Patents by Inventor Brad A. Armstrong

Brad A. Armstrong has filed for patents to protect the following inventions. This listing includes patent applications that are pending as well as patents that have already been granted by the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO).

  • Patent number: 6504527
    Abstract: A computer monitor including a housing; a general image display in the housing; the housing having a depressible surface of a proportional sensor for creating a varying value according to varying depression applied by a finger of a human user to a depressible surface of the sensor. Multiple proportional sensors are sometimes utilized. In one preferred embodiment the proportional sensor(s) include resilient dome cap(s) for providing tactile feedback to the finger depressing the depressible surface. Circuitry within the housing is connected to the sensor for reading the varying value from the sensor and causing representative varying of the imagery shown by the display.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: October 30, 2000
    Date of Patent: January 7, 2003
    Inventor: Brad A. Armstrong
  • Patent number: 6496449
    Abstract: A clock having a time display and including a pressure-sensitive variable-conductance sensor for creating a varying analog value according to varying depression applied by a finger of a human user to the analog sensor. Multiple analog sensors are sometimes utilized. In one preferred embodiment the analog sensor(s) include resilient dome cap(s) for providing tactile feedback to the finger depressing the analog sensor. Circuitry within a housing is connected to the analog sensor for reading the varying analog value from the analog sensor and causing representative varying of the time value shown by the time display.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: October 30, 2000
    Date of Patent: December 17, 2002
    Inventor: Brad A. Armstrong
  • Patent number: 6469691
    Abstract: A hand-held web browser for establishing contact with a computer network, the browser including a housing, a general image display in the housing, a proportional sensor for creating a varying value according to varying depression applied by a finger of a human user to a depressible surface of the sensor. Multiple proportional sensors are sometimes utilized. In one preferred embodiment the proportional sensor(s) include resilient dome cap(s) for providing tactile feedback to the finger depressing the depressible surface. Circuitry within the housing is connected to the sensor for reading the varying value from the sensor and causing representative varying of the imagery shown by the display.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: October 30, 2000
    Date of Patent: October 22, 2002
    Inventor: Brad A. Armstrong
  • Patent number: 6470078
    Abstract: A telephone having a general image display and including a pressure-sensitive analog or proportional sensor for creating a varying value according to varying depression applied by a finger of a human user to the sensor. Multiple analog or proportional sensors are sometimes utilized. In one preferred embodiment the proportional or analog sensor(s) include resilient dome cap(s) for providing tactile feedback to the finger depressing the sensor. Circuitry within a housing is connected to the proportional or analog sensor for reading the varying value from the sensor and causing representative varying of the imagery shown by the display.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: October 30, 2000
    Date of Patent: October 22, 2002
    Inventor: Brad A. Armstrong
  • Patent number: 6456778
    Abstract: In an electronic device, a combination of an electronic visual display on a housing, electronic circuitry in the housing, the housing having at least one human user depressible surface with associated analog pressure-sensitive element for output of a signal of variable value utilized by the circuitry to control or manipulate one or more functions of the device. The at least one analog pressure-sensitive element receives pressure applied by a user's finger or thumb to the depressible surface, varied pressure applied by the user determines varied value of the signal. The resultant control manipulation from the analog variable value is in some. manner indicated, displayed or made visually detectable on the display at least at the time of manipulation so that the user receives visual feedback allowing termination, increase or decrease, if needed or desired, of finger pressure on the depressible surface of the analog sensor.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: December 8, 2000
    Date of Patent: September 24, 2002
    Inventor: Brad A. Armstrong
  • Patent number: 6424336
    Abstract: A method of controlling a two-hand held controller with an analog pressure sensor(s) for controlling video game machines and imagery thereof, and other electronically generated imagery. The method for communicating an on/off simple-switch output signal to hardware or to software, which is expecting to receive such a simple binary signal as is typically generated by some type of on/off switch or switching device. In this invention the on/off signal is generated by circuitry which has as its input an analog sensor having pressure-sensitive variable-conductance material. Such an analog input sensor may be operated by depressing a button/trigger/4-way rocker or the like. The on/off signal, or information packet containing such a signal, is communicated at a variable rate in time. The communication rate being determined by the level of pressure applied to the input device.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: May 8, 2000
    Date of Patent: July 23, 2002
    Inventor: Brad A. Armstrong
  • Patent number: 6415707
    Abstract: An electric coffee maker or brewer having a time display and including a pressure-sensitive variable-conductance sensor for creating a varying analog value according to varying depression applied by a finger of a human user to the analog sensor. Multiple analog sensors are sometimes utilized. In one preferred embodiment the analog sensor(s) include resilient dome cap(s) for providing tactile feedback to the finger depressing the analog sensor. Circuitry within a housing is connected to the analog sensor for reading the varying analog value from the analog sensor and causing representative varying of the time value shown by the time display.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: October 30, 2000
    Date of Patent: July 9, 2002
    Inventor: Brad A. Armstrong
  • Publication number: 20020084986
    Abstract: A computer control mouse including a housing, electronic circuitry within the housing, surface-tracking pointing control, i.e, ball or optical, a plurality of finger depressible buttons exposed on the housing and interfacing with sensors electrically connected with the circuitry. Some of the finger depressible buttons are for user selection of signals to be sent to the computer/software for variable rate window or screen scroll control. Some of the buttons are for communicating command signals to software, the signals activating display of information of a previously visited network address either Back or Forward, dependant on the mouse button, the activating of display of information of the previously visited network address with the mouse button occurring without a requirement of a pointer having to be located on a Back or Forward software shown button on the display.
    Type: Application
    Filed: January 4, 2001
    Publication date: July 4, 2002
    Inventor: Brad A. Armstrong
  • Patent number: 6404584
    Abstract: A voice recorder including a housing having a general image display mounted therein, and further including a pressure-sensitive variable-conductance sensor for creating a varying analog value according to varying depression applied by a finger of a human user to the analog sensor. Multiple analog sensors are sometimes utilized. In one preferred embodiment the analog sensor(s) include resilient dome cap(s) for providing tactile feedback to the finger depressing the analog sensor. Circuitry within the housing is connected to the analog sensor for reading the varying analog value from the analog sensor and causing representative varying of the imagery shown by the display.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: December 8, 2000
    Date of Patent: June 11, 2002
    Inventor: Brad A. Armstrong
  • Publication number: 20020067241
    Abstract: An analog sensor depressible by a single human finger/thumb. Depressive force is applied to a dome-cap and to analog materials for varying an analog output of the sensor responsive to varying force applied by a single finger or thumb. Depressive force causes the dome-cap to bow downward passing through a user discernable threshold, causing a snap-through tactile sensation. In some embodiments the dome-cap is metallic.
    Type: Application
    Filed: September 18, 2001
    Publication date: June 6, 2002
    Inventor: Brad A. Armstrong
  • Patent number: 6400303
    Abstract: A remote controller, methods of use and manufacture thereof, for controlling electronic devices or host devices, the controller including a housing, electronic circuitry, power source and structuring for communicating with the electronic device to be controlled. A plurality of finger depressible buttons are exposed and interfacing with sensors associated with the circuitry. The buttons are for user selection of communication information sent to the host. At least one sensor is a pressure-sensitive analog sensor structured for varying electrical conductance through at least three readable states dependent upon user selected varying depressive pressure levels applied to the associated button. The circuitry reads the states of the analog sensor and information representing the state or value of the sensor is communicated to the host. A user can select any of a plurality of selectable pressure levels associated with analog sensor.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: March 22, 2001
    Date of Patent: June 4, 2002
    Inventor: Brad A. Armstrong
  • Publication number: 20020058549
    Abstract: A variable sensor having a variable electrical output used to variably control electronic game imagery shown on a television according to variable depressive force applied by a finger of a human user to the variable sensor. The variable sensor comprising: a circuit sheet supporting electrically conductive material, positioned above the circuit sheet is located a depressible resilient structure, the resilient structure shaped to provide, upon depression, a snap tactile feedback, whereby when the finger of the user applies depressive pressure to the variable sensor a tactile feedback is provided to the finger indicating that the variable sensor is activated, and releasing of pressure applied to the variable sensor provides a tactile feedback to the finger indicating that the variable sensor is deactivated.
    Type: Application
    Filed: January 7, 2002
    Publication date: May 16, 2002
    Inventor: Brad A. Armstrong
  • Publication number: 20020055384
    Abstract: Proportional (or analog) controls for controlling imagery shown by a display, and more particularly electronic game imagery shown on a television. Proportional controls creating signals according to varying depression applied by a finger or thumb finger of a human user to the proportional control. In one preferred embodiment the proportional controls include resilient dome caps for providing tactile feedback to the user. In another preferred embodiment the proportional controls are included in a controller with active tactile feedback. In another preferred embodiment multiple axes of input are taught and the structures of the various preferred embodiments are taught in combination for controlling three-dimensional electronic game imagery and communicating tactile feedback to the user.
    Type: Application
    Filed: December 21, 2001
    Publication date: May 9, 2002
    Inventor: Brad A. Armstrong
  • Patent number: 6375207
    Abstract: A retractable running board assembly has a step, at least two support arms, at least two mounting brackets, at least two pairs of parallel links and a drive. The step has an elongated stepping surface extending generally parallel to a longitudinal axis of a vehicle on which the running board assembly is mounted. The support arms are mounted to the step. The mounting brackets are connected to an underside of the vehicle. The parallel links are pivotally connected between each of the support arms and the mounting brackets. The drive effects movement of the step between an extended outboard position and a retracted inboard position.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: February 22, 2000
    Date of Patent: April 23, 2002
    Assignee: Decoma Exterior Trim
    Inventors: Thomas Dean, Robert R. MCaughey, Brad Armstrong, Lassi M. Ojanen, Robert D. Worley, John Kleino, Paul Pirone
  • Publication number: 20020024503
    Abstract: An input device such as a joystick, which utilizes a plurality of individual analog compression-sensitive sensors for detecting direction and magnitude of applied force, such as applied to an arm. The arm is supported to allow substantial radial displacement outward from a resting to a maximum allowed position. The analog sensors are positioned within a compression applicator moveable to apply compression thereto. Resilient structuring is incorporated to provide, once compressing of a sensor starts, substantial disproportionate movement of the arm relative to the moveable compression component. The resilient structuring includes resistance to further deflection in order to increase force to a sensor as the arm is further displaced toward the maximum allowed displacement. The arm, resilient member and moveable component of the compression applicator are integrally molded as one piece of plastics in one embodiment.
    Type: Application
    Filed: August 29, 2001
    Publication date: February 28, 2002
    Inventor: Brad A. Armstrong
  • Patent number: 6351205
    Abstract: A method of using an analog sensor variably depressed by only a single human finger to variably control an electronic game, the method including the steps: a) depressing, with the human finger, the analog sensor with varying pressure for variably controlling the electronic game; and b) receiving, through the finger, a user discernible snap-through tactile feedback. Additionally, a second depressing may be applied substantially because of the receiving of the feedback.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: December 6, 1999
    Date of Patent: February 26, 2002
    Inventor: Brad A. Armstrong
  • Patent number: 6347997
    Abstract: Devices for controlling imagery shown by a display, and including an analog sensor for creating a varying analog value according to varying depression applied by a finger of a human user to the analog sensor. Multiple analog sensors are sometimes utilized. In one preferred embodiment the analog sensor(s) includes a resilient dome cap for providing tactile feedback to the finger depressing the analog sensor. Circuitry within a housing is connected to the analog sensor for reading the varying analog value from the analog sensor and causing representative varying the imagery shown by the display. The devices can be individually structured as electronic game controllers/systems, telephones, pagers, electronic books, web browsers, global positioning receivers, ovens, coffee makers and personal digital assistants (PDA) to name a few.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: May 10, 2000
    Date of Patent: February 19, 2002
    Inventor: Brad A. Armstrong
  • Publication number: 20020019259
    Abstract: A controller of the type held in two hands for controlling electronics, the controller including a housing, a plurality of depressible surfaces (buttons) exposed on the housing and in operational association with electricity manipulating devices contained within the housing and controlled by depression of the depressible surfaces for manipulating electrical outputs. At least one of the electricity manipulating devices is a variable-conductance sensor for creating an analog electrical output proportional to varying physical pressure applied to the associated depressible surface. The proportional output is used for variably controlling imagery such as game imagery shown by a display.
    Type: Application
    Filed: June 29, 2001
    Publication date: February 14, 2002
    Inventor: Brad A. Armstrong
  • Patent number: 6344791
    Abstract: Structures and methods for using an analog sensor in combination with a user discernable snap-through threshold feedback, the feedback may be created by a dome-cap element of the sensor. The threshold feedback, sensed by a human user's finger, indicates activation and deactivation of the analog sensor. Tactile analog sensor(s) are structurally combined with: a second kind of tactile feedback referred to as active tactile feedback, flexible sheet sensor elements, pivotal analog buttons, and game imagery controls.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: June 21, 2000
    Date of Patent: February 5, 2002
    Inventor: Brad A. Armstrong
  • Patent number: 6343991
    Abstract: A game controller of the type held in two hands simultaneously for controlling electronic games, including a housing, a plurality of depressible surfaces at least in-part exposed on the housing with the depressible surfaces in operational association with electricity manipulating devices contained within the housing and controlled by depression of the depressible surfaces for manipulating electrical outputs at least in-part useful for controlling electronic games. At least one of the electricity manipulating devices is a pressure-sensitive variable-conductance sensor for creating an analog electrical output proportional to varying physical pressure applied to at least one depressible surface. The analog electrical output is interpreted and utilized in controlling the action intensity of electronic game character imagery. Also disclosed are methods of use and manufacture of game controllers having at least one pressure-sensitive analog sensor.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: February 22, 2000
    Date of Patent: February 5, 2002
    Inventor: Brad A. Armstrong