Patents by Inventor George A. Plesko

George A. Plesko has filed for patents to protect the following inventions. This listing includes patent applications that are pending as well as patents that have already been granted by the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO).

  • Publication number: 20020163701
    Abstract: A device for providing angular displacement of an axis in a direction selected from the X or Y direction or rotational movement about the Z direction with respect to the axis. The device comprises a magnetic core element which produces a magnetic field and defines a Z axis. The core element is capable of displacement in the X and Y directions respectively, and also rotational movement about the Z axis. A coil device proximate the core element introduces a distortion force in the core element in at least one of the X and Y directions or about the Z axis as desired a mounting device suspends the core element with respect to the coil means to permit relative movement therebetween in response to the distortion force.
    Type: Application
    Filed: February 26, 2002
    Publication date: November 7, 2002
    Inventor: George A. Plesko
  • Publication number: 20020125325
    Abstract: A high speed non-contact beam scanning device sized and shaped to provide the ergonomic benefits of a pen or wand, yet can scan a wide angle moving beam across an information-bearing target in one or two dimensional scan patterns such as lines, rasters or other patterns in order to read information therefrom. The device is well suited for reading one or two dimensional bar-code or other printed matter. In order to achieve the high density optical packaging necessary for its high performance to size benefits the device employs a novel in-line or “axial” gyrating, or “axial” scan element. The axial scan element can accept an input light beam at one end and cause it to emerge from its opposite end as a scanned beam, propagating in the same general forward direction it had upon entering the element. Reflected light, which carries information contained on the target, is collected by an internal non-imaging light collector and is processed by signal processing electronics.
    Type: Application
    Filed: February 14, 2002
    Publication date: September 12, 2002
    Inventor: George A. Plesko
  • Patent number: 6390370
    Abstract: A high speed non-contact beam scanning device sized and shaped to provide the ergonomic benefits of a pen or wand, yet can scan a wide angle moving beam across an information-bearing target in one or two dimensional scan patterns such as lines, rasters or other patterns in order to read information therefrom. The device is well suited for reading one or two dimensional bar-code or other printed matter. In order to achieve the high density optical packaging necessary for its high performance to size benefits the device employs a novel in-line or “axial” gyrating, or “axial” scan element. The axial scan element can accept an input light beam at one end and cause it to emerge from its opposite end as a scanned beam, propagating in the same general forward direction it had upon entering the element. Reflected light, which carries information contained on the target, is collected by an internal non-imaging light collector and is processed by signal processing electronics.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: April 6, 1999
    Date of Patent: May 21, 2002
    Assignee: Symbol Technologies, Inc.
    Inventor: George A. Plesko
  • Patent number: 6377380
    Abstract: A device for providing angular displacement of an axis in a direction selected from the X or Y direction or rotational movement about the Z direction with respect to the axis. The device comprises a magnetic core element which produces a magnetic field and defines a Z axis. The core element is capable of displacement in the X and Y directions respectively, and also rotational movement about the Z axis. A coil device proximate the core element introduces a distortion force in the core element in at least one of the X and Y directions or about the Z axis as desired a mounting device suspends the core element with respect to the coil means to permit relative movement therebetween in response to the distortion force.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: June 20, 2000
    Date of Patent: April 23, 2002
    Assignee: Symbol Technologies, Inc.
    Inventor: George A. Plesko
  • Patent number: 6233098
    Abstract: An optical system for distinguishing features of a target. A light source is located at a source position for generating a plurality of light rays emanating from the source position. A lens is positioned in front of the light source position. The lens has a first surface for receiving light rays emanating from the source position and a second surface, opposite the first surface, for outputting the received light rays. The first and second surfaces are separated by a thickness. The second surface having a first clear area for passing a first group of light rays through the lens. The second surface further includes a treated that is area separate from the first clear area. A method for treating an optical lens. A lens substrate formed of clear material is provided. The lens substrate has a first surface, a second surface opposite the first surface, and a thickness represented by a distance between the first and second surfaces. A treated area is formed on a portion of the second surface of the clear material.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: December 17, 1998
    Date of Patent: May 15, 2001
    Inventor: George A. Plesko
  • Patent number: 6202930
    Abstract: Ultra compact scan systems which may be held in the manner of a pen or wand during use and ring mountable scanners suitable for wearing on one's finger, wrist or another part of the body are disclosed. Embodiments of wearable scan systems are disclosed which need not contain traditional light collection apparatus. Highly ergonomic non-mechanical actuation methods are described which eliminate the operation fatigue characteristic of prior art devices that use mechanical levers to turn them on. Novel axial scan elements for the scanners are adapted to operate in a pulsed mode to minimize current consumption. Various scan head embodiments are operated with simple, low cost, low parts count, one-shot circuits to provide low bulk and long battery life even when small button cells are used to power them.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: October 27, 1999
    Date of Patent: March 20, 2001
    Inventor: George A. Plesko
  • Patent number: 6179444
    Abstract: A light beam source includes a laser diode having a housing. The housing has a base and a cap with an opening for emitting laser light. A lens mount having a generally tubular shape and being formed from a unitary piece of material is provided. The lens mount has a first end and a second end, the second end including inner walls. A lens is disposed at least partially within the first end of the lens mount, the lens being disposed so as to receive and focus the laser light as a beam. The cap of the laser diode is disposed at least partially within the second end of the lens mount and frictionally engages the inner walls. The inner walls include at least one longitudinal slot that allows the inner walls to expand and frictionally engage the cap when the cap is disposed in the second end of the lens mount.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: December 2, 1998
    Date of Patent: January 30, 2001
    Inventor: George A. Plesko
  • Patent number: 6173895
    Abstract: A flexible scan element for scanning a light beam, and methods for making and actuating the scan element. The scan element includes a first leaf that is rigidly affixed to a substrate, a second leaf having a mirror affixed thereto, and a flexible hinge that couples the first leaf to the second leaf. The second leaf is moveable and pivots about an axis of the flexible hinge. The first leaf is coupled to the second leaf solely by the flexible hinge, and the flexible hinge is formed solely from an elastomer material. The first and second leaves are preferably formed from flat rigid metal, and optionally include bonding flanges that couple the leaves to the elastomeric hinge forming material. The mirror is affixed on one side of the second leaf and a magnet is optionally affixed on the opposite side of the second leaf. The scan element optionally includes tabs for mounting the device to a flat substrate or circuit board, and, in one embodiment has a resonant frequency in the range of 20 Hz-100 Hz.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: April 5, 1999
    Date of Patent: January 16, 2001
    Assignee: Geo Labs, Inc.
    Inventor: George A. Plesko
  • Patent number: 6118569
    Abstract: A non-contact light beam scan system small enough to fit into a hand holdable wand, pen or calculator size terminal incorporates a novel scan element which can scan at rates of ten to hundreds of scans per second in one or two dimensions. The device is immune to low frequency vibrations and can scan large angles of 60 degrees or more. Automatic trigger circuitry enables it to be used equally well in hand held or fixed mount applications. The depth of operating range is extended with a novel focal system which is integrated with the light source. The entire scanning system for generating a beam, focusing the beam electronically, scanning the beam, collecting light from a target and converting it into electrical signals, and automatically generating a trigger signal can work with industry standard low or high speed bar code decoders.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: November 12, 1998
    Date of Patent: September 12, 2000
    Inventor: George A. Plesko
  • Patent number: 6101017
    Abstract: A device for providing angular displacement of an axis in a direction selected from the X or Y direction or rotational movement about the Z direction with respect to the axis. The device comprises a magnetic core element which produces a magnetic field and defines a Z axis. The core element is capable of displacement in the X and Y directions respectively, and also rotational movement about the Z axis. A coil device proximate the core element introduces a distortion force in the core element in at least one of the X and Y directions or about the Z axis as desired a mounting device suspends the core element with respect to the coil means to permit relative movement therebetween in response to the distortion force.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: November 12, 1998
    Date of Patent: August 8, 2000
    Inventor: George A. Plesko
  • Patent number: 6057554
    Abstract: A non-mechanical switch for actuating a light beam scanning device disposed within a device housing. The device housing has a first area for emitting a scanning light beam from the device. The switch is formed of a light source and a light detector disposed within the device housing, the light source emits light through a second area on the device housing. The light detector is adapted to receive light emitted from the light source and reflected back through the second area toward the light detector by an object disposed outside of the device housing. The light detector has an output signal that is coupled by electronic circuitry to a light beam scanner within the light beam scanning device. The electronic circuitry is adapted to selectively actuate the light beam scanning device in response to the output signal from the light detector. The first area on the device housing for emitting the scanning light beam from the device is separate from the second area on the device housing.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: October 29, 1998
    Date of Patent: May 2, 2000
    Inventor: George A. Plesko
  • Patent number: 6006994
    Abstract: A method and apparatus for generating a scanning light beam for scanning a target using a light beam scanning system. In response to actuation of the scanning system by a user, only a single non-periodic pulse of current is provided to a scan element. The single pulse of current causes the scan element to move a light beam from a stationary equilibrium position to a first position at a first extreme end of a scan line that intersects the target. Immediately after the light beam reaches the first extreme end of said scan line, the scan element moves the light beam from the first extreme end of the scan line to a second extreme end of the scan line without application of external current. Thereafter, immediately after the light beam reaches the second extreme end of the scan line, the scan element brings the light beam back to the stationary equilibrium position without application of external current.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: May 12, 1997
    Date of Patent: December 28, 1999
    Assignee: GEO Labs, Inc.
    Inventor: George A. Plesko
  • Patent number: 5973318
    Abstract: An externally operable electronic switch which is entirely located within a housing but which is in no way mechanically or physically attached to the inside or the outside of the housing, has no moving parts, nothing to wear out, requires no holes or special treatments to the housings of equipment into which it may be incorporated and has no optical parts to fog or become dirty which could lead to unreliable operation is disclosed. The switch is operated without mechanical force. It is unnecessary to touch anything to operate it and it consumes extremely low stand by power. It is suited for sealed and portable battery operated equipment.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: February 3, 1999
    Date of Patent: October 26, 1999
    Assignee: GEO Labs, Inc.
    Inventor: George A. Plesko
  • Patent number: 5959757
    Abstract: A device for providing angular displacement of an axis in a direction selected from the X or Y direction or rotational movement about the Z direction with respect to the axis. The device comprises a magnetic core element which produces a magnetic field and defines a Z axis. The core element is capable of displacement in the X and Y directions respectively, and also rotational movement about the Z axis. A coil device proximate the core element introduces a distortion force in the core element in at least one of the X and Y directions or about the Z axis as desired a mounting device suspends the core element with respect to the coil means to permit relative movement therebetween in response to the distortion force.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: January 16, 1997
    Date of Patent: September 28, 1999
    Assignee: GEO Labs, Inc.
    Inventor: George A. Plesko
  • Patent number: 5933288
    Abstract: An externally operable electronic switch which is entirely located within a housing but which is in no way mechanically or physically attached to the inside or the outside of the housing, has no moving parts, nothing to wear out, requires no holes or special treatments to the housings of equipment into which it may be incorporated and has no optical parts to fog or become dirty which could lead to unreliable operation is disclosed. The switch is operated without mechanical force. It is unnecessary to touch anything to operate it and it consumes extremely low stand by power. It is suited for sealed and portable battery operated equipment.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: January 9, 1998
    Date of Patent: August 3, 1999
    Assignee: GEO Labs, Inc.
    Inventor: George A. Plesko
  • Patent number: 5932860
    Abstract: A high speed non-contact beam scanning device sized and shaped to provide the ergonomic benefits of a pen or wand, yet can scan a wide angle moving beam across an information-bearing target in one or two dimensional scan patterns such as lines, rasters or other patterns in order to read information therefrom. The device is well suited for reading one or two dimensional bar-code or other printed matter. In order to achieve the high density optical packaging necessary for its high performance to size benefits the device employs a novel in-line or "axial" gyrating, or "axial" scan element. The axial scan element can accept an input light beam at one end and cause the light beam to emerge from its opposite end as a scanned beam, propagating in the same general forward direction the light beam had upon entering the element. Reflected light, which carries information contained on the target, is collected by an internal non-imaging light collector and is processed by signal processing electronics.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: August 11, 1997
    Date of Patent: August 3, 1999
    Assignee: GEO Labs, Inc.
    Inventor: George A. Plesko
  • Patent number: 5886332
    Abstract: A system for focusing a light beam includes a housing having a sealed cavity filled with a pliable gel for receiving and focusing light rays from a light source. A housing having a hollow cavity is provided. The hollow cavity is filled with a pliable gel for receiving and focusing light rays from a light source. Thereafter, the pliable gel is sealed within the hollow cavity.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: May 13, 1996
    Date of Patent: March 23, 1999
    Assignee: GEO Labs, Inc.
    Inventor: George A. Plesko
  • Patent number: 5880452
    Abstract: A high speed non-contact beam scanning data acquisition memory card is disclosed. The device possesses the ergonomic benefits of a a card, yet can scan a wide angle moving beam across an information-bearing target in one or two dimensional scan patterns such as lines, rasters or other patterns in order to read information therefrom. The device is well suited for reading one or two dimensional bar-code or other printed matter where great portability as in medical records acquisition is desired. In order to achieve the high density electro-optical packaging necessary for its high performance to size ratio the present device employs a low profile scan module which is turned on by novel methods. Collected information is processed by signal processing electronics and stored in solid state low power memory devices. Novel triggering and scan actuating methods are also disclosed as are novel integrated scanning applications. In one embodiment components are integrated into a thin PCMCIA card or pen type scan device.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: August 13, 1997
    Date of Patent: March 9, 1999
    Assignee: GEO Labs, Inc.
    Inventor: George A. Plesko
  • Patent number: 5870219
    Abstract: A non-contact light beam scan system small enough to fit into a hand holdable wand, pen or calculator size terminal incorporates a novel scan element which can scan at rates of ten to hundreds of scans per second in one or two dimensions. The device is immune to low frequency vibrations and can scan large angles of 60 degrees or more. Automatic trigger circuitry enables it to be used equally well in hand held or fixed mount applications. The depth of operating range is extended with a novel focal system which is integrated with the light source. The entire scanning system for generating a beam, focusing the beam electronically, scanning the beam, collecting light from a target and converting it into electrical signals, and automatically generating a trigger signal can work with industry standard low or high speed bar code decoders.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: November 24, 1997
    Date of Patent: February 9, 1999
    Assignee: GEO. Labs, Inc.
    Inventor: George A. Plesko
  • Patent number: 5864128
    Abstract: A system and method for scanning a bar code target by continuously varying the focal range of a bar code scanning system. A light source is provided for generating light rays, and a lens is provided for focusing the light rays. The lens has a variable focal length. The focused light rays are scanned across the bar code target with a beam scanner. While the focused light rays are being scanned, the focal length of the lens is continuously varied.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: May 13, 1996
    Date of Patent: January 26, 1999
    Assignee: Geo Labs, Inc.
    Inventor: George A. Plesko