a technique for rewriting a query in a query processing operation includes the following steps. First, the query is processed in accordance with at least a portion of a data set, producing query results. Second, data attributes from the query results are analyzed. Finally, at least one new predicate from at least one auxiliary data attribute is appended on the query.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: September 23, 2003
    Date of Patent: September 8, 2009
    Assignee: International Business Machines Corporation
    Inventors: Yuan-Chi Chang, Matthew L. Hill
  • Patent number: 7577653
    Abstract: An algorithm for facilitating recognition of duplicative entries of merchant information in a system to prevent, for example, multiple registrations of a merchant by a transaction card company. The algorithm incorporates scoring, weighting and pattern matching to automatically approve, automatically reject or refer for manual review applications for registration in real-time.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: June 30, 2003
    Date of Patent: August 18, 2009
    Assignee: American Express Travel Related Services Company, Inc.
    Inventors: Srinivas V. Dasari, Kevin T. Harvey
  • Patent number: 7555481
    Abstract: Activity Duration Locking (ADL) provides an efficient simple solution to manage a potentially large number of concurrently active lock groups. The ADL scheme allows a transaction fine control over creation of lock groups and classification of locks into lock groups enabling faster releasing of locks in groups. The life time that the lock group is active defines a new lock duration. This allows a large number of lock durations to be defined with the creation of each new lock group and any number of lock durations can be active for a given transaction. A very general concept of lock duration is supported without using any a priori semantics to individual lock durations and the duration of a lock group may be determined by the transaction as desired.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: October 28, 2003
    Date of Patent: June 30, 2009
    Assignee: Oracle Corporation
    Inventors: Sanjay Verma, Sibsankar Haldar, Sherry Listgarten
  • Patent number: 7555504
    Abstract: Read-only and read-write snapshot copies of a production file in a Unix-based file system are organized as a version set of file inodes and shared file blocks. Version pointers and branch pointers link the inodes. Initially the production file can have all its blocks preallocated or it can be a sparse file having only an inode and its last data block. A protocol is provided for creating read-only and read-write snapshots, deleting snapshots, restoring the production file with a specified snapshot, refreshing a specified snapshot, and naming the snapshots. Block pointers are marked with a flag indicating whether or not the pointed-to block is owned by the parent inode. A non-owner marking is inherited by all of the block's descendants. The block ownership controls the copying of indirect blocks when writing to the production file, and also controls deallocation and passing of blocks when deleting a read-only snapshot.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: September 23, 2003
    Date of Patent: June 30, 2009
    Assignee: EMC Corporation
    Inventors: Peter Bixby, Sachin Mullick, Jiannan Zheng, Xiaoye Jiang, Sorin Faibish
  • Patent number: 7529762
    Abstract: A data management system includes forming a workflow data warehouse (WDW) for storing data indicative of facts specific to a workflow process. In one embodiment, the WDW is configured to categorize and store the workflow process data as generic or specific process data and as generic or specific node data. The process data are related to the execution of a sequence of workflow actions within the workflow process. The node data are related to the execution of a node within the workflow process. The WDW is formed within a workflow management system and is adapted for on-line analytical processing (OLAP). The WDW may be configured to store data associated with identifying specific behaviors within the workflow process. Moreover, the WDW is configured to enable vertical recordings of data associated with the modifications of the workflow process.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: August 28, 2002
    Date of Patent: May 5, 2009
    Assignee: Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P.
    Inventors: Fabio Casati, Ming-Chien Shan, Umeshwar Dayal
  • Patent number: 7526470
    Abstract: Systems and methods for measuring and improving search result relevance based on user satisfaction are disclosed. An event log is preferably scanned to determine the start and the end of a session. User behaviors within the session are preferably identified. User satisfaction is preferably estimated based on the user behaviors. User satisfaction is preferably a measure of the user's perception of the extent to which a result correlates to his intent based on his behaviors. User satisfaction is preferably estimated to be one of three satisfaction levels: satisfied, partially-satisfied, and dissatisfied. Symptoms, which are indications of a need for improvement within a search system, are preferably observed based on the user behaviors and the user satisfaction. Diagnostics, which are conditions that prevent a search system from performing optimally, are preferably derived based on the symptoms.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: May 28, 2003
    Date of Patent: April 28, 2009
    Assignee: Microsoft Corporation
    Inventors: Kuldeep Karnawat, Thomas D. White, Mark B. Mydland, Steven C. Fox, Thomas A. Taylor
  • Patent number: 7483900
    Abstract: An information sharing apparatus comprises extracting unit extracting personal information item from acquired information item which includes personal information item, generating unit generating anonymous information item by deleting personal information item from acquired information item, storing unit storing personal information item and anonymous information item, storing unit storing first access level assigned to group of users who can access only anonymous information item, and to store second access level assigned to group of users who can access both of anonymous information item and personal information item, receiving unit receiving request message for accessing acquired information item, transmitting unit transmitting only anonymous information item when access level predetermined to user is equal to first access level, synthesizing unit synthesizing personal information item with anonymous information item, transmitting unit transmitting regenerated second information item, when access level of
    Type: Grant
    Filed: October 20, 2003
    Date of Patent: January 27, 2009
    Assignee: Kabushiki Kaisha Toshiba
    Inventor: Miwako Doi
  • Patent number: 7461089
    Abstract: A database engine and optimizer framework support creation of a series of profiling indices over a column having character string data, such as a traditional “varchar” data type. The profiling indices result in a reduction of the number of records that are searched when searching for a sub-string match within that column. In some embodiments, the series of indices are created over a column that is typically searched using the LIKE predicate or some similar technique; these indices indicate for each record whether certain sub-strings may exist in that record's value in the column. Thus, the indices are used to find the rows that may match one or more portions of the particular term being queried or, in other words, eliminate those records that do not have at least a portion of the term to be matched. The number of records actually retrieved and searched for the query sub-string is thereby reduced.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: January 8, 2004
    Date of Patent: December 2, 2008
    Assignee: International Business Machines Corporation
    Inventors: Eric Lawrence Barsness, Brian Robert Muras, John Matthew Santosuosso
  • Patent number: 7415465
    Abstract: A method and apparatus assigns a quantative variable to each object (or set of objects) in a collection available to a user. The quantative variable is referred to as the Interest Priority Value (IPV). The IPV defines a range of states of the object, between ‘accessed’ and ‘unaccessed’, and is calculated based on one or more attributes of the object. A object with the highest IPV is the most ‘unaccessed,’ and the object with the lowest IPV is the least ‘unaccessed.’ The IPV may be used in a visual representation of the collection of objects, thereby permitting a user to readily identify and obtain those objects of greatest interest to the particular user.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: January 8, 2004
    Date of Patent: August 19, 2008
    Assignee: International Business Machines Corporation
    Inventor: Michael Muller
  • Patent number: 7379928
    Abstract: A method and system for searching digitally annotated computer documents, including searching the annotations. An annotated document may be open for viewing by a user, or alternatively present among closed files that are searched to find files that match a query. In one implementation, the document data and the ink-annotation data exist on two separate layers, with each layer having associated text content, whether as original text or as annotations that are recognized as text. When a user issues a query to search the annotated document, the query is passed to a search engine that performs the pattern matching on the text in each layer, to produce search results. The search engine may produce a search result data structure for each match, which may be sorted with other data structures into a list, such as sorted by pages and coordinates, to present them to a user in a logical ordering.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: February 13, 2003
    Date of Patent: May 27, 2008
    Assignee: Microsoft Corporation
    Inventors: Ryan E. Cukierman, Vikram Madan, Gregory H. Manto