Patents by Inventor Florian Pivit

Florian Pivit has filed for patents to protect the following inventions. This listing includes patent applications that are pending as well as patents that have already been granted by the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO).

  • Publication number: 20090305665
    Abstract: An exemplary method of identifying a transmitting device includes receiving a signal. A discrete Fourier transform of at least one portion of the signal produces a plurality of frequencies that indicate at least one unique characteristic of the transmitting device. A determination is made whether the transmitting device is a known device based upon the plurality of frequencies.
    Type: Application
    Filed: June 4, 2008
    Publication date: December 10, 2009
    Inventors: Irwin Oliver Kennedy, Francis Joseph Mullany, Milind Buddhikot, Florian Pivit, Patricia Scanlon
  • Publication number: 20090122909
    Abstract: The invention concerns a radio frequency transmitter (RFT) and a method of amplifying a radio frequency input signal (SIN) in the radio frequency transmitter (RFT). The radio frequency transmitter (RFT) comprises a digital signal generator (DSG) with a generation unit (GU) adapted to generate a pulsed bit stream signal and a switch mode power amplifier (SMPA) with a transistor circuit (PT) adapted to amplify the radio frequency input signal (SIN). The digital signal generator (DSG) further comprises a control unit (CU) adapted to detect in said pulsed bit stream signal a sequence of a constant signal height longer than a predefined threshold. The control unit (CU) is also adapted to initiate, upon detection of said sequence, a generation of a modified pulsed bit stream signal by an insertion of one or more notches in said sequence. Said notches interrupt said sequence by a signal of a signal height different from the signal height of the sequence.
    Type: Application
    Filed: November 10, 2008
    Publication date: May 14, 2009
    Inventors: Florian Pivit, Jan Hesselbarth, Georg Fischer, Suramate Chalermwisutkul
  • Publication number: 20080198017
    Abstract: A method is provided of identifying an antenna, by the steps of: providing the antenna with an identifying radiofrequency identification RFID circuit, connecting one end of a cable to the antenna, connecting the other end of the cable to a remote unit, sending a trigger signal to the RFID circuit, receiving by the remote unit via the cable a response signal from the RFID circuit, and decoding the response signal so as to identify the antenna.
    Type: Application
    Filed: January 7, 2008
    Publication date: August 21, 2008
    Inventors: Jan Hesselbarth, Florian Pivit
  • Patent number: 7034765
    Abstract: An antenna element is provided which responsive in multiple frequency bands, has symmetric beam patterns, and is easily and cheaply fabricated. The antenna element includes at least three conductive plates arranged in a stack At least one pair of adjacent plates contain apertures that are mutually aligned relative to the stacking direction. The antenna element further includes at least one air stripline arranged to create radiative electromagnetic excitations of the apertures when the stripline or striplines are energized by a suitable radiofrequency voltage source or sources.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: September 30, 2003
    Date of Patent: April 25, 2006
    Assignee: Lucent Technologies Inc.
    Inventors: Georg Fischer, Florian Pivit
  • Patent number: 7030825
    Abstract: A wide-bandwidth aperture antenna is constructed of two parallel metal plates 51, 52, each having a resonant aperture 53, 54. The apertured plates are arranged parallel to one another, with the apertures aligned. A third plate 57 is arranged parallel to the apertured plates to act as a reflector. The resonant apertures are in the form of squares with rounded corners. Feed stubs 55 and 56 are arranged between the apertured plates and project into the region between the apertures to excite orthogonally polarized modes. The feed stubs are in the form of strips which are aligned in planes perpendicular to the planes of the apertured plates. An exemplary embodiment has a bandwidth of 1700 MHz to 3300 MHz, containing the bands used for GSM 1800, UMTS, UMTS+, Bluetooth and WLAN systems. The feed is high-impedance and the decoupling better than ?11 dB over the whole bandwidth.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: September 29, 2004
    Date of Patent: April 18, 2006
    Assignee: Lucent Technologies Inc.
    Inventors: Georg Fischer, Florian Pivit
  • Publication number: 20060066497
    Abstract: A wide-bandwidth aperture antenna is constructed of two parallel metal plates 51, 52, each having a resonant aperture 53, 54. The apertured plates are arranged parallel to one another, with the apertures aligned. A third plate 57 is arranged parallel to the apertured plates to act as a reflector. The resonant apertures are in the form of squares with rounded corners. Feed stubs 55 and 56 are arranged between the apertured plates and project into the region between the apertures to excite orthogonally polarized modes. The feed stubs are in the form of strips which are aligned in planes perpendicular to the planes of the apertured plates. An exemplary embodiment has a bandwidth of 1700 MHz to 3300 MHz, containing the bands used for GSM 1800, UMTS, UMTS+, Bluetooth and WLAN systems. The feed is high-impedance and the decoupling better than ?11 dB over the whole bandwidth.
    Type: Application
    Filed: September 29, 2004
    Publication date: March 30, 2006
    Inventors: Georg Fischer, Florian Pivit
  • Publication number: 20050068239
    Abstract: An antenna element is provided which responsive in multiple frequency bands, has symmetric beam patterns, and is easily and cheaply fabricated. The antenna element includes at least three conductive plates arranged in a stack At least one pair of adjacent plates contain apertures that are mutually aligned relative to the stacking direction. The antenna element further includes at least one air stripline arranged to create radiative electromagnetic excitations of the apertures when the stripline or striplines are energized by a suitable radiofrequency voltage source or sources.
    Type: Application
    Filed: September 30, 2003
    Publication date: March 31, 2005
    Inventors: Georg Fischer, Florian Pivit