Patents Examined by Wilson D. Swayze
  • Patent number: 4930019
    Abstract: A video cassette recorder plays an audio/video tape prerecorded with a video signal, three voice signals and three audio control signals. One of the voice signals is modulated with a carrier higher in frequency than the other voice signals for recording. The video image is displayed on a television monitor. The audio signals are coupled to a control unit which broadcasts one of the voice signals and transmits the other two with associated control signals to remotely located dolls. The dolls broadcast the voice signals according to the corresponding control signals. Hand-held switch units allow individuals to preempt broadcasting by the dolls to permit the individuals to interject their own vocal responses.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: November 29, 1988
    Date of Patent: May 29, 1990
    Inventor: Chi Wai Chu