Patents by Inventor Alessandra Lanzara

Alessandra Lanzara has filed for patents to protect the following inventions. This listing includes patent applications that are pending as well as patents that have already been granted by the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO).

  • Publication number: 20230110264
    Abstract: A source and drain electrode are spaced apart by an optically exposed gate region above a surface photovoltage effect (SPV) bulk. A two-dimensional material is deposited upon the gate region. The gate region is activated by exposure to an ultrafast light pulse, which may be infrared or near-infrared, and may be a focused collimated laser pulse with a sub-picosecond width. The pulse causes electron-hole pair generation resulting in band bending in the SPV material, which generates an electric field within the 2D material, thereby modifying the electronic properties between source and drain via a field-effect. After passage of the pulse, conduction continues in the device until the conductive electron-hole pairs recombine during the SPV decay time. The two-dimensional material may comprise a crystalline atomic monolayer. The activation is repeatable with subsequent pulses, resulting in the device cycling on and off within timescales less than 200 picoseconds.
    Type: Application
    Filed: September 9, 2022
    Publication date: April 13, 2023
    Inventors: Samuel Ciocys, Alessandra Lanzara
  • Patent number: 9142634
    Abstract: One or more embodiments relate generally to the field of photoelectron spin and, more specifically, to a method and system for creating a controllable spin-polarized electron source. One preferred embodiment of the invention generally comprises: method for creating a controllable spin-polarized electron source comprising the following steps: providing one or more materials, the one or more materials having at least one surface and a material layer adjacent to said surface, wherein said surface comprises highly spin-polarized surface electrons, wherein the direction and spin of the surface electrons are locked together; providing at least one incident light capable of stimulating photoemission of said surface electrons; wherein the photon polarization of said incident light is tunable; and inducing photoemission of the surface electron states.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: February 20, 2014
    Date of Patent: September 22, 2015
    Inventors: Chris Jozwiak, Cheol-Hwan Park, Kenneth Gotlieb, Steven G Louie, Zahid Hussain, Alessandra Lanzara
  • Publication number: 20150235799
    Abstract: One or more embodiments relate generally to the field of photoelectron spin and, more specifically, to a method and system for creating a controllable spin-polarized electron source. One preferred embodiment of the invention generally comprises: method for creating a controllable spin-polarized electron source comprising the following steps: providing one or more materials, the one or more materials having at least one surface and a material layer adjacent to said surface, wherein said surface comprises highly spin-polarized surface electrons, wherein the direction and spin of the surface electrons are locked together; providing at least one incident light capable of stimulating photoemission of said surface electrons; wherein the photon polarization of said incident light is tunable; and inducing photoemission of the surface electron states.
    Type: Application
    Filed: February 20, 2014
    Publication date: August 20, 2015
    Inventors: Chris Jozwiak, Cheol Hwan Park, Kenneth Gotlieb, Steven Gwon Sheng Louie, Zahid Hussain, Alessandra Lanzara
  • Publication number: 20130126727
    Abstract: A time-of-flight (TOF) photoemission electron energy analyzer includes a TOF spectrometer for measuring an energy spectrum of a beam of electrons photoemitted from a sample and a 90 degree bend bandpass filter for spatially dispersing and filtering electrons according to energy. An exchange scattering electron spin polarimeter for detecting the spin of electrons includes an entrance aperture for admitting an electron beam, a magnetizable target positionable for receiving the electron beam at an angle relative to a target surface normal vector, a pair of Helmholtz coils positioned about the target for magnetizing the target in a selected direction, and a high-speed multi-channel plate (MCP) detector facing toward the target for receiving electrons reflected from the target surface, the MCP outputting a signal corresponding to the spin dependent intensity and time of electrons' arrivals.
    Type: Application
    Filed: June 29, 2010
    Publication date: May 23, 2013
    Applicant: The Regents of the University of California
    Inventors: Christopher Jozwiak, Zahid Hussain, Alessandra Lanzara, Gennadi V. Lebedev, Andreas K. Schmid, Nord C. Andresen, Jeff Graf
  • Patent number: 8142754
    Abstract: A method is described herein for the providing of high quality graphene layers on silicon carbide wafers in a thermal process. With two wafers facing each other in close proximity, in a first vacuum heating stage, while maintained at a vacuum of around 10?6 Torr, the wafer temperature is raised to about 1500° C., whereby silicon evaporates from the wafer leaving a carbon rich surface, the evaporated silicon trapped in the gap between the wafers, such that the higher vapor pressure of silicon above each of the wafers suppresses further silicon evaporation. As the temperature of the wafers is raised to about 1530° C. or more, the carbon atoms self assemble themselves into graphene.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: March 8, 2011
    Date of Patent: March 27, 2012
    Assignee: The Regents of the University of California
    Inventors: Alessandra Lanzara, Andreas K. Schmid, Xiaozhu Yu, Choonkyu Hwang, Annemarie Kohl, Chris M. Jozwiak
  • Publication number: 20110223094
    Abstract: A method is described herein for the providing of high quality graphene layers on silicon carbide wafers in a thermal process. With two wafers facing each other in close proximity, in a first vacuum heating stage, while maintained at a vacuum of around 10?6 Torr, the wafer temperature is raised to about 1500° C., whereby silicon evaporates from the wafer leaving a carbon rich surface, the evaporated silicon trapped in the gap between the wafers, such that the higher vapor pressure of silicon above each of the wafers suppresses further silicon evaporation. As the temperature of the wafers is raised to about 1530° C. or more, the carbon atoms self assemble themselves into graphene.
    Type: Application
    Filed: March 8, 2011
    Publication date: September 15, 2011
    Applicant: The Regents of the University of California
    Inventors: Alessandra Lanzara, Andreas K. Schmid, Xiaozhu Yu, Choonkyu Hwang, Annemarie Kohl, Chris M. Jozwiak