Patents Examined by Ogla Hernandez
  • Patent number: 6205375
    Abstract: A vehicle stability control apparatus calculates a desired yaw rate from the angle of the steering wheel and vehicle's velocity and always executes control so as to have the actual yaw rate correspond to the desired yaw rate. Both of the front wheels' braking force and the rear wheels' braking force are operated according to the amendment momentum calculated by a control in response to the yaw rate difference. However, the actual yaw rate cannot be accurately corresponded to the desired yawing moment without delay when the driver operates a steering wheel rapidly in the emergency evasion condition, the control unit increases the amendment momentum right after the emergency evasion condition. Furthermore, the control unit decreases the amendment momentum when the vehicle is converging on straight-ahead driving.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: December 2, 1999
    Date of Patent: March 20, 2001
    Assignee: Nissan Motor Co., Ltd
    Inventor: Genpei Naito