Patents by Inventor Donald R. Matthews

Donald R. Matthews has filed for patents to protect the following inventions. This listing includes patent applications that are pending as well as patents that have already been granted by the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO).

  • Patent number: 5052708
    Abstract: An improved short ski climber that is located in the center of the ski without requiring the owner of the ski to install any kind of permanent hardware on the ski either in front of or behind the climber to which the climber itself is traditionally attached. The skier, therefor, does not have to drill holes or insert screws or similar devices into the finish of the skis.This ski climber is much smaller and lighter than the traditional types of short climbers described, and can be attached or removed from a ski in much less time. This is a major factor in racing and in extended treks over days or weeks when a climber may be attached or removed from skis dozens of times in a day depending on conditions.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: April 16, 1990
    Date of Patent: October 1, 1991
    Inventor: Donald R. Matthews
  • Patent number: 4666178
    Abstract: The invention discloses an improved ski climber system that overcomes a number of long-standing climber problems by (1) eliminating the tendency of climbers to slide out from under the ski on turns and traverses through the use of plastic stiffeners, (2) providing a more positive and faster means of climber attachment and removal from skis by the use of mushroom and loop fasteners, (3) strap protection from ski edges, rocks, and ice and strap replacement through the use of plastic panels and strap slots in the climber, (4) climber removal without the necessity of ski removal through an improved tail section design, (5) ultrasonic sealing of nylon or polypropylene climber fabrics to prevent fraying, (6) the accommodation of very narrow widths of climber fabric for touring and racing, (7) longitudinal climber adjusting and tensioning, and (8) one climber length that fits most skis.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: May 31, 1985
    Date of Patent: May 19, 1987
    Inventor: Donald R. Matthews