Patents Examined by Theodore Morris
  • Patent number: 5145521
    Abstract: Solutions of sulfuric acid having a polyamide, such as gelatin, dissolved therein are less corrosive than polyamide-free solutions of sulfuric acid of equal sulfuric acid concentration, while retaining essentially all of the acidity. The polyamide-safened sulfuric acid solutions of the invention are useful in place of sulfuric acid solutions for many purposes, e.g., as cleaners and herbicides, and for the treatment of cellulosic materials.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: June 7, 1991
    Date of Patent: September 8, 1992
    Assignee: Union Oil Company of California
    Inventor: James A. Green, II
  • Patent number: 5145524
    Abstract: Surface modification of a variety of pigments, particularly quinacridone pigments, and the pigments resulting therefrom whereby the pigment is treated with a poly(vinyl lower alkyl ether) and, optionally, with a dispersion-improving derivative of the primary pigment resulting in compositions exhibiting enhanced performance in automotive and other finish systems. The surface treatment also improves flow properties of the pigment in the aqueous phase of processing leading to higher solids content for direct application in waterborne systems.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: February 20, 1991
    Date of Patent: September 8, 1992
    Assignee: Ciba-Geigy Corporation
    Inventor: James B. Ganci
  • Patent number: 5143555
    Abstract: A method and apparatus for doctoring (cutting) the solids off a precoat filter. A stationary doctor blade continuously doctors mud (from a mud bath) from the surface of a rotating porous surface vacuum drum. A traveling doctor blade, located upstream of the stationary doctor blade, moves back and forth along the drum. The stationary blade extends the width of the rotating vacuum drum while the traveling blade is shorter and is also located nearer to the drum surface.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: July 1, 1991
    Date of Patent: September 1, 1992
    Assignee: International Paper Company
    Inventor: C. Lamar Brady
  • Patent number: 5143595
    Abstract: A process for the preparation of a base oil and middle distillate which is stable to oxidation and low temperature from a mineral oil fraction having a boiling range above C., by, in a first step, converting the mineral oil fraction on a hydrocracking catalyst under hydrocracking conditions to an extent of from 20 to 80% by weight into fractions which boil below C., separating the reactor effluent, if necessary, into liquid and gas phases in a high-pressure separator, treating the entire reactor effluent or only the liquid phase, directly or after removal of the fractions boiling below C. by distillation, in a second step with hydrogen at from to C.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: February 1, 1991
    Date of Patent: September 1, 1992
    Assignee: BASF Aktiengesellschaft
    Inventors: Juergen Thomas, Roland Spahl, Thomas Anstock, Ansgar Eisenbeis, Wolfgang Schmid
  • Patent number: 5141562
    Abstract: The present invention relates to a composition which comprises a zirconium salt of at least one organic carboxylic acid and an alkali metal or alkaline earth metal perborate. The compositions are useful in promoting the drying of ink compositions and particularly in printing inks used in the lithographic printing process.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: June 21, 1991
    Date of Patent: August 25, 1992
    Assignee: Mooney Chemicals, Inc.
    Inventor: Paul L. Cells
  • Patent number: 5141904
    Abstract: A spent metal contaminated zeolite-containing catalytic cracking catalyst composition is reactivated by a process which comprises contacting with an aqueous solution of at least one carboxylic acid (preferably at least one of formic acid, acetic acid, citric acid and lactic acid). The thus reactivated catalyst composition can be employed in a catalytic cracking process.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: February 15, 1991
    Date of Patent: August 25, 1992
    Assignee: Phillips Petroleum Company
    Inventors: Donald H. Kubicek, Chia-Min Fu, Richard E. Lowery, Michael K. Maholland
  • Patent number: 5139575
    Abstract: A process of preparing indigestible heteropolysaccharides which features dissolving starch decomposition products and at least one kind out of monosaccharides excluding glucose, homo-oligosaccharides excluding gluco-oligosaccharides, and hetero-oligosaccharides into water and to which an inorganic acid was added, then powdering and heating the powder in an anhydrous condition thereof.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: December 27, 1990
    Date of Patent: August 18, 1992
    Assignee: Matsutani Chemical Industries Co., Ltd.
    Inventors: Isao Matsuda, Kazuhiro Ohkuma, Yumiko Daido, Reiji Takahashi
  • Patent number: 5139645
    Abstract: Process for producing gasoline components from a hydrocarbonaceous feed containing hydrocarbons comprising at least 4 carbon atoms, and hydrocarbons obtained thereby. The process comprises:a. separating feed into a heavy fraction containing hydrocarbons comprising at least 7 carbon atoms and a light fraction containing hydrocarbons comprising at most 7 carbon atoms,b. isomerizing at least part of the light fraction at a temperature between and C.,c. separating effluent of step b) into a stream containing branched hydrocarbons and a stream containing normal hydrocarbons, andd. isomerizing at least part of the stream containing normal hydrocarbons at a temperature which is higher than the temperature applied in step b).
    Type: Grant
    Filed: May 13, 1991
    Date of Patent: August 18, 1992
    Assignee: Shell Oil Company
    Inventors: Ian E. Maxwell, Gerrit J. D. Otter, Gregory V. Tonks
  • Patent number: 5139646
    Abstract: A catalytic hydrocracking process which minimizes the fouling of the process unit with 11.sup.+ ring heavy polynuclear aromatic compounds by means of partially condensing the hydrocarbon effluent from the hydrocracking zone to produce an unconverted hydrocarbon stream comprising trace quantities of 11.sup.+ ring heavy polynuclear aromatic compounds and contacting the unconverted hydrocarbon stream with an adsorbent which selectively retains the 11.sup.+ ring heavy polynuclear aromatic compounds before the unconverted hydrocarbon stream is recycled to the hydrocracking zone.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: November 30, 1990
    Date of Patent: August 18, 1992
    Assignee: UOP
    Inventor: Adrian J. Gruia
  • Patent number: 5139644
    Abstract: The present invention is a catalytic hydrocracking process which minimizes the fouling of the process unit with 11.sup.+ ring heavy polynuclear aromatic compounds by means of hydrogenating and converting at least a portion or slipstream of the hydrocarbon effluent from the hydrocracking zone containing trace quantities of 11.sup.+ ring heavy polynuclear aromatic compounds in a 11.sup.+ ring heavy polynuclear aromatic compound conversion zone containing a hydrogenation catalyst having a hydrogenation component at hydrogenation conditions to selectively reduce the concentration of 11.sup.+ ring heavy polynuclear aromatic compounds before the hydrocracking zone effluent is cooled below about F. At least a portion of the effluent from the 11.sup.+ ring heavy polynuclear aromatic compound conversion zone is cooled and separated to produce at least a portion of the unconverted recycle stream.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: April 25, 1991
    Date of Patent: August 18, 1992
    Assignee: UOP
    Inventor: Adrian J. Gruia
  • Patent number: 5139752
    Abstract: From an ore containing gold and silver, the gold and silver are extracted by a method which comprises pulverizing the ore and bringing the pulverized ore into contact with an elemental halogen, a halogenated salt, and an organic solvent thereby converting the gold and silver into polyhalogeno anionic complexes and consequently dissolving them in the organic solvent.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: August 1, 1991
    Date of Patent: August 18, 1992
    Assignees: Agency of Industrial Science and Technology, Ministry of International Trade and Industry
    Inventors: Yukimichi Nakao, Kyoji Kaeriyama
  • Patent number: 5139576
    Abstract: A method and apparatus for sequential launching a plurality of pipeline pigs in serial manner into a gas transmission pipeline. The pig launching system incorporates a tubular magazine for receiving a plurality of pigs and having a free piston movably disposed therein. A source of hydraulic fluid medium is provided and is injected into the magazine behind the free piston for movement of the free piston and the pigs for pig launching. A gas energized liquid pump is operated by gas pressure from the gas transmission pipeline under the control of a timer operated gas supply valve for selective introduction of hydraulic fluid medium into the magazine. A control panel incorporating control circuitry is programmable to achieve timed launching of the pigs into the pipeline and shuts down the pig launching mechanism after each pig has been launched. The control circuitry is also capable of rendering an alarm signal if pig launching is not achieved within a predetermined time period.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: March 7, 1991
    Date of Patent: August 18, 1992
    Assignee: Western Gas Processors, Ltd.
    Inventor: Gary W. Davis
  • Patent number: 5139643
    Abstract: Phosphorus derivatives of polyalkenylsuccinimides and methods of use of such derivatives as antifoulants in liquid hydrocarbonaceous mediums, such as crude oil, during processing at elevated temperatures are disclosed. The derivatives are formed via reaction of a polyalkenylsuccinimide intermediate with formaldehyde and a phosphorus compound having at least one acidic hydrogen P--H bond. The intermediate is first formed via reaction of polyalkenylsuccinic anhydride and polyamine.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: March 13, 1991
    Date of Patent: August 18, 1992
    Assignee: Betz Laboratories, Inc.
    Inventors: Paul V. Roling, David R. Forester, Bruce E. Wright
  • Patent number: 5139650
    Abstract: A method and apparatus for steam cracking hydrocarbons in a furnace (10) having rectilinear single-pass tubes (12) which are interconnected at their outlet ends by a manifold (18) within which the steam cracking effluents are subjected to limited pre-quenching by injection of a cooler gaseous medium, with the effluents then being conveyed to quenching means (22). The invention serves in particular to increase the yield of hydrocarbon steam cracking installations.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: February 4, 1991
    Date of Patent: August 18, 1992
    Assignee: Procedes Petroliers et Petrochimiques
    Inventor: Eric Lenglet
  • Patent number: 5137571
    Abstract: A method is provided for improving thickeners used in aqueous system. The improvement is directed to the elimination of organic cosolvents which are conventionally added to aqueous solutions of certain hydrophobic thickeners. This method involves the reversible complexation of cyclodextrin compounds with hydrophobic moieties on the thickener molecule to suppress the viscosity of the aqueous solution containing the thickener so that such the solution can be easily handled. This is followed by decomplexing the cyclodextrin from the thickener to permit the thickener to perform its intended function.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: June 5, 1990
    Date of Patent: August 11, 1992
    Assignee: Rohm and Haas Company
    Inventors: Eric K. Eisenhart, Richard F. Merritt, Eric A. Johnson
  • Patent number: 5137581
    Abstract: A degreasing and cleaning method for removing oils from an object includes the steps of heating an object deposited with oils in a container, jetting a cleaning liquid which is mainly water or steam into the container and subsequently evacuating the container to reduce the pressure in the inside of the container to thereby evaporate the deposited oils to remove them from the object. The degreasing and cleaning method can be conducted by an apparatus which includes a vacuum container having a heating means for heating an object deposited with oils, a jetting means for jetting the cleaning liquid into the vacuum container and an exhausting means for exhausting evaporated ingredients formed by steam distillation in the vacuum container therefrom.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: June 25, 1991
    Date of Patent: August 11, 1992
    Assignee: Oriental Engineering Co., Ltd.
    Inventor: Tsuneo Takahashi
  • Patent number: 5137620
    Abstract: A reforming process using a Supported Group VIII noble metal reforming catalyst which has been pretreated with an unsaturated aliphatic hydrocarbon at elevated temperatures, thereby lowering activity during initial reforming operations and reducing gas production during the initial operation.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: May 20, 1991
    Date of Patent: August 11, 1992
    Assignee: Exxon Research and Engineering Company
    Inventors: John L. Robbins, Elise Marucchi-Soos, Ming Chow, William E. Gates, Shun C. Fung, Joseph P. Boyle
  • Patent number: 5135732
    Abstract: Method is described for the low temperature preparation of the spinel LiMn.sub.2 O.sub.4 phase which is an intercalable compound of interest for use in lithium secondary batteries. This phase can be prepared in bulk or thick film form at temperatures less than C. using acetate precursors.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: April 23, 1991
    Date of Patent: August 4, 1992
    Assignee: Bell Communications Research, Inc.
    Inventors: Philippe Barboux, Frough K. Shokoohi, Jean-Marie Tarascon
  • Patent number: 5133851
    Abstract: Process for reducing the metal content of a hydrocarbon feed mixture by reverse osmosis, comprising contacting the feed mixture substantially boiling in the range between about and about C. and containing at most about 1000 parts per billion by weight (ppbw) of metal(s) with a metal-selective membrane to give a hydrocarbon permeate stream having a metal content which is less.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: May 17, 1991
    Date of Patent: July 28, 1992
    Assignee: Shell Oil Company
    Inventors: Johan G. A. Bitter, Richard H. Clark, Johannes L. W. C. Den Boestert, Jayantilal B. Rajani
  • Patent number: 5133808
    Abstract: The present invention relates to a process provided for cleaning magnesium thoriated scrap turnings resulting from machining operations. It results in the recovery of a maximum possible amount of magnesium thorium alloy for future use while ensuring protection of the environment. The process reduces to a minimum the amount of the hazardous waste which must otherwise be buried at great expense and with continuing legal liability to the burying party. A batch of the magnesium thoriated scrap turnings is rapidly flooded, then washed, with a solution of heated water and detergent. Thereupon, the water, detergent and impurities are removed from the scrap turnings, and the batch dried. Thereafter, ferrous material present in the washed batch of magnesium thoriated scrap turnings is separated from non-ferrous material and the latter is classified into processed turnings and fines. The processed turnings, fines and the ferrous material are then separately packaged.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: March 6, 1991
    Date of Patent: July 28, 1992
    Assignee: Avco Corporation
    Inventors: Peter P. Sorrentino, Lois K. Sivahop