Patents by Inventor Christian Frey

Christian Frey has filed for patents to protect the following inventions. This listing includes patent applications that are pending as well as patents that have already been granted by the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO).

  • Patent number: 12028708
    Abstract: Method and system for authorizing the communication of a network node of a communication network, wherein the communication of the network node is only permitted if the network node receives an authorization after a completed NFC connection with a defined (certified) mobile communication terminal.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: February 27, 2019
    Date of Patent: July 2, 2024
    Inventors: Christian Frey, Hilmar Konrad
  • Patent number: 12026434
    Abstract: A method for providing an updated digital building model is provided. The method includes the following steps: a) providing a digital building model for a physical building, b) ascertaining a virtually accessible area within the digital building model, c) capturing real data obtained by a number N of data sources, where N?1, wherein the real data include data from a real accessible area within the physical building that corresponds to the virtually accessible area, and d) updating the virtually accessible area within the digital building model by the captured real data of the real accessible area to provide the updated digital building model. This means that when there is a need to evacuate a physical building, there are updated virtually accessible areas present, and hence these can be taken as a basis for providing an updated evacuation plan for evacuating people.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: October 24, 2019
    Date of Patent: July 2, 2024
    Assignee: Siemens Schweiz AG
    Inventors: Wolfram Klein, Christian Frey, Hermann Georg Mayer
  • Patent number: 12026595
    Abstract: Various embodiments of the teachings herein include a building object detection system for a building comprising: a scanner to generate scan data; an artificial intelligence module implemented on a processing unit trained to process the scan data to detect and automatically classify building objects installed within the space; a database to store different types of building objects and associated installation rules; and a verification unit to verify the classification of a building object based on compliance with the installation rules. The AI is trained using labeled training data comprising labels derived from scan data of previously scanned building objects provided with associated object identifiers. A second set of installation rules is loaded from the database based at least in part on a location of the building.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: November 14, 2019
    Date of Patent: July 2, 2024
    Inventors: Christian Frey, Oliver Zechlin
  • Publication number: 20230417199
    Abstract: The invention relates to an engine control unit (1, 1?) for an internal combustion engine of a fleet vehicle (2, 2?) in a vehicle fleet with at least two fleet vehicles (2, 2?) with a control unit (3, 3), which is configured for setting control variables based on measured variables according to a control scheme stored in the engine control unit (1, 1?); and with a data interface unit (4, 4?), which is configured to transmit respective engine operating data sets to/from another engine control unit (1, 1?) of a respective drive internal combustion engine of at least one other fleet vehicle (2, 2?); wherein the control unit (3, 3?) is configured to set the control variables while considering at least one engine operating data set of the other engine control unit(s) (1, 1?) received via the data interface unit (4, 4?), in order to provide an improved control for the internal combustion engine.
    Type: Application
    Filed: November 10, 2021
    Publication date: December 28, 2023
    Inventors: Julius Pfrommer, Janina Stompe, Johannes Sailer, Jürgen Beyerer, Christian Frey
  • Publication number: 20230409764
    Abstract: An initial building model is read in and a creator indication about the creator thereof is extracted therefrom. The creator indication is taken as a basis for loading a creator-specific object pattern library in which a respective object pattern has an assigned building element data record. The respective object pattern is correlated with objects of the initial building model by a pattern recognition method. At the same time, an object correlating with the respective object pattern is assigned the building element data record assigned to this object pattern as an annotation. The initial building model and the assigned annotations are then taken as a basis for generating and outputting an annotated digital building model.
    Type: Application
    Filed: August 30, 2023
    Publication date: December 21, 2023
    Inventors: Christian Frey, Wolfram Klein, Hermann Georg Mayer
  • Publication number: 20230407805
    Abstract: The invention relates to a motor controller for an internal combustion engine of a vehicle, comprising a control unit for setting one or more control variables on the basis of one or more measured variables according to a stored control scheme; wherein the control unit is designed to modify the stored control scheme when the control unit is used as intended with the operational internal combustion engine, which is being controlled by the motor controller, according to a specified learning algorithm, namely using at least one feedback parameter which is associated with an optimization criterion and is provided to the control unit, in order to provide an improved control of the internal combustion engine.
    Type: Application
    Filed: November 9, 2021
    Publication date: December 21, 2023
    Inventors: Jürgen BEYERER, Janina STOMPE, Julius PFROMMER, Johannes SAILER, Christian FREY
  • Patent number: 11809786
    Abstract: An initial building model is read in and a creator indication about the creator thereof is extracted therefrom. The creator indication is taken as a basis for loading a creator-specific object pattern library in which a respective object pattern has an assigned building element data record. The respective object pattern is correlated with objects of the initial building model by a pattern recognition method. At the same time, an object correlating with the respective object pattern is assigned the building element data record assigned to this object pattern as an annotation. The initial building model and the assigned annotations are then taken as a basis for generating and outputting an annotated digital building model.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: September 30, 2020
    Date of Patent: November 7, 2023
    Inventors: Christian Frey, Wolfram Klein, Hermann Georg Mayer
  • Patent number: 11782174
    Abstract: A radiation detector (100) includes an insulating substrate (110), which includes a material that undergoes a change in an electrical property when subjected to ionizing radiation. A conductive film (112) is disposed in relation to a surface of the substrate. The conductive film (112) has a resistance that is a function of a state of the electrical property. A resistance measuring device measures resistance across the conductive film (112). The resistance measured by the resistance measuring device indicates an amount of ionizing radiation to which the substrate (110) has been subjected. In a method of determining exposure to a type of radiation, a boron nitride substrate is exposed to a radiation environment. A resistance is measured across a conductive film disposed in relation to the boron nitride substrate. Radiation exposure is calculated as a function of the resistance.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: July 10, 2020
    Date of Patent: October 10, 2023
    Assignee: Georgia Tech Research Corporation
    Inventors: Phillip Neal First, Zhigang Jiang, Thomas Michael Orlando, Elliot Christian Frey
  • Patent number: 11748964
    Abstract: Provided is a method for determining at least one region in at least one input model for at least one element to be placed including the steps: receiving an input data set including the at least one element to be placed, a plurality of conditions; the at least one input model; determining at least one appurtenant condition from the plurality of conditions; and determining at least one valid and/or invalid region of the at least one input model depending on the appurtenant condition; wherein the at least one valid region satisfies the appurtenant condition at least in part.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: October 15, 2019
    Date of Patent: September 5, 2023
    Inventors: Christian Frey, Wolfram Klein, Hermann Georg Mayer
  • Publication number: 20230154214
    Abstract: Various embodiments of the teachings herein include a method for the digital capture of spaces of a building. In some embodiments, the method includes: scanning a corresponding space in the building by a scanning apparatus; capturing the corresponding space in a digital point cloud and/or by an image capture; performing an object recognition, based on the digital point cloud and/or the image capture, using means of artificial intelligence; mapping, after the object recognition is performed, the digital point cloud and/or the image capture in a digital building model; and in the case of the capture of defined objects in the building, capturing the respective defined object in a dedicated manner by the scanning apparatus. Attributes are allocated to the respective defined object by a voice input.
    Type: Application
    Filed: April 9, 2021
    Publication date: May 18, 2023
    Applicant: Siemens Schweiz AG
    Inventor: Christian Frey
  • Patent number: 11628392
    Abstract: An absorption column including at least one external heat exchange circuit for cooling or heating the absorption liquid, including one or more serially connected heat exchangers, wherein the junction of the pipeline for withdrawal of the absorption liquid from the column is disposed above the junction of the pipeline into the first heat exchanger in the flow direction, wherein the pipeline also includes a dumped bed.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: August 2, 2018
    Date of Patent: April 18, 2023
    Assignee: L'Air Liquide, Société Anonyme pour l'Etude et l'Exploitation des Procédés Georges Claide
    Inventors: Sophia Schmidt, Dorit Rappold, Christian Frey, Sharon Corbet, Alfred Gubrinski
  • Publication number: 20220365233
    Abstract: A radiation detector (100) includes an insulating substrate (110), which includes a material that undergoes a change in an electrical property when subjected to ionizing radiation. A conductive film (112) is disposed in relation to a surface of the substrate. The conductive film (112) has a resistance that is a function of a state of the electrical property. A resistance measuring device measures resistance across the conductive film (112). The resistance measured by the resistance measuring device indicates an amount of ionizing radiation to which the substrate (110) has been subjected. In a method of determining exposure to a type of radiation, a boron nitride substrate is exposed to a radiation environment. A resistance is measured across a conductive film disposed in relation to the boron nitride substrate. Radiation exposure is calculated as a function of the resistance.
    Type: Application
    Filed: July 10, 2020
    Publication date: November 17, 2022
    Inventors: Phillip Neal First, Zhigang Jiang, Thomas Michael Orlando, Elliot Christian Frey
  • Patent number: 11442607
    Abstract: Systems and processes for operating an intelligent automated assistant are provided. An example process for performing a task includes, at an electronic device having one or more processors and memory, determining whether a shortcut criteria is met and in accordance with a determination that the shortcut criteria is met: displaying a first affordance corresponding to a first task of a shortcut over a user interface, determining whether the first task can be completed without displaying an application interface corresponding to the first task, in accordance with a determination that the first task can be completed without displaying the application interface, performing the first task while displaying the first affordance, and in accordance with a determination that the first task cannot be completed without displaying the application interface, displaying the application interface, and completing the first task using the application interface.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: August 11, 2020
    Date of Patent: September 13, 2022
    Assignee: Apple Inc.
    Inventors: Ayaka Nonaka, Daniel Sean Hsu, Ian J. McDowell, Nicholas Christian Frey, Charles B. Etzel, Conrad B. Kramer, Jay Moon, Elizabeth Elsa Perakis, Ari Weinstein
  • Publication number: 20220272491
    Abstract: Method and arrangement for the output of location-specific information, in particular in buildings, on a mobile communication terminal of a user, wherein the location position of the mobile communication terminal is determined; and wherein location-specific information is provided as a function of the location position on the mobile communication terminal by means of a server connected via data technology with the mobile communication terminal and configured accordingly.
    Type: Application
    Filed: July 17, 2020
    Publication date: August 25, 2022
    Applicant: Siemens Schweiz AG
    Inventors: Christian Frey, Oliver Zechlin
  • Publication number: 20220122358
    Abstract: Various embodiments of the teachings herein include a building object detection system for a building comprising: a scanner to generate scan data; an artificial intelligence module implemented on a processing unit trained to process the scan data to detect and automatically classify building objects installed within the space; a database to store different types of building objects and associated installation rules; and a verification unit to verify the classification of a building object based on compliance with the installation rules. The AI is trained using labeled training data comprising labels derived from scan data of previously scanned building objects provided with associated object identifiers. A second set of installation rules is loaded from the database based at least in part on a location of the building.
    Type: Application
    Filed: November 14, 2019
    Publication date: April 21, 2022
    Applicant: Siemens Schweiz AG
    Inventors: Christian Frey, Oliver Zechlin
  • Patent number: 11285433
    Abstract: The invention provides a scrubbing column for cleaning gas streams laden with absorbent residues, for example with methanol, and also with solid particles, for example with fuel dust. The gas scrubbing is effected by means of a random packing disposed in the lower region of the scrubbing column and the gas scrubbing of the gas stream laden solely with absorbent residues but not with solid particles by means of a structured packing disposed in the upper region of the scrubbing column. The use of the scrubbing column according to the invention in the integrated plant system between a gasification plant and a plant for gas scrubbing which is operated by the Rectisol process, for example, offers particular advantages with regard to its industrial employability owing to the possible connections described, which bring synergies for efficient operation of the integrated plant system.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: November 5, 2018
    Date of Patent: March 29, 2022
    Assignee: L'Air Liquide, Société Anonyme pour I'Etude et I'Exploitation des Procédés Georges Claude
    Inventors: Sophia Schmidt, Hincal Leichner, Christian Frey, Sharon Corbet
  • Patent number: 11249465
    Abstract: Provided is a computer-implemented method for checking a route in a building for a mobile technical system, wherein a computer-aided spatial model of the building, a route for the mobile technical system in the building and parameters of the mobile technical system are read in, a boundary condition for the route is derived depending on the parameters, for a predefined point of the route on the basis of the model of the building a check is made to ascertain whether the building data satisfy the boundary condition at the predefined point of the route, and a result of the check is output. Also provided is a device, a management system, a computer program product and a computer-readable data carrier.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: September 3, 2019
    Date of Patent: February 15, 2022
    Inventors: Wolfram Klein, Hermann Georg Mayer, Christian Frey
  • Publication number: 20210349605
    Abstract: Systems and processes for operating an intelligent automated assistant are provided. An example process for performing a task includes, at an electronic device having one or more processors and memory, determining whether a shortcut criteria is met and in accordance with a determination that the shortcut criteria is met: displaying a first affordance corresponding to a first task of a shortcut over a user interface, determining whether the first task can be completed without displaying an application interface corresponding to the first task, in accordance with a determination that the first task can be completed without displaying the application interface, performing the first task while displaying the first affordance, and in accordance with a determination that the first task cannot be completed without displaying the application interface, displaying the application interface, and completing the first task using the application interface.
    Type: Application
    Filed: August 11, 2020
    Publication date: November 11, 2021
    Inventors: Ayaka NONAKA, Daniel Sean HSU, Ian J. MCDOWELL, Nicholas Christian FREY, Charles B. ETZEL, Conrad B. KRAMER, Jay MOON, Elizabeth Elsa PERAKIS, Ari WEINSTEIN
  • Publication number: 20210286912
    Abstract: A method and arrangement for dynamically updating and expanding a digital building model (BIM, digital twin) with respect to furniture information for rooms, wherein the recording of the seating configuration of a room takes place by means of a correspondingly configured recording device (e.g. mapping apparatus, NavVis apparatus, smartphone camera); wherein a mapping of the seating configuration of the room into a digital building model (BIM) takes place, wherein the recording of the seating configuration of the room and the mapping of the seating configuration of the room into the digital building model (BIM) takes place in a time-controlled or event-controlled manner.
    Type: Application
    Filed: March 10, 2021
    Publication date: September 16, 2021
    Applicant: Siemens Schweiz AG
    Inventors: Christian Frey, Peter Loeffler
  • Patent number: D1036245
    Type: Grant
    Filed: April 15, 2022
    Date of Patent: July 23, 2024
    Inventor: Christian Frey