Patents by Inventor Eric Justin Gould

Eric Justin Gould has filed for patents to protect the following inventions. This listing includes patent applications that are pending as well as patents that have already been granted by the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO).

  • Publication number: 20170031357
    Abstract: In some embodiments, extemporaneous control of remote objects can be made more natural using the invention, enabling a participant to pivot, tip and aim a head-mounted display apparatus to control a remote-controlled toy or full-sized vehicle, for example, hands-free. If the vehicle is outfitted with a camera, then the participant may see the remote location from first-person proprioceptive perspective.
    Type: Application
    Filed: June 20, 2016
    Publication date: February 2, 2017
    Inventors: Eric Justin Gould Bear, Rachel M. Strickland, Jim McKee
  • Publication number: 20170032570
    Abstract: In some embodiments, a head-mounted apparatus with a visual display and one or more sensors may make navigation of virtual environments more natural. The invention enables a participant to pivot, tip and aim the apparatus to orient and move through virtual space hands-free.
    Type: Application
    Filed: June 20, 2016
    Publication date: February 2, 2017
    Inventors: Eric Justin Gould Bear, Rachel M. Strickland, Jim McKee
  • Publication number: 20170031391
    Abstract: Departing from one-way linear cinema played on a single rectangular screen, this multi-channel virtual environment involves a cinematic paradigm that undoes habitual ways of framing things, employing architectural concepts in a polylinear video/sound construction to create a type of experience that allows the world to reveal itself and permits discovery on the part of participants. Techniques are disclosed for peripatetic navigation through virtual space with a handheld computing device, leveraging human spatial memory to form a proprioceptive sense of location, allowing a participant to easily navigate amongst a plurality of simultaneously playing videos and to center in front of individual video panes in said space, making it comfortable for a participant to rest in a fixed posture and orientation while selectively viewing any one of the video streams, and providing spatialized 3D audio cues that invite awareness of other content unfolding simultaneously in the virtual environment.
    Type: Application
    Filed: July 27, 2015
    Publication date: February 2, 2017
    Inventors: Eric Justin Gould Bear, Rachel M. Strickland, Jim McKee
  • Patent number: 9247226
    Abstract: One aspect of the invention is playing a stored content providing a plurality of segments which collectively contains the stored content, each segment has using first terminus and a second terminus with the content having a temporal flow from the first terminus to the second terminus. At least one segment is associated with a plurality of links to other segments. The system plays at least one segment with the temporal flow, determining whether a content expansion is desired prior to reaching the second terminus. If the content expansion is desired, then linking to and expansion segment and playing the expansion segment. If the content expansion is not desired, then linking to a continuing segment and playing the continuing segment. An additional link form the expansion segment to the continuing segment such that the continuing segment is played after the expansion segment has been played.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: September 10, 2012
    Date of Patent: January 26, 2016
    Assignee: MONKEYmedia, Inc.
    Inventors: Eric Justin Gould, Rachel M. Strickland
  • Patent number: 9185379
    Abstract: A method is described for playing stored continuous play content having a temporal flow. At least one segment of the continuous play content is associated with a plurality of links to other segments. The method includes playing at least one segment with temporal flow, determining whether a content expansion is desired, linking to and playing the expansion, if desired, or linking to and playing a continuing segment if the expansion is not desired. The method includes an additional link from the expansion to the continuing segment of the first segment such that the continuing segment is played after the expansion segment has been played. Other teachings include methods for playing stored content, for capturing and playing content, for capturing segment and linkage descriptions, storage mechanisms referencing the continuous play content and linkages and apparatuses for capturing and playing such content.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: January 11, 2012
    Date of Patent: November 10, 2015
    Assignee: MONKEYmedia, Inc.
    Inventors: Eric Justin Gould, Rachel M. Strickland
  • Publication number: 20140002581
    Abstract: Departing from one-way linear cinema played on a single rectangular screen, this multi-channel virtual environment involves a cinematic paradigm that undoes habitual ways of framing things, employing architectural concepts in a polylinear video/sound construction to create a type of experience that allows the world to reveal itself and permits discovery on the part of participants. Techniques are disclosed for peripatetic navigation through virtual space with a handheld computing device, leveraging human spatial memory to form a proprioceptive sense of location, allowing a participant to easily navigate amongst a plurality of simultaneously playing videos and to center in front of individual video panes in said space, making it comfortable for a participant to rest in a fixed posture and orientation while selectively viewing any one of the video streams, and providing spatialized 3D audio cues that invite awareness of other content unfolding simultaneously in the virtual environment.
    Type: Application
    Filed: July 3, 2012
    Publication date: January 2, 2014
    Inventors: Eric Justin Gould BEAR, Rachel M. Strickland, Jim McKee
  • Publication number: 20140002582
    Abstract: Departing from one-way linear cinema played on a single rectangular screen, this multi-channel virtual environment involves a cinematic paradigm that undoes habitual ways of framing things, employing architectural concepts in a polylinear video/sound construction to create a type of experience that allows the world to reveal itself and permits discovery on the part of participants. Techniques are disclosed for peripatetic navigation through virtual space with a handheld computing device, leveraging human spatial memory to form a proprioceptive sense of location, allowing a participant to easily navigate amongst a plurality of simultaneously playing videos and to center in front of individual video panes in said space, making it comfortable for a participant to rest in a fixed posture and orientation while selectively viewing any one of the video streams, and providing spatialized 3D audio cues that invite awareness of other content unfolding simultaneously in the virtual environment.
    Type: Application
    Filed: July 3, 2012
    Publication date: January 2, 2014
    Inventors: Eric Justin Gould Bear, Rachel M. Strickland, Jim McKee
  • Publication number: 20140002580
    Abstract: Departing from one-way linear cinema played on a single rectangular screen, this multi-channel virtual environment involves a cinematic paradigm that undoes habitual ways of framing things, employing architectural concepts in a polylinear video/sound construction to create a type of experience that allows the world to reveal itself and permits discovery on the part of participants. Techniques are disclosed for peripatetic navigation through virtual space with a handheld computing device, leveraging human spatial memory to form a proprioceptive sense of location, allowing a participant to easily navigate amongst a plurality of simultaneously playing videos and to center in front of individual video panes in said space, making it comfortable for a participant to rest in a fixed posture and orientation while selectively viewing any one of the video streams, and providing spatialized 3D audio cues that invite awareness of other content unfolding simultaneously in the virtual environment.
    Type: Application
    Filed: July 3, 2012
    Publication date: January 2, 2014
    Inventors: Eric Justin Gould Bear, Rachel M. Strickland, Jim McKee
  • Patent number: 8606829
    Abstract: A collection of information that includes contexts and one or more nodes is navigable via display of a first visual representation that includes a representation of a first node. Two other contexts that may reference the first node can be selected in order to navigate directly from the first visual representation to a visual representation corresponding to one of the other contexts. Thus, a second visual representation may include a different view that corresponds to a selected referencing context. Navigation may include cycles in some embodiments (as opposed to acyclic graphs or directed acyclic graphs, which may not allow cycles). Visual representation may be depicted via a web page. In some embodiments, nodes are files and contexts are directories. Nodes may also include media content in some embodiments.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: February 28, 2012
    Date of Patent: December 10, 2013
    Assignee: Blue Dolphin Solutions LLC
    Inventors: Eric Justin Gould, Janna Buckmaster, Todd Wilkens, Paulus W. Trisnadi
  • Patent number: 8577932
    Abstract: This invention includes a method of navigating a collection of nodes by selecting a first node, generating a context list and displaying first node and context list. Each context of the context collection includes a second node essentially referencing the first node. Another aspect of the invention includes a method of generating an address from a collection of contexts containing steps of receiving a selected attribute collection and generating the address. Each context includes a resolution address and an attribute collection. Each of the attribute collections contains at least one attribute. Whenever the attribute collection of a first context of the context collection is essentially the same as the selected attribute collection, the resolution address of the first context is selected as the generated address. Another aspect of the invention includes a method of navigating a hypergraph. The hypergraph includes at least one context list. Each context list contains at least one context.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: May 19, 2011
    Date of Patent: November 5, 2013
    Assignee: Blue Dolphin Solutions LLC
    Inventors: Eric Justin Gould, Janna Buckmaster, Todd Wilkens, Paulus W. Trisnadi
  • Publication number: 20130209060
    Abstract: One aspect of the invention is playing a stored content providing a plurality of segments which collectively contains the stored content, each segment has using first terminus and a second terminus with the content having a temporal flow from the first terminus to the second terminus. At least one segment is associated with a plurality of links to other segments. The system plays at least one segment with the temporal flow, determining whether a content expansion is desired prior to reaching the second terminus. If the content expansion is desired, then linking to and expansion segment and playing the expansion segment. If the content expansion is not desired, then linking to a continuing segment and playing the continuing segment. An additional link form the expansion segment to the continuing segment such that the continuing segment is played after the expansion segment has been played.
    Type: Application
    Filed: September 10, 2012
    Publication date: August 15, 2013
    Inventors: Eric Justin Gould, Rachel M. Strickland
  • Patent number: 8392848
    Abstract: A relativity controller is a scroll bar/window combination that provides a way to see data in relation to both the context of its wholeness and the salience of its contents. To accomplish this, the linear density or other appearance of the scroll bar (acting as a ruler or scale) varies with the density of the document salience (as indicated by different kinds of annotations or marks). It also provides a way to zoom between perspectives. This is usable on many different data types: including sound, video, graphics, calendars and word processors.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: October 10, 2008
    Date of Patent: March 5, 2013
    Assignee: MONKEYmedia, Inc.
    Inventor: Eric Justin Gould
  • Patent number: 8381126
    Abstract: A relativity controller is a scroll bar/window combination that provides a way to see data in relation to both the context of its wholeness and the salience of its contents. To accomplish this, the linear density or other appearance of the scroll bar (acting as a ruler or scale) varies with the density of the document salience (as indicated by different kinds of annotations or marks). It also provides a way to zoom between perspectives. This is usable on many different data types: including sound, video, graphics, calendars and word processors.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: September 4, 2001
    Date of Patent: February 19, 2013
    Assignee: MONKEYmedia, Inc.
    Inventor: Eric Justin Gould
  • Patent number: 8370745
    Abstract: A relativity controller is a scroll bar/window combination that provides a way to see data in relation to both the context of its wholeness and the salience of its contents. To accomplish this, the linear density or other appearance of the scroll bar (acting as a ruler or scale) varies with the density of the document salience (as indicated by different kinds of annotations or marks). It also provides a way to zoom between perspectives. This is usable on many different data types: including sound, video, graphics, calendars and word processors.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: October 30, 2007
    Date of Patent: February 5, 2013
    Assignee: MONKEYmedia, Inc.
    Inventor: Eric Justin Gould
  • Patent number: 8370746
    Abstract: A relativity controller is a scroll bar/window combination that provides a way to see data in relation to both the context of its wholeness and the salience of its contents. To accomplish this, the linear density or other appearance of the scroll bar (acting as a ruler or scale) varies with the density of the document salience (as indicated by different kinds of annotations or marks). It also provides a way to zoom between perspectives. This is usable on many different data types: including sound, video, graphics, calendars and word processors.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: October 30, 2007
    Date of Patent: February 5, 2013
    Assignee: MONKEYmedia, Inc.
    Inventor: Eric Justin Gould
  • Publication number: 20120226989
    Abstract: This disclosure relates to navigation and display of information. A plurality of contexts may each include one or more nodes. A first visual display (e.g., presented to a user) may include representations of a first node, a first context and/or two other contexts. The first visual display may be directly navigated to visual representations corresponding to each of the two other contexts, which may include references to the first node. The other contexts may also include one or more other nodes in a collection of nodes. Nodes and contexts can appear as part of a web page or web site, or in other representative forms that allow the display and navigation of complex structures of information. Aspects of this invention include computer programs implemented on computer readable media, situated both local to a user and in client-server configurations.
    Type: Application
    Filed: February 28, 2012
    Publication date: September 6, 2012
    Applicant: Blue Dolphin Solutions LLC
    Inventors: Eric Justin Gould, Janna Buckmaster, Todd Wilkens, Paulus W. Trisnadi
  • Publication number: 20120183274
    Abstract: A method is described for playing stored continuous play content having a temporal flow. At least one segment of the continuous play content is associated with a plurality of links to other segments. The method includes playing at least one segment with temporal flow, determining whether a content expansion is desired, linking to and playing the expansion, if desired, or linking to and playing a continuing segment if the expansion is not desired. The method includes an additional link from the expansion to the continuing segment of the first segment such that the continuing segment is played after the expansion segment has been played. Other teachings include methods for playing stored content, for capturing and playing content, for capturing segment and linkage descriptions, storage mechanisms referencing the continuous play content and linkages and apparatuses for capturing and playing such content.
    Type: Application
    Filed: January 11, 2012
    Publication date: July 19, 2012
    Inventors: Eric Justin Gould, Rachel M. Strickland
  • Patent number: 8122143
    Abstract: One aspect of the invention is a method for playing a stored content providing a plurality of segments which collectively contains the stored content, each segment has using first terminus and a second terminus with the content having a temporal flow from the first terminus to the second terminus. At least one segment is associated with a plurality of links to other segments. The method includes playing at least one segment with the temporal flow, determining whether a content expansion is desired prior to reaching the second terminus. If the content expansion is desired, then linking to an expansion segment and playing the expansion segment. If the content expansion is not desired, then linking to a continuing segment and playing the continuing segment. The method includes an additional link from the expansion segment to the continuing segment such that the continuing segment is played after the expansion segment has been played.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: November 8, 2010
    Date of Patent: February 21, 2012
    Assignee: MONKEYmedia, Inc.
    Inventors: Eric Justin Gould, Rachel M. Strickland
  • Publication number: 20110225552
    Abstract: This invention includes a method of navigating a collection of nodes by selecting a first node, generating a context list and displaying first node and context list. Each context of the context collection includes a second node essentially referencing the first node. Another aspect of the invention includes a method of generating an address from a collection of contexts containing steps of receiving a selected attribute collection and generating the address. Each context includes a resolution address and an attribute collection. Each of the attribute collections contains at least one attribute. Whenever the attribute collection of a first context of the context collection is essentially the same as the selected attribute collection, the resolution address of the first context is selected as the generated address. Another aspect of the invention includes a method of navigating a hypergraph. The hypergraph includes at least one context list. Each context list contains at least one context.
    Type: Application
    Filed: May 19, 2011
    Publication date: September 15, 2011
    Inventors: Eric Justin Gould, Janna Buckmaster, Todd Wilkens, Paulus W. Trisnadi
  • Patent number: 7953768
    Abstract: This invention includes a method of navigating a collection of nodes by selecting a first node, generating a context list and displaying first node and context list. Each context of the context collection includes a second node essentially referencing the first node. Another aspect of the invention includes a method of generating an address from a collection of contexts containing steps of receiving a selected attribute collection and generating the address. Each context includes a resolution address and an attribute collection. Each of the attribute collections contains at least one attribute. Whenever the attribute collection of a first context of the context collection is essentially the same as the selected attribute collection, the resolution address of the first context is selected as the generated address. Another aspect of the invention includes a method of navigating a hypergraph. The hypergraph includes at least one context list. Each context list contains at least one context.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: August 31, 2006
    Date of Patent: May 31, 2011
    Assignee: Blue Dolphin Solutions LLC
    Inventors: Eric Justin Gould, Janna Buckmaster, Todd Wilkens, Paulus W. Trisnadi