Patents by Inventor Dale J. Brewer

Dale J. Brewer has filed for patents to protect the following inventions. This listing includes patent applications that are pending as well as patents that have already been granted by the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO).

  • Publication number: 20140253466
    Abstract: Techniques for remotely wiping data from a computing device are provided. Instructions for wiping data from the computing device can be sent via an input device such as a stylus associated with the computing device, or a dedicated module. In cases where the computing device is lost or stolen, the user, via the stylus, may remotely activate a data wipe function so as to remove selected or all information from the computing device, ensuring that sensitive information is not extracted from the device. In some cases, a back-up application configured to remotely back-up data of the target computing device is launched before that data is wiped from the device.
    Type: Application
    Filed: March 11, 2013
    Publication date: September 11, 2014
    Applicant: llc
    Inventor: Dale J. Brewer
  • Publication number: 20140253468
    Abstract: Styluses with active color indicator functionality are disclosed. The styluses are intended for use with a touch sensitive device. The active color generally refers to the color currently in use by the touch sensitive device, such as in a virtual drawing or note taking application. Active colors can be selected using the touch sensitive device and/or the stylus itself. When the active color is selected using the touch sensitive device, the stylus receives the active color information and indicates the color on the stylus (e.g., via a correspondingly colored LED or LCD or a color rotation mechanism). When the active color is selected from the stylus itself, that color is indicated on the stylus and active color information is transmitted to the touch sensitive device. The active color can be displayed such that it is detectable regardless of stylus position (e.g., no blind spots).
    Type: Application
    Filed: March 11, 2013
    Publication date: September 11, 2014
    Applicant: llc
    Inventors: Amir Mesguich Havilio, Dale J. Brewer
  • Publication number: 20140253469
    Abstract: A stylus-based notification system is disclosed. In some embodiments, a stylus configured as described herein is capable of one-way or two-way wireless communication with an electronic device that is paired with the stylus and includes one or more visual features for providing a user with visual notifications and/or feedback. In some cases, for example, a given visual indicator such as an LED ring or other indicator on the stylus that emits light that is visible at any stylus orientation may alert a user that data has been received by the stylus from an associated device and/or sent from the stylus to such device.
    Type: Application
    Filed: March 11, 2013
    Publication date: September 11, 2014
    Applicant: llc
    Inventors: Kourtny M. Hicks, Dale J. Brewer, Amir Mesguich Havilio, Gerald B. Cueto
  • Publication number: 20140253461
    Abstract: Techniques are disclosed for locking and/or unlocking a touch sensitive device using one or more stylus control features. For example, the stylus control feature may be a twistable top button knob. In some instances, the twistable top button knob may be rotated and/or depressed to lock a related device. In some other instances, the twistable top button knob may be used to unlock a related device using a unique rotation sequence, thereby providing a security mechanism. For example, the unlocking sequence may require a user to rotate the twistable top button knob in a first direction to a first reference point, in a second direction to a second reference point, and back in the first direction to a third reference point. The stylus may also include a feedback indicator, such as a multi-colored light-emitting diode (LED), that indicates the lock status of a related device, for example.
    Type: Application
    Filed: March 11, 2013
    Publication date: September 11, 2014
    Applicant: llc
    Inventors: Kourtny M. Hicks, Dale J. Brewer
  • Publication number: 20140256250
    Abstract: Peer-to-peer data transfer techniques using near field communication (NFC)-enabled styluses are disclosed. The styluses are intended for use with an electronic touch sensitive device. A first data transfer technique is through stylus NFC sharing, where the NFC wireless connection is used to allow peer-to-peer data transfer between the NFC-enabled stylus and another NFC-enabled device. A second data transfer technique is through stylus NFC pairing, where the NFC-enabled stylus is used to establish a more capable wireless connection Bluetooth-based or Wi-Fi-based), which can then be used to allow peer-to-peer data transfer with another NFC-enabled device. The stylus NFC pairing may pair the other NFC-enabled device to either the stylus or a related touch sensitive device. These techniques allow for peer-to-peer transfer of data such as documents, presentations, lectures, notes, or photos, for example.
    Type: Application
    Filed: March 11, 2013
    Publication date: September 11, 2014
    Applicant: llc
    Inventors: Gerald B. Cueto, Dale J. Brewer
  • Publication number: 20140223382
    Abstract: Techniques are disclosed for providing a Z-shaped gesture mode in electronic touch sensitive devices. In some cases, the Z-shaped gesture mode may be configured to undo an action or delete or clear content when a Z-shaped gesture is made. The Z-shaped gesture mode may also be configured to allow the reversal of previously performed undo, delete, and clear functions using a Z-shaped gesture. In some instances, the undo, delete, and clear functions are performed by a Z-shaped gesture drawn from top to bottom, and the reverse function is performed by a reverse Z-shaped gesture drawn from bottom to top. In some cases, the starting contact point and/or ending contact point of the Z-shaped gesture may control the function performed. In some configurations, the Z-shaped gesture mode may include a gesture and hold feature that is activated by holding the ending contact point of the Z-shaped gesture.
    Type: Application
    Filed: February 1, 2013
    Publication date: August 7, 2014
    Applicant: llc
    Inventors: Kourtny M. Hicks, Dale J. Brewer
  • Publication number: 20140223542
    Abstract: Techniques are disclosed for recording secure notes from the lock screen of a computing device. A note recording user interface may be accessed from the lock screen to allow a user to leave a note, such as a text, video, audio, or drawn note, or some combination thereof. The notes left using the note recording user interface may be saved such that only the intended recipient can access them, for example, after unlocking the computing device, thereby preventing others from seeing previously saved notes. The secure note system may include a retrieve notes function that allows users and/or recipients to retrieve the recorded notes directly from the lock screen of the computing device used to record them. The secure note system may also be configured to send notifications to inform the recipient when a secure note has been recorded (e.g., email or text message including copy of note).
    Type: Application
    Filed: February 1, 2013
    Publication date: August 7, 2014
    Applicant: llc
    Inventors: Kourtny M. Hicks, Dale J. Brewer, Gerald B. Cueto, Andrew Hargreaves, Amir Mesguich Havilio
  • Publication number: 20140168077
    Abstract: Techniques are disclosed for providing a navigation mode in electronic touch sensitive devices. The navigation mode can be used to advance forward and backward through displayed pages of content on a page-by-page or multi-page basis, such as pages of an eBook, photos, lists such as search results and files, or other consumable content that can be displayed in a page-like fashion. The user can engage the navigation mode with a particular gesture that includes a combination of contact points that uniquely and/or globally identify that the navigation mode is desired. The combination may include, for example, a press-and-hold activation contact point by one hand of the user, and one or more additional moving gesture contact points that indicate the desired navigation using the other hand of the user. Horizontal and/or vertical paging speeds correspond to the number of moving contact points, which can be effected with swiping or circular gestures.
    Type: Application
    Filed: December 14, 2012
    Publication date: June 19, 2014
    Applicant: llc
    Inventors: Kourtny M. Hicks, Andrew Hargreaves, Amir Mesguich Havilio, Dale J. Brewer
  • Publication number: 20140173482
    Abstract: A multi-page content selection mode is provided for devices and systems having display capability. The content may be any type (e.g., text, images, files, etc). In some cases, the user can engage the mode with a combination of gestures and touch points on a touch screen. The combination may include, for example, one or more initial touch points at a desired starting location of target content, followed by a dragging gesture moving from that location to a desired end location of that content. Content between the starting and end locations is selected. Input devices other than touch screens can be used to engage the selection process. During a multi-page selection process, content of a second page can be previewed in a preview area on a first displayed page. In some such cases, content from the second page scrolls into the preview area and displaces content from the first displayed page.
    Type: Application
    Filed: December 14, 2012
    Publication date: June 19, 2014
    Applicant: llc
    Inventors: Kourtny M. Hicks, Dale J. Brewer
  • Publication number: 20140168076
    Abstract: Techniques are disclosed for providing a concentration mode in electronic touch sensitive devices. The concentration mode can be used to highlight given textual content on a line by line basis, or other consumable content. The user can engage the mode with a particular gesture. Once engaged, a UI feature is displayed that assists the user in viewing the given content. In some cases, the UI feature includes a reading pane that encompasses one to three complete lines of displayed text or other content. Background content outside the reading pane can be faded or otherwise softened. In some cases, the UI feature also includes, or alternatively includes, a straight-edged reading guide. The initial placement of the UI feature can be set, for instance, based on the initial contact point touched by the user. As the contact point moves, the UI feature moves accordingly. Concentration mode disengages when user releases contact point.
    Type: Application
    Filed: December 14, 2012
    Publication date: June 19, 2014
    Applicant: llc
    Inventors: Kourtny M. Hicks, Dale J. Brewer, Amir Mesguich Havilio, Gerald B. Cueto