Patents by Inventor Amri SHODIQ

Amri SHODIQ has filed for patents to protect the following inventions. This listing includes patent applications that are pending as well as patents that have already been granted by the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO).

  • Publication number: 20230209321
    Abstract: A system and method to utilize modular device and mesh network to send emergency alert that could be delivered to the cloud and sent to the user even though the cloud itself is not reachable directly from the device are provided. The disclosure uses modular sensors, internet of things (IoT) application and cloud server, and an emergency protocol that may enable devices within the mesh network to find the best route to cloud and produce reliable emergency alert even though the connection between device and cloud is unreliable.
    Type: Application
    Filed: November 9, 2022
    Publication date: June 29, 2023
    Inventors: Tandri SURYADI, Kautsar Assyifa Baroroh PRAMAS, Kevin WINATA, Yanuar RAHMAN, Andri SETIAWAN, Albertus Dio PADMADHARMA, Amri SHODIQ, Leonardus Ardyandhita Kurniawan SUWARDHANIS