Patents by Inventor Eugene R. Bath

Eugene R. Bath has filed for patents to protect the following inventions. This listing includes patent applications that are pending as well as patents that have already been granted by the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO).

  • Patent number: 8498181
    Abstract: An alarm clock application for a device having a touch screen, in which time entry consists of progressively entering data into each of three singularly functional groups of keys, comprises: a) a 4 digit time display portion; and, b) a keypad portion consisting of three separated, functional groups of keys: i) a first functional group of keys which provides only a choice between a clock time set function key and an alarm time set function key; ii) a second functional group of keys for time entry, which provides only a ten numeric key group numbered 0-9 for entering numbers; and, iii) a third group of keys which provides only a choice of AM-PM function keys, to finalize any time setting sequence. After time entry consisting of progressively using each of the three singularly functional groups of keys, all entries can, at any time, be reviewed with a glance.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: March 23, 2012
    Date of Patent: July 30, 2013
    Inventor: Eugene R. Bath
  • Patent number: 8289817
    Abstract: A touch lock guarantees reliable alarm activation comprises: a) an upright front display screen; b) a keypad, haying three separated groups of keys: a choice of alarm-time set function keys; a ten numeric key group positioned centrally on the keypad; and a AM-PM/Set function key. The clock can be fully operated by a single finger, using a maximum of six touches, providing assurance of entry of each touch, without the need to hold or grasp the clock, and without the need for a user to reorient himself from a position facing the clock, or to reorient the clock from its operable, optimally viewed orientation. After a user has easily and quickly set an alarm time by utilizing each of the three groups of keys, he then can at any time review his entries with a glance.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: March 20, 2009
    Date of Patent: October 16, 2012
    Inventor: Eugene R. Bath
  • Patent number: 7433274
    Abstract: An easily set alarm clock which provides continuous and reliable assurance of correct alarm activation. The alarm clock comprises: a) an upright display screen having a large 4 digit time display portion and a smaller 4 digit alarm display portion; b) a lateral keypad positioned beneath the display screen, said keypad having time set function keys positioned in vertical alignment along a left side portion of the keypad, a numeric key portion positioned immediately to the right of the time set function keys on a central portion of the keypad for entry of the time corresponding to the selected function key, and AM/set-PM/set selection keys positioned in vertical alignment along a right side portion of the keypad. The clock configured so that if an alarm time is displayed the alarm is ON and will always activate audibly at the alarm time displayed, and alternatively if a time is not displayed the alarm is OFF.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: November 20, 2006
    Date of Patent: October 7, 2008
    Inventor: Eugene R. Bath