Patents by Inventor Carlos A. Nabais Conde

Carlos A. Nabais Conde has filed for patents to protect the following inventions. This listing includes patent applications that are pending as well as patents that have already been granted by the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO).

  • Patent number: 5517030
    Abstract: Detectors for ionizing radiation (X-rays, gamma rays, electrons, protons, alpha particles, etc. as well as neutrons) of the gas proportional scintillation counter type using techniques to compensate for a loss of scintillation light reaching the photosensor due to solid angle and reflection effects. Two such techniques are disclosed. One technique involves the use of two non-parallel electrically charged grids which produce a radially increasing electric field, thus radially increasing the intensity of the scintillation light. Another technique involves the use of a mask of small opaque dots having a radially decreasing density covering the photosensor, thus radially increasing the intensity of the scintillation light transmitted to the photosensor. The preferred embodiment for X-ray detection consists in a detector, filled with very pure xenon at atmospheric pressure, with a 2.5 cm diameter radiation window (1), a grid with a spherical (2 cm radius) curvature (2) with its edges placed 0.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: June 14, 1994
    Date of Patent: May 14, 1996
    Inventors: Carlos A. Nabais Conde, Joaquim Marques Ferreira dos Santos, Antonio C. Sena Sao Miguel Benito