Patents by Inventor Ali-Akbar Samadani

Ali-Akbar Samadani has filed for patents to protect the following inventions. This listing includes patent applications that are pending as well as patents that have already been granted by the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO).

  • Publication number: 20200155057
    Abstract: A method can use dual-axis accelerometry signals obtained during a swallow to classify the swallow as a normal swallow or as an impaired swallow (e.g., an aspiration-penetration). The method can include representing the dual-axis accelerometry signals as meta-features, comparing the salient time and frequency meta-features, identified by regularized binomial logistic regression with elastic net penalty performed on the time and frequency meta-features in a known training data set, with a preset linear discriminant classifier constructed based on the salient meta-features, and classifying the swallow as a normal swallow or a possibly impaired swallow, based on the comparing. Preferably a processing module operatively connected to the sensor performs the processing of the dual-axis accelerometry signals and also automatically classifies the swallow.
    Type: Application
    Filed: July 26, 2018
    Publication date: May 21, 2020
    Inventors: Ali-Akbar Samadani, Tom Chau