Patents by Inventor Acacio Agostinho Goncalves Rodrigues

Acacio Agostinho Goncalves Rodrigues has filed for patents to protect the following inventions. This listing includes patent applications that are pending as well as patents that have already been granted by the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO).

  • Publication number: 20230227887
    Abstract: Disclosed herein are methods and compositions for antimicrobial quantification and functional measurement. In one aspect, a method for quantifying antimicrobial comprises: obtaining a biological sample from a patient receiving an antimicrobial; incubating the biological sample with a reference microbial strain and a fluorophore for detecting cell lesion; measuring a first signal of fluorescent intensity in the incubated biological sample using flow cytometry; and comparing the first signal to a calibrating curve previously generated for the antimicrobial, thereby quantifying the antimicrobial present in the biological sample.
    Type: Application
    Filed: October 31, 2022
    Publication date: July 20, 2023
    Applicant: Fastinov S.A.
    Inventors: Cidalia Irene Azevedo Pina Vaz, Acacio Agostinho Goncalves Rodrigues
  • Patent number: 11485993
    Abstract: Disclosed herein are methods and compositions for antimicrobial quantification and functional measurement. In one aspect, a method for quantifying antimicrobial comprises: obtaining a biological sample from a patient receiving an antimicrobial; incubating the biological sample with a reference microbial strain and a fluorophore for detecting cell lesion; measuring a first signal of fluorescent intensity in the incubated biological sample using flow cytometry; and comparing the first signal to a calibrating curve previously generated for the antimicrobial, thereby quantifying the antimicrobial present in the biological sample.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: June 1, 2018
    Date of Patent: November 1, 2022
    Assignee: Fastinov S.A.
    Inventors: Cidalia Irene Azevedo Pina Vaz, Acacio Agostinho Goncalves Rodrigues
  • Publication number: 20200190554
    Abstract: Disclosed herein are methods and compositions for antimicrobial quantification and functional measurement. In one aspect, a method for quantifying antimicrobial comprises: obtaining a biological sample from a patient receiving an antimicrobial; incubating the biological sample with a reference microbial strain and a fluorophore for detecting cell lesion; measuring a first signal of fluorescent intensity in the incubated biological sample using flow cytometry; and comparing the first signal to a calibrating curve previously generated for the antimicrobial, thereby quantifying the antimicrobial present in the biological sample.
    Type: Application
    Filed: June 1, 2018
    Publication date: June 18, 2020
    Inventors: Cidalia Irene Azevedo Pina Vaz, Acacio Agostinho Goncalves Rodrigues
  • Patent number: 9290790
    Abstract: This invention relates to an antimicrobial susceptibility test made upon pure microbial cultures—a laboratory culture containing a single species of organism—or directly from biological samples uncultured. Some preferred embodiments do not require the use a pure culture obtained from a biological product which would otherwise take at least 24 hours for the microorganisms to grow—so, is performed an antimicrobial susceptibility test directly from uncultured biological samples like urine, blood cultures or water by fluorescence analysis.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: June 4, 2012
    Date of Patent: March 22, 2016
    Inventors: Cidália Irene Azevedo Pina Vaz, Acácio Agostinho Goncalves Rodrigues, Isabel Cristina Santos Silva De Faria Ramos Antunes, Ana Sofia Quinta E Costa De Oliveira Morais, Ana Teresa Pinto E Silva, Ana Isabel Silva Dias, Rita Daniela Teixeira Dos Santos
  • Publication number: 20140199703
    Abstract: The present invention relates to a method for detecting resistant microorganisms to a therapeutic agent in a biological sample, comprising the following steps: a. inoculate the said sample, uncultured, on a first tube with, and on a second tube without, at least one therapeutic agent; preferentially further including at least one lysing agent and/or a buffer, and/or a suitable culture medium, or put the sample on a separation serum tube; and incubated it; b. add to both tubes a fluorescent marker; c. perform a fluorescence analysis for obtaining one or more fluorescence or growth parameters for each of the two tubes; wherein the microorganisms resistant phenotype of the biological sample to said therapeutic agent is obtained by comparing the one or more fluorescence parameters between the two tubes.
    Type: Application
    Filed: June 4, 2012
    Publication date: July 17, 2014
    Applicant: Universidade do Porto
    Inventors: Cidáia Irene Azevedo Pina Vaz, Acácio Agostinho Gonçalves Rodrigues, Isabel Cristina Santos Silva De Faria Ramos Antunes, Rita Mafalda Dos Santos Rocha Do Rosário, Ana Sofia Quinta E Costa De Oliveira Morais, Ana Teresa Pinto E Silva