Patents by Inventor Fabian Küch

Fabian Küch has filed for patents to protect the following inventions. This listing includes patent applications that are pending as well as patents that have already been granted by the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO).

  • Patent number: 8705319
    Abstract: An apparatus for resolving an ambiguity from a DOA estimate includes a DOA estimate analyzer for analyzing the DOA estimate to obtain a plurality of ambiguous analysis parameters by using a bias information, the bias information representing a relation between a biased and an unbiased DOA estimate, and an ambiguity resolver for resolving the ambiguity in the plurality of ambiguous analysis parameters to obtain a non-ambiguous resolved parameter.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: February 25, 2013
    Date of Patent: April 22, 2014
    Assignee: Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft zur Foerderung der Angewandten Forschung E.V.
    Inventors: Markus Kallinger, Giovanni Del Galdo, Fabian Küch, Oliver Thiergart, Dirk Mahne, Achim Kuntz, Richard Schultz-Amling
  • Patent number: 8611550
    Abstract: An apparatus for determining a converted spatial audio signal, the converted spatial audio signal having an omnidirectional audio component and at least one directional audio component, from an input spatial audio signal, the input spatial audio signal having an input audio representation and an input direction of arrival. The apparatus has an estimator for estimating a wave representation having a wave field measure and a wave direction of arrival measure based on the input audio representation and the input direction of arrival. The apparatus further has a processor for processing the wave field measure and the wave direction of arrival measure to obtain the omnidirectional audio component and the at least one directional component.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: February 11, 2011
    Date of Patent: December 17, 2013
    Assignee: Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft zur Foerderung der Angewandten Forschung E.V.
    Inventors: Giovanni Del Galdo, Fabian Kuech, Markus Kallinger, Ville Pulkki, Mikko-Ville Laitinen, Richard Schultz-Amling
  • Publication number: 20130268280
    Abstract: An apparatus for generating at least one audio output signal based on an audio data stream having audio data relating to one or more sound sources is provided. The apparatus has a receiver for receiving the audio data stream having the audio data. The audio data has one or more pressure values for each one of the sound sources. Furthermore, the audio data has one or more position values indicating a position of one of the sound sources for each one of the sound sources. Moreover, the apparatus has a synthesis module for generating the at least one audio output signal based on at least one of the one or more pressure values of the audio data of the audio data stream and based on at least one of the one or more position values of the audio data of the audio data stream.
    Type: Application
    Filed: May 31, 2013
    Publication date: October 10, 2013
    Inventors: Giovanni DEL GALDO, Oliver THIERGART, Juergen HERRE, Fabian KUECH, Emanuel HABETS, Alexandra CRACIUN, Achim KUNTZ
  • Publication number: 20130259243
    Abstract: An apparatus for generating an audio output signal to simulate a recording of a virtual microphone at a configurable virtual position in an environment includes a sound events position estimator and an information computation module. The former is adapted to estimate a sound source position indicating a position of a sound source in the environment, wherein the sound events position estimator is adapted to estimate the sound source position based on first and second direction information provided by first and second real spatial microphones, respectively, located at first and second real microphone positions in the environment, respectively. The information computation module is adapted to generate the audio output signal based on a first recorded audio input signal, on the first real microphone position, on the virtual position of the virtual microphone, and on the sound source position.
    Type: Application
    Filed: May 29, 2013
    Publication date: October 3, 2013
    Inventors: Juergen HERRE, Fabian KUECH, Markus KALLINGER, Giovanni DEL GALDO, Oliver THIERGART, Dirk MAHNE, Achim KUNTZ, Michael KRATSCHMER, Alexandra CRACIUN
  • Publication number: 20130258813
    Abstract: An apparatus for capturing audio information from a target location includes first and second beamformers arranged in a recording environment and having first and second recording characteristics, respectively, and a signal generator. The first and second beamformers are configured for recording first and second beamformer audio signals, respectively, when they are directed towards the target location with respect to the first and second recording characteristics. The first and second beamformers are arranged such that first and second virtual straight lines, defined to pass through the first and second beamformers, respectively, and the target location, are not mutually parallel. The signal generator is configured to generate an audio output signal based on the first and second beamformer audio signals so that the audio output signal reflects relatively more audio information from the target location compared to the audio information from the target location in the first and second beamformer audio signals.
    Type: Application
    Filed: May 29, 2013
    Publication date: October 3, 2013
    Inventors: Juergen HERRE, Fabian KUECH, Markus KALLINGER, Giovanni DEL GALDO, Bernhard GRILL
  • Publication number: 20130216047
    Abstract: An apparatus for generating an enhanced downmix signal on the basis of a multi-channel microphone signal has a spatial analyzer configured to compute a set of spatial cue parameters having a direction information describing a direction-of-arrival of a direct sound, a direct sound power information and a diffuse sound power information on the basis of the multi-channel microphone signal. The apparatus also has a filter calculator for calculating enhancement filter parameters in dependence on the direction information describing the direction-of-arrival of the direct sound, in dependence on the direct sound power information and in dependence on the diffuse sound power information. The apparatus also has a filter for filtering the microphone signal, or a signal derived therefrom, using the enhancement filter parameters, to obtain the enhanced downmix signal.
    Type: Application
    Filed: August 23, 2012
    Publication date: August 22, 2013
    Applicant: Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft zur Foerderung der angewandten Forschung e.V.
    Inventors: Fabian KUECH, Juergen HERRE, Christof FALLER, Christophe TOURNERY
  • Patent number: 8462958
    Abstract: A preferred embodiment of an apparatus for computing filter coefficients for an adaptive filter for filtering a microphone signal so as to suppress an echo due to a loudspeaker signal includes an extractor for extracting a stationary component signal or a non-stationary component signal from the loudspeaker signal or from a signal derived from the loudspeaker signal, and a computer for computing the filter coefficients for the adaptive filter on the basis of the extracted stationary component signal or the extracted non-stationary component signal.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: January 16, 2009
    Date of Patent: June 11, 2013
    Assignee: Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft zur Foerderung der angewandten Forschung e.V.
    Inventors: Fabian Kuech, Markus Kallinger, Christof Faller, Alexis Favrot
  • Publication number: 20130142341
    Abstract: An apparatus for generating a merged audio data stream is provided. The apparatus includes a demultiplexer for obtaining a plurality of single-layer audio data streams, wherein each input audio data stream includes one or more layers, wherein the demultiplexer is adapted to demultiplex each one of one or more input audio data streams having one or more layers into two or more demultiplexed audio data streams having exactly one layer. Furthermore, the apparatus includes a merging module for generating the merged audio data stream based on the plurality of single-layer audio data streams. Each layer of the input data audio streams, of the demultiplexed audio data streams, of the single-layer data streams and of the merged audio data stream includes a pressure value of a pressure signal, a position value and a diffuseness value as audio data.
    Type: Application
    Filed: April 12, 2012
    Publication date: June 6, 2013
    Inventors: Giovanni Del Galdo, Oliver Thiergart, Juergen Herre, Fabian Kuech, Emanuel Habets, Alexandra Craciun, Achim Kuntz
  • Publication number: 20130142342
    Abstract: An apparatus for microphone positioning includes a spatial power distribution determiner and a spatial information estimator. The spatial power distribution determiner is adapted to determine a spatial power density indicating power values for a plurality of locations of an environment based on sound source information indicating one or more power values and one or more position values of one or more sound sources located in the environment. The spatial information estimator is adapted to estimate acoustic spatial information based on the spatial power density.
    Type: Application
    Filed: April 12, 2012
    Publication date: June 6, 2013
    Inventors: Giovanni Del Galdo, Oliver Thiergart, Fabian Kuech, Emanuel Habets, Alexandra Craciun
  • Publication number: 20130016842
    Abstract: An apparatus for converting a first parametric spatial audio signal representing a first listening position or a first listening orientation in a spatial audio scene to a second parametric spatial audio signal representing a second listening position or a second listening orientation is described, the apparatus including: a spatial audio signal modification unit adapted to modify the first parametric spatial audio signal dependent on a change of the first listening position or the first listening orientation so as to obtain the second parametric spatial audio signal, wherein the second listening position or the second listening orientation corresponds to the first listening position or the first listening orientation changed by the change.
    Type: Application
    Filed: June 14, 2012
    Publication date: January 17, 2013
    Inventors: Richard Schultz-Amling, Fabian Kuech, Markus Kallinger, Giovanni Del Galdo, Oliver Thiergart, Dirk Mahne, Achim Kuntz
  • Publication number: 20120114126
    Abstract: An audio format transcoder for transcoding an input audio signal, the input audio signal having at least two directional audio components. The audio format transcoder including a converter for converting the input audio signal into a converted signal, the converted signal having a converted signal representation and a converted signal direction of arrival. The audio format transcoder further includes a position provider for providing at least two spatial positions of at least two spatial audio sources and a processor for processing the converted signal representation based on the at least two spatial positions to obtain at least two separated audio source measures.
    Type: Application
    Filed: November 4, 2011
    Publication date: May 10, 2012
    Inventors: Oliver Thiergart, Cornelia Falch, Fabian Kuech, Giovanni Del Galdo, Juergen Herre, Markus Kallinger
  • Publication number: 20120076308
    Abstract: An acoustic echo suppression unit according to an embodiment of the present invention includes and input interface for extracting a downmix signal from an input signal, the input signal including the downmix signal and parametric side information, wherein the downmix and the parametric side information together represent a multichannel signal, a calculator for calculating filter coefficients for an adaptive filter, wherein the calculator is adapted to determine the filter coefficients based on the downmix signal and a microphone signal or a signal derived from the microphone signal, and an adaptive filter adapted to filter the microphone signal or the signal derived from the microphone signal based on the filter coefficients to suppress an echo caused by the multichannel signal in the microphone signal.
    Type: Application
    Filed: October 13, 2011
    Publication date: March 29, 2012
    Applicant: Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft zur Foerderung der angewandten Forschung e.V.
    Inventors: Fabian KUECH, Markus KALLINGER, Markus SCHMIDT, Meray ZOURUB, Marco DIATSCHUK, Oliver MOSER
  • Publication number: 20110222694
    Abstract: An apparatus for determining a converted spatial audio signal, the converted spatial audio signal having an omnidirectional audio component and at least one directional audio component, from an input spatial audio signal, the input spatial audio signal having an input audio representation and an input direction of arrival. The apparatus has an estimator for estimating a wave representation having a wave field measure and a wave direction of arrival measure based on the input audio representation and the input direction of arrival. The apparatus further has a processor for processing the wave field measure and the wave direction of arrival measure to obtain the omnidirectional audio component and the at least one directional component.
    Type: Application
    Filed: February 11, 2011
    Publication date: September 15, 2011
    Inventors: Giovanni Del Galdo, Fabian Kuech, Markus Kallinger, Ville Pulkki, Mikko-Ville Latinen, Richard Schultz-Amling
  • Publication number: 20110216908
    Abstract: An apparatus for merging a first spatial audio stream with a second spatial audio stream to obtain a merged audio stream comprising an estimator for estimating a first wave representation comprising a first wave direction measure and a first wave field measure for the first spatial audio stream, the first spatial audio stream having a first audio representation and a first direction of arrival. The estimator being adapted for estimating a second wave representation comprising a second wave direction measure and a second wave field measure for the second spatial audio stream, the second spatial audio stream having a second audio representation and a second direction of arrival.
    Type: Application
    Filed: February 11, 2011
    Publication date: September 8, 2011
    Inventors: Giovanni Del Galdo, Fabian Kuech, Markus Kallinger, Ville Pulkki, Mikko-Ville Laitinen, Richard Schultz-Amling
  • Publication number: 20110044461
    Abstract: An embodiment of an apparatus for computing control information for a suppression filter for filtering a second audio signal to suppress an echo based on a first audio signal includes a computer having a value determiner for determining at least one energy-related value for a band-pass signal of at least two temporally successive data blocks of at least one signal of a group of signals. The computer further includes a mean value determiner for determining at least one mean value of the at least one determined energy-related value for the band-pass signal. The computer further includes a modifier for modifying the at least one energy-related value for the band-pass signal on the basis of the determined mean value for the band-pass signal. The computer further includes a control information computer for computing the control information for the suppression filter on the basis of the at least one modified energy-related value.
    Type: Application
    Filed: January 12, 2009
    Publication date: February 24, 2011
    Applicant: Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft zur Foerderung der angewandten Forschung e.V.
    Inventors: Fabian Kuech, Markus Kallinger, Christof Faller, Alexis Favrot
  • Publication number: 20110019833
    Abstract: A preferred embodiment of an apparatus for computing filter coefficients for an adaptive filter for filtering a microphone signal so as to suppress an echo due to a loudspeaker signal includes an extractor for extracting a stationary component signal or a non-stationary component signal from the loudspeaker signal or from a signal derived from the loudspeaker signal, and a computer for computing the filter coefficients for the adaptive filter on the basis of the extracted stationary component signal or the extracted non-stationary component signal.
    Type: Application
    Filed: January 16, 2009
    Publication date: January 27, 2011
    Applicant: Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft zur Foerderung der angewandten Forschung e. V.
    Inventors: Fabian Kuech, Markus Kallinger, Christof Faller, Alexis Favrot