Patents Examined by William J. Deare, Jr.
  • Patent number: 5660175
    Abstract: The endotracheal device comprises a common slave unit and an endobronchial tube. The endobronchial tube is preformed for either left curvature or right curvature. The common slave unit includes a tracheal lumen and an endobronchial lumen. The endobronchial tube is inserted through the endobronchial lumen and into either the left or right bronchus. A first inflatable cuff secures the common slave unit with respect to the trachea. A second inflatable cuff secures the endobronchial tube with respect to the endobronchial lumen.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: August 21, 1995
    Date of Patent: August 26, 1997
    Inventor: Bimal Dayal
  • Patent number: 5647345
    Abstract: Disclosed is an isocapnic respiratory stimulator for providing a mixture of fresh air and CO2 enriched exhaled air. The respirator comprises a mixing chamber with a breathing port and at least one vent port. Fresh air is mixed thoroughly with exhaled air in the mixing chamber. Upon sustained breathing from the chamber, the minute ventilation of the insure is increased with experiencing any substantial change in arterial blood CO2 level. This provides methods to avoid or treat hypoxia experienced by an individual at altitudes above 5000 feet, to treat carbon monoxide poisoning, to induce losing weight, to assist in smoking cessation, to condition an athlete to minimize dyspnea, and to condition respiratory muscles.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: June 7, 1995
    Date of Patent: July 15, 1997
    Inventor: Gilbert D. Saul