Patents by Inventor David A. Nuttle

David A. Nuttle has filed for patents to protect the following inventions. This listing includes patent applications that are pending as well as patents that have already been granted by the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO).

  • Patent number: 5121708
    Abstract: This invention is a system for raising land and aquatic, plant and animal crops in a symbiotic-type polyculture using organic/sustainable methods of agronomy, animal husbandry, aquaculture, and hydroponics whereby yields are optimized while reducing production costs, conserving resources, and protecting the environment. Year-round production is also achieved by providing a canopy means along with additional environmental control and supplemental systems that increase yields in temperature zones normally having ambient temperature fluctuations too great to sustain production for more than a few months per year. Any number of cropping combinations are possible, but as an example, this system would establish a beneficial symbiotic-type production link between poultry, microalgae, fish and aquatic animals that consume algae, and vegetables or other land crops.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: February 14, 1991
    Date of Patent: June 16, 1992
    Inventor: David A. Nuttle
  • Patent number: 4656770
    Abstract: This invention is a combination of visual and aural devices to create panic in selected bird species. This is accomplished in part through a body simulating a Tiger Cat which is weathervane mounted. The body includes bright orange stripes and has predatory eyes. Streamers depicting paniced birds are attached to the tiger's tail and an internal wind driven flute produces a variety of the noises. Additionally, reflectors are used on a propeller to simulate light reflection from a gun barrel. Further, random or scheduled explosions from an automatic acetylene exploder and bird warning and distress calls are broadcast over loud speakers for the species of birds being repelled.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: October 28, 1985
    Date of Patent: April 14, 1987
    Inventor: David A. Nuttle
  • Patent number: 4608175
    Abstract: This invention is a sanitary disposal system for human waste and organic garbage by aerobic composting combined with solar evaporative distillation for greywater. The aerobic composting reduces waste volume by ninety percent leaving water, carbon dioxide and a harmless but fertile ash by-product. Except for urine, the system essentially operates dry. No chemicals, septic system, or sewage treatment plant is required. There is no odor and no polluting discharged during operation. A nonsoiling toilet seat is provided so a dry toilet bowl may be used without the usual problems of cleaning. Insects are prevented from entering or leaving the system which is constantly aerated to assure that the composting process does not convert to anaerobic. The greywater system further enhances pollution control. This includes solar evaporative distillation to separate out solids which can be disposed of in a sanitary dump while the reclaimed water can be used for non-household purposes.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: July 6, 1984
    Date of Patent: August 26, 1986
    Inventor: David A. Nuttle
  • Patent number: 4552484
    Abstract: This invention is a system for field disposal of human feces through the use of composting containers that prevent the spread of intestinal bacteria, including virulent pathogens, which otherwise would occur when wilderness visitors practice shallow burial of feces. This is accomplished by providing biodegradable containers and following a pre-set method of disposal.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: January 6, 1984
    Date of Patent: November 12, 1985
    Inventor: David A. Nuttle
  • Patent number: 4552212
    Abstract: This invention is a system for passive solar heating and cooling of homes, offices and other structures whereby the entire building may be used for storage of heat or cold with both collection and storage occuring essentially without any expenditure of other sources of energy.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: January 16, 1984
    Date of Patent: November 12, 1985
    Inventor: David A. Nuttle
  • Patent number: 4507218
    Abstract: This invention is an improved heat storage means in the form of a high density masonry product for storing large amounts of heat in a relatively small area. This is accomplished through a special manufacturing process utilizing specific selected materials.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: April 4, 1983
    Date of Patent: March 26, 1985
    Inventor: David A. Nuttle