Patents by Inventor Chak Chung CHEUNG

Chak Chung CHEUNG has filed for patents to protect the following inventions. This listing includes patent applications that are pending as well as patents that have already been granted by the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO).

  • Patent number: 12093198
    Abstract: A processor for a cryptosystem. The processor comprises a hybrid processor architecture including a hardware processor, a software processor and an interconnection interface arranged to exchange data between the hardware processor and the software processor; wherein the hardware processor comprises a plurality of hardware accelerator modules arranged to perform computational tasks including at least one of number theoretic transforms (NTT) computation, arithmetic operations which are more time-consuming when being performed instead by the software-processor.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: October 10, 2022
    Date of Patent: September 17, 2024
    Assignee: City University of Hong Kong
    Inventors: Gaoyu Mao, Guangyan Li, Chak Chung Cheung, Alan Hiu Fung Lam
  • Publication number: 20240143524
    Abstract: A processor for a cryptosystem. The processor comprises a hybrid processor architecture including a hardware processor, a software processor and an interconnection interface arranged to exchange data between the hardware processor and the software processor; wherein the hardware processor comprises a plurality of hardware accelerator modules arranged to perform computational tasks including at least one of number theoretic transforms (NTT) computation, arithmetic operations which are more time-consuming when being performed instead by the software-processor.
    Type: Application
    Filed: October 10, 2022
    Publication date: May 2, 2024
    Inventors: Gaoyu MAO, Guangyan LI, Chak Chung CHEUNG, Alan Hiu Fung LAM
  • Publication number: 20230102090
    Abstract: The present invention provides a system for implementing a logistic regression classification mechanism to measure and assess a depth of anesthesia of an animal subject based on electroencephalography (EEG), which includes a signal pre-processor, an epoch generator, a feature extractor, a classifier, and a predictor. Related method of how to pre-process the raw data of EEG signal, epoch generation thereof, feature extraction from each epoch, classification based on extracted features, and prediction of different states of the animal subject based on a prediction decision mechanism is also provided. Classification accuracy of the present invention for 1-second and 10% overlapping epochs is about 94% with an average total system delay of about 12 ?s and low on-chip power consumption. The present system is entirely optimized, which leads to a 100% accurate channel prediction after a 7-second run-time on average.
    Type: Application
    Filed: September 22, 2021
    Publication date: March 30, 2023
    Inventors: Abdelrahman Bakr Mohammed Abdelnaby ELDALY, Mehdi Hasan CHOWDHURY, Stephen Kugbere AGADAGBA, Ray Chak Chung CHEUNG, Leanne Lai Hang CHAN
  • Publication number: 20230091320
    Abstract: The present invention provides a hardware-friendly framework for implementing a point-of-care diagnosis hardware tool for practical end-user convenience, power saving and resource utilization. The hardware tool is non-invasive and comfortable for the patient, as a primary means of differential diagnosis between two neuromuscular diseases such as neuropathy and myopathy. The provided hard-ware tool comprises a feature extractor configured to receive electrodiagnostic signals (preferably EMG signals) of a patient and extract one or more features from the collected signals; and a classifier configured to receive the extracted features and classify a neuromuscular disease for the patient based on the extracted features. The classifier is a single layer machine-learning perceptron trained with datasets consisted of electrodiagnostic signals of patients to perform a linearly separable binary classification.
    Type: Application
    Filed: September 23, 2021
    Publication date: March 23, 2023
    Inventors: Mehdi Hasan CHOWDHURY, Ray Chak Chung CHEUNG, Muhammad IRFAN, Abdurrashid Ibrahim SANKA, Siu Ying Patrick HUNG