Patents by Inventor Andrei Efremovich Mordkovich

Andrei Efremovich Mordkovich has filed for patents to protect the following inventions. This listing includes patent applications that are pending as well as patents that have already been granted by the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO).

  • Patent number: 4059372
    Abstract: The plant for producing metallic pellets from a salt-added magnesium or alloys thereof comprises a metal-melting furnace, a centrifugal pelletizer with a perforated bowl and a cylindrical pellet-collecting chamber. A hopper is provided in said cylindrical chamber to divide the latter into two concentric zones open from below, of which one zone is adapted for collecting salvage resulting from the pellet formation process, while the other zone is for pellet collection. Provision of said zones makes it possible to considerably reduce the content of salts in magnesium pellets or in those of alloys thereof, as a great proportion of the salts get into the hopper and is withdrawn from the chamber as process waste, whereas the magnesium pellets settle down in the other zone and are then forwarded for further processing.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: December 6, 1976
    Date of Patent: November 22, 1977
    Inventors: Ivan Andreevich Barannik, Anatoly Borisovich Kondratenko, Alexandr Fedorovich Trukhin, Viktor Georgievich Raskatov, Ivan Vasilievich Zharovsky, Viktor Alexandrovich Rudakov, Andrei Efremovich Mordkovich, Alexandr Vasilievich Chalov