Patents by Inventor Aldemar Moreno

Aldemar Moreno has filed for patents to protect the following inventions. This listing includes patent applications that are pending as well as patents that have already been granted by the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO).

  • Publication number: 20190197268
    Abstract: A method of tracking bags including associating a bag with a customer, scanning the bag at a drop off location, scanning the bag at a sorting station, scanning the bag at a gate, and scanning the bag at an airplane. Also, a system for tracking bags including a bag having a tracking element, a tracking element reader disposed at a drop off location, a second tracking element reader disposed at a sorting station, a third tracking element reader disposed at a gate, and a fourth tracking element reader disposed at an airplane. The bag is scanned at the drop off location, the sorting station, the gate, and the airplane and the tracking element is configured to provide bag information and the tracking element reader is configured to provide location information and time information at each of the drop off location, the sorting station, the gate, and the airplane for the bag.
    Type: Application
    Filed: December 22, 2017
    Publication date: June 27, 2019
    Inventors: Aldemar Moreno, Francisco J. Garcia
  • Publication number: 20150324738
    Abstract: A method for managing inventory including selecting an item criterion and configuring a scanning device to intercept an item based on the item criterion. Additionally, scanning a plurality of items and determining whether the item includes the item criterion. The method also includes altering a user if the item includes the item criterion and preventing the user from scanning a second item if the first item includes the item criterion.
    Type: Application
    Filed: May 12, 2014
    Publication date: November 12, 2015
    Inventor: Aldemar Moreno