Patents by Inventor Brian F. Foley

Brian F. Foley has filed for patents to protect the following inventions. This listing includes patent applications that are pending as well as patents that have already been granted by the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO).

  • Publication number: 20020184896
    Abstract: In a power failure recovery, the operating state before a power failure and present conditions of a cryopump are determined to initiate a regeneration or startup process. Where the refrigerator was operating before power failure, it is turned on during recovery to condense gases in the cryopump. A startup process is initiated where the cryopump was in a startup process before the power failure and present conditions of the cryopump indicate that the cryopump is sufficiently empty or clean. If the operating state and present conditions indicate that a corrosive or hazardous liquid remains in the cryopump, a regeneration process is initiated. If the cryopump was in a shutdown process before the power failure, the cryopanel of the cryopump is refrigerated to a temperature at which gases sublimate from the cryopanel. The temperature of the cryopanel is then maintained until the gases are removed.
    Type: Application
    Filed: June 7, 2001
    Publication date: December 12, 2002
    Applicant: Helix Technology Corporation
    Inventors: Maureen C. Buonpane, Philip D. Acomb, Brian F. Foley, Michael J. Eacobacci, Stephen J. Yamartino, Robert M. Patterson