Patents by Inventor Frank J. Musante

Frank J. Musante has filed for patents to protect the following inventions. This listing includes patent applications that are pending as well as patents that have already been granted by the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO).

  • Publication number: 20230281365
    Abstract: Aspects of the invention include determining a netlist for an integrated circuit design, wherein the netlist includes a design for placement of a plurality of latches, determining a set of timing paths, wherein each timing path includes a capture latch and at least one launch latch connected to a same local clock buffer controller through a local clock buffer OR circuit, calculating a slack value for each timing path, determining one or more candidate timing paths from the set of timing paths, wherein the one or more candidate timing paths have a slack value below a threshold slack value, calculating a score for each candidate timing path based on a count of a number of launch-capture latch pairs, adjusting an interconnect for a first candidate timing path based on the first candidate timing path having a highest score, and generating an updated netlist based on the adjusting the interconnect.
    Type: Application
    Filed: March 2, 2022
    Publication date: September 7, 2023
    Inventors: Michael Kazda, Sean Michael Carey, Frank J. Musante, Michael Hemsley Wood
  • Patent number: 9075948
    Abstract: Optimizing circuits having a congested placement with a timing critical placement map includes identifying critical circuit components in the placement map and determining failing circuit components in the placement map; determining “non-critical” circuit components safe to be moved; removing selected non critical from the placement map; and optimizing the critical circuit components in a new partial placement image of said map; and reinserting the “non -critical” circuit components back into said placement image. The optimization is performed by circuit transformation operating in congested regions of the placement image enabling cell insertion and modifications that increase cell size.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: July 31, 2013
    Date of Patent: July 7, 2015
    Assignee: International Business Machines Corporation
    Inventors: Michael A. Kazda, Frank J. Musante, Alexander J. Suess
  • Publication number: 20150040095
    Abstract: Optimizing circuits having a congested placement with a timing critical placement map includes identifying critical circuit components in the placement map and determining failing circuit components in the placement map; determining “non-critical” circuit components safe to be moved; removing selected non critical from the placement map; and optimizing the critical circuit components in a new partial placement image of said map; and reinserting the “non-critical” circuit components back into said placement image. The optimization is performed by circuit transformation operating in congested regions of the placement image enabling cell insertion and modifications that increase cell size.
    Type: Application
    Filed: July 31, 2013
    Publication date: February 5, 2015
    Applicant: International Business Machines Corporation
    Inventors: Michael A. Kazda, Frank J. Musante, Alexander J. Suess
  • Patent number: 8392866
    Abstract: A task-based multi-process design synthesis methodology relies on a plurality of child processes to assist a parent process in performing optimizations on an integrated circuit design. Objects from an integrated circuit design are grouped into subsets and assigned to child processes, with each child process performing a transform on each of the objects in the subset assigned to that child process and determining which of the objects in the subset are candidate objects for which performance of the transform has been successful. Each child process also provides result data to the parent process for each candidate object to reduce the overhead of the parent process when performing the transform on the candidate object. The result data, which may include, for example, a set of instructions or hints, may allow a parent process to take advantage of the efforts of the child process in performing the transform.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: December 20, 2010
    Date of Patent: March 5, 2013
    Assignee: International Business Machines Corporation
    Inventors: Anthony D. Drumm, Frank J. Musante, Jagannathan Narasimhan, Louise H. Trevillyan
  • Patent number: 8302049
    Abstract: A method of performing a static timing analysis based on slack values to verify and optimize a logic design includes: selecting one or more circuits within the logic design having at least two inputs taking on a known value; identifying a critical input that controls an output arrival time of the selected circuit from among the inputs that take on the known value; determining one or more non-critical input of the circuit a required arrival time based on the difference between the arrival times of the critical and non-critical inputs; and computing the slack at a critical input based on the difference between the AT of the critical and non-critical inputs. The design optimization based on the slack defined by arrival time differences preferably uses a reverse merge margin design metric. The metric determines the exact required amount of improvement in the input arrival time of non-critical signals of a clock shaping circuit.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: December 2, 2010
    Date of Patent: October 30, 2012
    Assignee: International Business Machines Corporation
    Inventors: Frank J. Musante, William E. Dougherty, Nathaniel D. Hieter, Alexander J. Suess
  • Publication number: 20120159418
    Abstract: A task-based multi-process design synthesis methodology relies on a plurality of child processes to assist a parent process in performing optimizations on an integrated circuit design. Objects from an integrated circuit design are grouped into subsets and assigned to child processes, with each child process performing a transform on each of the objects in the subset assigned to that child process and determining which of the objects in the subset are candidate objects for which performance of the transform has been successful. Each child process also provides result data to the parent process for each candidate object to reduce the overhead of the parent process when performing the transform on the candidate object. The result data, which may include, for example, a set of instructions or hints, may allow a parent process to take advantage of the efforts of the child process in performing the transform.
    Type: Application
    Filed: December 20, 2010
    Publication date: June 21, 2012
    Inventors: Anthony D. Drumm, Frank J. Musante, Jagannathan Narasimhan, Louise H. Trevillyan
  • Publication number: 20120144357
    Abstract: A method of performing a static timing analysis based on slack values to verify and optimize a logic design includes: selecting one or more circuits within the logic design having at least two inputs taking on a known value; identifying a critical input that controls an output arrival time of the selected circuit from among the inputs that take on the known value; determining one or more non-critical input of the circuit a required arrival time based on the difference between the arrival times of the critical and non-critical inputs; and computing the slack at a critical input based on the difference between the AT of the critical and non-critical inputs. The design optimization based on the slack defined by arrival time differences preferably uses a reverse merge margin design metric. The metric determines the exact required amount of improvement in the input arrival time of non-critical signals of a clock shaping circuit.
    Type: Application
    Filed: December 2, 2010
    Publication date: June 7, 2012
    Applicant: International Business Machines Corporation
    Inventors: Frank J. Musante, William E. Dougherty, Nathaniel D. Hieter, Alexander J. Suess
  • Patent number: 7996812
    Abstract: A system and a method for correcting early-mode timing violations that operate across the process space of a circuit design. Optimizations are performed to replace padding that increase path delays on fast paths. At the stage in the design process where early-mode violations are addressed, placement, late-mode timing closure, routing, and detailed electrical and timing analysis are assumed to have been completed. The optimizations are designed to be effective in delaying fast paths while minimizing the impact on already-completed work on the chip, in contrast to relying only on adding pads that can have a negative impact on all of these quantities. The optimizations are classified according to their invasiveness and are followed by their deployment. The deployment is designed to minimize using delay pads, reduce design disruptions, and minimize effects on other aspects of the design.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: August 14, 2008
    Date of Patent: August 9, 2011
    Assignee: International Business Machines Corporation
    Inventors: Pooja M. Kotecha, Frank J. Musante, Veena S. Pureswaran, Louise H. Trevillyan, Paul G. Villarrubia
  • Publication number: 20100042955
    Abstract: A system and a method for correcting early-mode timing violations that operate across the process space of a circuit design. Optimizations are performed to replace padding that increase path delays on fast paths. At the stage in the design process where early-mode violations are addressed, placement, late-mode timing closure, routing, and detailed electrical and timing analysis are assumed to have been completed. The optimizations are designed to be effective in delaying fast paths while minimizing the impact on already-completed work on the chip, in contrast to relying only on adding pads that can have a negative impact on all of these quantities. The optimizations are classified according to their invasiveness and are followed by their deployment. The deployment is designed to minimize using delay pads, reduce design disruptions, and minimize effects on other aspects of the design.
    Type: Application
    Filed: August 14, 2008
    Publication date: February 18, 2010
    Inventors: POOJA M. KOTECHA, Frank J. Musante, Veena S. Pureswaran, Louise H. Trevillyan, Paul G. Villarrubia