Patents by Inventor Fritz Vogelmann

Fritz Vogelmann has filed for patents to protect the following inventions. This listing includes patent applications that are pending as well as patents that have already been granted by the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO).

  • Patent number: 5019687
    Abstract: A welding system and apparatus comprising an elongated carbon rod about three inches in diameter and a foot or more in length laid on top of a damaged or cracked cast iron workpiece to be welded. The elongated carbon rod is spaced apart from the workpiece about two inches by insulating bricks, one end of the carbon rod having a plurality of insulated electrical conductor connected thereto, the other ends of the conductors being connected to five welding machines with each machine producing about 600 amps thereby providing approximately 3000 amps to the elongated carbon rod. A cast iron welding rod one inch or greater in diameter is placed against the carbon rod, with the tip of the welding rod placed above the crack or void in the workpiece to be welded. The cast iron welding rod serves as an electrode to create an arc between it and the workpiece at the crack or void to melt cast iron from the rod to fill and close the crack or void in the workpiece.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: February 2, 1990
    Date of Patent: May 28, 1991
    Inventor: Fritz Vogelmann