Patents by Inventor Brian J. Akerley

Brian J. Akerley has filed for patents to protect the following inventions. This listing includes patent applications that are pending as well as patents that have already been granted by the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO).

  • Patent number: 7838502
    Abstract: The present invention discloses novel signaling pathways controlling the pathogenesis of the human respiratory bacterium, Haemophilus influenzae. The lipooligosaccharide-phosphorylycholine (LOS-PC) cell surface epitope of H. influenzae enhances pathogenesis but also increases bacterial susceptibility to innate and adaptive immunity and the administration of therapeutic compounds. Modulation of the LOS-PC epitope may be affected by an interaction between environmental conditions (i.e., for example, oxygen tension) and genetic regulation of precursor biosynthetic pathway activity. LOS-PC epitope display increases under microaerobic conditions and decreases under aerobic conditions. This is consisent with a bacteria's propensity to initiate pathogensis under low oxygen conditions. Pathogenesis may be prevented by disrupting the role of the putative H. influenzae homologue of CsrA, that downregulates galU expression. Disrupting CsrA repression of galU expression resulted in increased LOS-PC epitope display.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: May 6, 2005
    Date of Patent: November 23, 2010
    Assignee: University of Massachusetts Medical School
    Inventors: Brian J. Akerley, Sandy M. Wong
  • Patent number: 6368830
    Abstract: Mariner-family transposable elements are active in a wide variety of organisms and are becoming increasingly important genetic tools in species lacking sophisticated genetics. The Himar1 element, a member of the mariner family, isolated from the horn fly, Haematobia irritans, is active in Escherichia coli when expressed appropriately. Using this fact, a genetic screen was devised to isolate hyperactive mutants of Himar1 transposase that enhance overall transposition from 4 to 50-fold as measured in an E. coli assay. These hyperactive Himar1 mutant transposases should enable sophisticated analysis of the biochemistry of mariner transposition and should improve efficiency of a variety of genetic manipulations involving transposition in vivo and in vitro such as random mutagenesis or transgenesis in a wide range of host cells than the transposable elements previously available.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: September 27, 2000
    Date of Patent: April 9, 2002
    Assignees: President and Fellows of Harvard College, The Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois
    Inventors: David J. Lampe, Hugh M. Robertson, Eric J. Rubin, Brian J. Akerley
  • Patent number: 6207384
    Abstract: The invention features a general system for the identification of essential genes in organisms. This system is applicable to the discovery of novel target genes for antimicrobial compounds, as well as to the discovery of genes that enhance cell growth or viability.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: March 26, 1999
    Date of Patent: March 27, 2001
    Assignees: The General Hospital Corporation, Trustees of Tufts College, President and Fellows of Harvard College
    Inventors: John J. Mekalanos, Brian J. Akerley, Eric J. Rubin, Andrew Camilli