Christine Bryce has filed for patents to protect the following inventions. This listing includes patent applications that are pending as well as patents that have already been granted by the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO).
Abstract: An Improved Back Pack including a removable pouch member structured and arranged to be attached within a convenient backpack assembly to provide consumers, from school children to busy commuting adults, with a conveyance that allows for easier access to small personal items such as eyeglasses or sunglasses, cell phones, wallets, keys, makeup, and similar items, without having to remove the backpack simply to access these, and other frequently needed accessories.
Abstract: An Improved Back Pack including a removable pouch member structured and arranged to be attached within a convenient backpack assembly to provide consumers, from school children to busy commuting adults, with a conveyance that allows for easier access to small personal items such as eyeglasses or sunglasses, cell phones, wallets, keys, makeup, and similar items, without having to remove the backpack simply to access these, and other frequently needed accessories