Patents by Inventor Benjamin L. Legendre

Benjamin L. Legendre has filed for patents to protect the following inventions. This listing includes patent applications that are pending as well as patents that have already been granted by the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO).

  • Publication number: 20080145853
    Abstract: Methods and kits for determining aneuploidy of selected chromosomes by multiplex polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and post-column fluorescence high performance liquid chromatography (PCF-HPLC) are provided.
    Type: Application
    Filed: March 28, 2006
    Publication date: June 19, 2008
    Inventors: Grant Wu, Benjamin L. Legendre, Jim Jianzhong Zhu
  • Publication number: 20040035793
    Abstract: Methods, systems, compositions and kits for improved detection of polynucleotides. In one aspect, there is provided a method for separating polynucleotides (such as DNA or RNA) using a liquid chromatographic separation device (such as a reverse phase column or an ion exchange column), contacting eluted polynucleotides with intercalating dye, and detecting (such as by fluorescence detection) dye bound to the eluted polynucleotides. The invention preferably uses a post-column reactor, such as a mixing tee, downstream of the separation column. Sensitivity of mutation detection by denaturing high performance liquid chromatography (DHPLC) is enhanced.
    Type: Application
    Filed: November 4, 2002
    Publication date: February 26, 2004
    Applicant: Transgenomic, Inc.
    Inventors: Benjamin L. Legendre, Joseph G. Rudolph, Michael A. Marino
  • Publication number: 20020197629
    Abstract: A method for removing a target DNA fragment having a predetermined base-pair length from a mixture of DNA fragments comprises the following steps. A mixture of DNA fragments which may contain the target DNA fragments is applied to a separation column containing media having a nonpolar, nonporous surface, the mixture of DNA fragments being in a first solvent mixture containing a counterion and a DNA binding concentration of driving solvent in a cosolvent. The target DNA fragments are separated from the media by contacting it with a second solvent solution containing a counterion and a concentration of driving solvent in cosolvent which has been predetermined to remove DNA fragments having the target DNA fragment base pair length from the media. The target DNA fragments can be collected and optionally amplified. When the method is being applied to collect a putative fragment, if present, no DNA fragments having the base pair length of the target DNA could be present in the mixture.
    Type: Application
    Filed: April 12, 2002
    Publication date: December 26, 2002
    Inventors: Douglas T. Gjerde, Christopher P. Hanna, Paul D. Taylor, Benjamin L. Legendre, Robert M. Haefele
  • Publication number: 20020102563
    Abstract: The instant invention provides a non-HPLC chromatographic method for purifying a target polynucleotide comprising the steps of: applying the target polynucleotide to a separation medium having a non-polar separation surface in the presence of a counterion agent, whereby the polynucleotide is bound to the separation medium; eluting the target polynucleotide from the separation medium by passing through the separation medium an elution solution containing a concentration of organic solvent sufficient to elute the target polynucleotide from the separation medium; and collecting the eluted target polynucleotide. The separation medium can be supported in any of a variety of containers, non-limiting preferred examples of which include spin columns and vacuum trays. The invention is particularly useful for the separation of RNA and single and double stranded DNA.
    Type: Application
    Filed: March 15, 2001
    Publication date: August 1, 2002
    Inventors: Douglas T. Gjerde, Christopher P. Hanna, David Hornby, Mark Dickman, Benjamin L. Legendre, Paul D. Taylor, Robert M. Haefele, Arezou Azarani
  • Patent number: 6419824
    Abstract: The disclosure describes an ambient or low pressure device for separating polynucleotide fragments from a mixture of polynucleotide fragments comprises a tube having an upper solution input chamber, a lower eluant receiving chamber, and a fixed unit of separation media supported therein. The separation media has nonpolar separation surfaces which are free from multivalent cations which would react with counterion to form an insoluble polar coating on the surface of the separation media.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: July 24, 2001
    Date of Patent: July 16, 2002
    Assignee: Transgenomic, Inc.
    Inventors: Douglas T. Gjerde, Christopher P. Hanna, Paul D. Taylor, Benjamin L. Legendre, Jr., Robert M. Haefele
  • Patent number: 6265168
    Abstract: A method for removing a target DNA fragment having a predetermined base-pair length from a mixture of DNA fragments comprises the following steps. A mixture of DNA fragments which may contain the target DNA fragments is applied to a separation column containing media having a nonpolar, nonporous surface, the mixture of DNA fragments being in a first solvent mixture containing a counterion and a DNA binding concentration of driving solvent in a cosolvent. The target DNA fragments are separated from the media by contacting it with a second solvent solution containing a counterion and a concentration of driving solvent in cosolvent which has been predetermined to remove DNA fragments having the target DNA fragment base pair length from the media. The target DNA fragments can be collected and optionally amplified. When the method is being applied to collect a putative fragment, if present, no DNA fragments having the base pair length of the target DNA could be present in the mixture.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: May 25, 1999
    Date of Patent: July 24, 2001
    Assignee: Transgenomic, Inc.
    Inventors: Douglas T. Gjerde, Christopher P. Hanna, Paul D. Taylor, Benjamin L. Legendre, Jr., Robert M. Haefele