Patents by Inventor Alexander Nadezdinskii

Alexander Nadezdinskii has filed for patents to protect the following inventions. This listing includes patent applications that are pending as well as patents that have already been granted by the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO).

  • Publication number: 20040090628
    Abstract: The present invention provides for an apparatus, method, and system for mapping out each pollutant and its locality. The apparatus includes a cell where pollutants can be collected in with an optical channel having multiple passes of radiation within the cell. The cell requires a valve acting like a vacuum for allowing pollutants in the atmosphere to be deposited in the cell for detection. A location sensor is provided for determining a location coordinate of the cell. The mappable atmospheric pollutant detection system utilizes laser technology with a computer system.
    Type: Application
    Filed: November 13, 2002
    Publication date: May 13, 2004
    Inventors: Oleg Ershov, Alexander Nadezdinskii, Andrey Berezin, Steven Kadner
  • Publication number: 20030160173
    Abstract: The present invention provides a system and an apparatus for remotely detecting a gas molecule. The apparatus includes a diode laser for emitting radiation at a maximum absorption band of the gas molecule to be detected and a single mode fiber connected to the diode laser for narrowing spatial inhomogeneous of the radiation. The intensity of the laser diode depends on amount of the feeding current. Laser diode's temperature is stabilized by a thernistor and peltier element. The current feeding into the pump current adjusts and stabilizes the temperature of the diode laser. After going through an optical scheme, the radiation may be absorbed by the present gas molecule. The photodetector will detect whether absorption has occurred or not. This type of detection is utilized in detecting alcohol molecule in an enclosure such as a vehicle.
    Type: Application
    Filed: February 22, 2002
    Publication date: August 28, 2003
    Inventors: Oleg Ershov, Alexander Nadezdinskii, Andrey Berezin