Patents Examined by W. Lewis
  • Patent number: 5178627
    Abstract: A device for treating hemorrhoids is formed from a hollow member having integral insertion and collar portions. Controlling means located within the member and running from the collar to at least partially the length of the insertion portion serve to control the maximum transverse section of the device. Reduction of the cross section eases insertion and extraction of the device. Release of the controlling means allows the device to resiliently return to its normal condition.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: January 13, 1992
    Date of Patent: January 12, 1993
    Inventor: Harriet Hudock
  • Patent number: 5178626
    Abstract: A surgical saw having a base blade portion, a plurality of staggered teeth and an intermediate blade portion, the thickness of which is less than the thickness of the base blade portion. The thickness of the intermediate blade portion is sufficiently less than the thickness of the base blade portion to permit passage of bone cuttings and other material away from the staggered teeth during operation of the surgical saw.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: November 1, 1990
    Date of Patent: January 12, 1993
    Inventor: Michael J. Pappas
  • Patent number: 5178624
    Abstract: This invention relates to an umbilical cord cutting scissors for using one time only in which all portions except blade portion of scissors are replaced by plastic material, or blade portions as well but both blade edges are formed with saw teeth, and semispherical transparent plastic upper and lower container around the blade portions are formed thereof, so that splashing of blood from umbilical cord upon cutting it is prevented, and problem is solved in which umbilical cord is slipped and is not easily cut, and the umbilical cord can be cut hygienically while confirming correct portion of the umbilical cord to be cut off.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: June 25, 1991
    Date of Patent: January 12, 1993
    Inventor: Doo J. Kyun
  • Patent number: 5178625
    Abstract: A catheter atherotome and method for its use for performing partial atherectomy in an artery and thereby enlarging the lumen effectively available for blood flow through the artery. An expansible cutter head at the distal end of a catheter includes several elongate flexible members mounted in a parallel array and spaced angularly apart from one another about the associated ends of two concentric members of the catheter in such a way that longitudinal and rotary relative movement of the members of the catheter selectively either bows the flexible members arcuately outwardly into a cutting position or draws them into alignment parallel with the catheter. A sharpened edge of a blade carried on at least one flexible member extends circumferentially and is directed toward the catheter's proximal end when the flexible members are bowed.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: December 19, 1991
    Date of Patent: January 12, 1993
    Assignee: EVI Corporation
    Inventor: LeRoy E. Groshong
  • Patent number: 5176693
    Abstract: A balloon expandable atherectomy cutter for removing plaque from an artery includes an elongated cutter assembly having a plurality of blades which, with respect to the axis of rotation of the cutter, are radially separated from each other and axially aligned with each other. The assembly is mounted on the distal end of a rotatable catheter and is rotatable about a quide wire to cut plaque from an artery as it is rotated. An inflatable balloon, is mounted between an ovoid space formed between the blades. An inflator is connected with the balloon to inflate the balloon and urge it against the distal portion of the blades. In the operation of the cutter, when the balloon is deflated the blades establish a first radius of rotation which cuts through the plaque of a stenotic segment as the cutter is advanced into the artery.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: May 11, 1992
    Date of Patent: January 5, 1993
    Assignee: InterVentional Technologies, Inc.
    Inventor: Edward J. Pannek, Jr.
  • Patent number: 5176695
    Abstract: A surgical cutter, basically designed for but not limited to laparoscopic surgery, contains a slotted housing and a linearly reciprocating blade which moves parallel to the longitudinal axis of the housing within the slot. The housing also contains a shaped opening near the distal end, the surfaces of this opening being generally perpendicular to the plane of the slot in the housing. Portions of the shaped opening surfaces co-act with the cutting edge of the blade to confine the material to be cut so that it is confined, supported, and cleaved as the blade moves through the plane of the co-acting supporting surface in the opening. The cutting edge of the blade is enveloped by the housing at both ends of the cutting stroke so that the instrument can be safely inserted into and used within the patients body without spurious cutting or damage to the blade.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: July 8, 1991
    Date of Patent: January 5, 1993
    Assignee: Davinci Medical, Inc.
    Inventor: David H. Dulebohn
  • Patent number: 5176630
    Abstract: A colonic lavage apparatus including a speculum (12) in which the speculum (12) takes the form of an elongated tubular body (29) having a tapered leading end (30) provided with a pair of diametrically opposed apertures (36). The major length of the body (29) tapers rearwardly from the leading end (30) into a trailing end (45) which is coupled to a liquid delivery line (L) from a source of liquid under pressure. A control line (L') is coupled to a valve assembly (16) at an opposite end of the speculum (12) to that of the delivery line (L), the valve assembly (16) including an elastic tubular liner (28) and a pressure port (24) positioned on an external surface of the valve (16) which is in communication with the source of liquid under pressure, the valve (16) being opened and closed in response to the differential pressure between the liquid in the pressure port (24) and the speculum (12).
    Type: Grant
    Filed: August 23, 1990
    Date of Patent: January 5, 1993
    Assignee: Aegis Medical, Inc.
    Inventors: Thomas Shilling, Alan R. Lee
  • Patent number: 5171225
    Abstract: A pressure dental anesthesia device comprising a needle guiding element attached to a handle and having a tip suitable for pressing against a living tissue area to be anesthetized. The needle guiding element has an elongated cavity which narrows at the pressure tip to localize the needle and widens towards the distal end of the cavity so as to facilitate the positioning and guidance of the hypodermic needle in the cavity at a safe distance from the tissue.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: January 30, 1991
    Date of Patent: December 15, 1992
    Assignee: Dalhousie College and University
    Inventor: John D. Sterrett
  • Patent number: 5171297
    Abstract: A balloon consisting of braided fibers encapsulated between two plastic elastomeric materials affixes to a distal end of a catheter. The braided fibers provide reinforcement to contain pressure and determine the maximum diameter of the balloon on expansion. The elastomeric material provides for fluid containment and collapsing of the balloon after pressurization. An embedded spring in an elastomeric material internal to the catheter provides memory to assist in collapsing the balloon after pressurization. The embedded spring extends from the distal end of the catheter towards the proximal end of the catheter along a substantial length of the catheter. The catheter with the balloon are in a multilumen configuration or in a coaxial configuration. A guidewire passage extends through the elastomeric material with the embedded spring.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: April 21, 1992
    Date of Patent: December 15, 1992
    Assignee: Angeion Corporation
    Inventors: Edward A. Barlow, Gregory G. Brucker
  • Patent number: 5171241
    Abstract: A device is described for folding an IOL and thereafter holding it in its folding state, which comprises a member foldable into two sections of substantially equally dimensions, each of said sections having a shoulder portion dimensioned to receive an edge of the optic of an unfolded IOL and to hold the IOL in the plane of the member when the member is in an unfolded state. A method of folding a foldable IOL along the diameter thereof comprises placing said IOL in the device of claim 1 so that the edges of the optic rest on the shoulders and the optic is substantially centered along the fold line of said member, and folding said sections together.A case is also described for the device which is capable of holding the device with an IOL in an unfolded state.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: April 2, 1990
    Date of Patent: December 15, 1992
    Assignee: Ioptex Research Inc.
    Inventors: David C. Buboltz, Charles F. Hornback
  • Patent number: 5171233
    Abstract: The present invention provides a snare for intravascular use having an elongate proximal member and a loop-shaped distal segment oriented at an angle to the adjacent portion of the proximal member. The snare may be formed of a superelastic shape memory alloy, which permits the distal segment to be collapsed for passage through a catheter and yet automatically open into its original, unrestrained configuration upon emerging from the distal tip of the catheter.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: April 25, 1990
    Date of Patent: December 15, 1992
    Assignee: Microvena Corporation
    Inventors: Kurt Amplatz, Frank Kotula, Rudy A. Mazzocchi
  • Patent number: 5171234
    Abstract: A pre-slit injection site includes a housing with a flow path therethrough. A first end of the housing carries a pre-slit septum. A blunt cannula, usable with the injection site, carries a locking member. When the pre-slit injection site slidably receives the blunt cannula the locking member latches to the injection site forming a mechanically coupled unit.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: June 12, 1990
    Date of Patent: December 15, 1992
    Assignee: Baxter International, Inc.
    Inventors: Steve C. Jepson, Thomas E. Dudar
  • Patent number: 5171226
    Abstract: A novel subcutaneous tunneling device is disclosed which is particularly directed to long-term epidural catheters for relieving intractable pain, which catheters require tunneling from the paravertebral incision where the catheter is introduced into the epidural space to a lateral location where administration of a narcotic is more conveniently handled. The tunneling device consists essentially of a hollow shaft having a solid removable cutting tip on one end thereof. Following removal of the solid cutting tip, a catheter, cannula or other tubular article may then be passed through the shaft.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: May 20, 1991
    Date of Patent: December 15, 1992
    Assignee: The Kendall Company
    Inventor: Jennifer J. McCrory
  • Patent number: 5167648
    Abstract: A pre-slit injection site includes a housing with a flow path therethrough. A first end of the housing carries a pre-slit septum. A blunt cannula, usable with the injection site, carries a locking member. When the pre-slit injection site slidably receives the blunt cannula the locking member latches to the injection site forming a mechanically coupled unit.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: June 11, 1990
    Date of Patent: December 1, 1992
    Assignee: Baxter International Inc.
    Inventors: Steve C. Jepson, Thomas E. Dudar
  • Patent number: 5163906
    Abstract: A dilatation catheter intended in particular for treatment of strictures in the carotid artery has at its front end a dilatation balloon, which is inserted in the folded state into the carotid artery and is inflated in order to widen the stricture. In front of the dilatation balloon a sealing balloon is arranged which serves to seal off the carotid artery downstream of the stricture, in order thereby to prevent a migration of any stricture material which may become detached during treatment, and thus to avoid the risk of an embolism. Between the dilatation balloon and the sealing balloon there is a draw-off and inlet opening through which, after widening and with the sealing balloon inflated, detached stricture material can be drawn off or washed away.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: March 12, 1992
    Date of Patent: November 17, 1992
    Assignee: Schneider (Europe) AG
    Inventor: Ramazan-Ali Ahmadi
  • Patent number: 5163421
    Abstract: An instrument and method for removing an obstruction from a human body lumen, such as an artery, is provided wherein the distal end of an ultrasonic transmission member is inserted within the artery and is connected at its proximal end to an ultrasonic power generator including a horn. A high efficiency ultrasonic transmission wire is connected to the horn which is formed from a material having a mechanical Q greater than about 50,000.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: December 12, 1989
    Date of Patent: November 17, 1992
    Assignee: Angiosonics, Inc.
    Inventors: Jonathan Bernstein, Uri Rosenschein
  • Patent number: 5158554
    Abstract: A pre-slit injection site includes a housing with a flow path therethrough. A first end of the housing carries a pre-slit septum. A blunt cannula, usable with the injection site, carries a locking member. When the pre-slit injection site slidably receives the blunt cannula the locking member latches to the injection site forming a mechanically coupled unit.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: June 12, 1990
    Date of Patent: October 27, 1992
    Assignee: Baxter International Inc.
    Inventors: Steve C. Jepson, Thomas E. Dudar
  • Patent number: 5158565
    Abstract: A localization needle having an inner and outer needle, the outer needle having a window at the distal end and the inner needle having a barb to project out of the window upon relative axial movement of the needles. A first hub on the inner needle has axially spaced recesses to retain and locate a second hub on the outer needle. The first hub is expandable to allow motion of the second hub from a proximal to a distal position. A manually operable flexible oval within the first hub is used to expand the first hub to allow the relative movement of the second hub.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: October 10, 1990
    Date of Patent: October 27, 1992
    Assignee: DLP, Inc.
    Inventors: Stuart J. Marcadis, Garey L. McLellan
  • Patent number: 5154711
    Abstract: An ophthalmic device (10, 30, 50, 81) in the form of a cup (11, 31, 51) having a periphery (12, 32, 52, 85) substantially scaphoid in plan for contacting a facial region in the vicinity of an eye. The interior of the cup is accessible from its exterior by way of at least a first port (14, 34, 58, 86) and a second port (15, 35, 60, 87). The first port (14, 34, 58, 86) provides an inlet for a dispensing unit (17, 38, 63) for material to be supplied to the eye. The second port (15, 35, 60, 87) provides a target for viewing by an eye about which the periphery (12, 32, 52, 85) is disposed. The device (10, 30, 50, 81) is preferably fabricated from a material which is substantially opaque or imperfectly transparent and the second port (15, 35, 60, 87) is an aperture which provides a viewing target for an eye with which the device is being used. Alternatively the device can be in the form of a transparent shell with a distinctive target supported on the shell.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: February 15, 1990
    Date of Patent: October 13, 1992
    Inventor: John Leslie Williams
  • Patent number: 5154723
    Abstract: A cerebral surgery endoscope apparatus comprises a stereotaxic instrument secured to the head of a patient and adapted to effect positioning of an affected part; an adjusted support means whose inserting direction is determined by its orientation to the stereotaxic instrument and which determines the direction in which a treating instrument is inserted into the head of the patient; a viewing device such as an endoscope supported on the support means and having a channel into which a treating instrument can be inserted, the treating instrument being inserted into a channel of the viewing device and then into the head of the patient. A fixing device is connected to the stereotaxic instrument and adapted to secure the support means, the viewing device and/or the treating instrument in a fixed position on with respect to the affected part.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: January 21, 1992
    Date of Patent: October 13, 1992
    Assignee: Olympus Optical Co., Ltd.
    Inventors: Tetsumaru Kubota, Hitoshi Karasawa, Yuichi Ikeda, Toshihiko Hashiguchi