Patents by Inventor Gholam A. Peyman

Gholam A. Peyman has filed for patents to protect the following inventions. This listing includes patent applications that are pending as well as patents that have already been granted by the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO).

  • Publication number: 20050182489
    Abstract: A method and apparatus is provided for an intraocular device adapted for adjustment via a laser after implantation into an eye. The intraocular device is inserted into an eye, and one or more optical characteristics of the eye, including the intraocular device, are measured. Then, a groove configuration is determined for the intraocular device, and the configuration is ablated into the intraocular device with a short pulse laser.
    Type: Application
    Filed: April 15, 2005
    Publication date: August 18, 2005
    Inventor: Gholam Peyman
  • Publication number: 20050181018
    Abstract: An ocular device that contains a drug, the device affixed to the sclera for release of drug into the sclera through at least one opening. Control of drug release may be mechanical and/or electrical, and may be at a point of use or from a remote location. In one embodiment, an electrode is affixed to the sclera opposite the device, and initiation of current releases the drug from the device via iontophoresis. The lumen or reservoir contents may be visualized, and/or an indicator may indicate content information such as volume. In one embodiment, a multicompartment device may controllably release the same drug at a different rate or different drugs at the same or different rates.
    Type: Application
    Filed: April 14, 2005
    Publication date: August 18, 2005
    Inventor: Gholam Peyman
  • Publication number: 20050177149
    Abstract: The present invention relates to a device for reshaping the cornea. The device includes a body having a first surface with a predetermined curvature, a plurality of protrusions extending from the first surface, the plurality of protrusions being adapted to be inserted into the cornea of an eye, and a means for heating the plurality of protrusions to a predetermined temperature.
    Type: Application
    Filed: March 2, 2005
    Publication date: August 11, 2005
    Inventor: Gholam Peyman
  • Patent number: 6918904
    Abstract: A method of correcting the refractive error in the cornea of an eye. The cornea is heated, to loosen the molecules therein, thereby softening the cornea into a gelatinous material. The gelatinous material is then reshaped, so that it substantially conforms to a predetermined pattern, and cooled to maintain it in the predetermined pattern. This results in modification of the cornea without a gray to white response in the cornea and corneal tissue shrinkage.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: November 7, 2001
    Date of Patent: July 19, 2005
    Assignee: Minu, L.L.C.
    Inventor: Gholam A. Peyman
  • Publication number: 20050149006
    Abstract: A system and method for correcting the refractive error in the cornea of an eye. A short pulse laser is aimed at a predetermine depth in the cornea, below the exterior surface of the cornea. The short pulse laser is then fired, such that the short pulse laser ablates at least two three dimensional portions below the exterior surface of the cornea, thereby softening the cornea. The cornea is heated and reshaped, so that the cornea substantially conforms to a predetermined shape.
    Type: Application
    Filed: March 2, 2005
    Publication date: July 7, 2005
    Inventor: Gholam Peyman
  • Publication number: 20050143717
    Abstract: A method of treatment of refractive errors of an eye, the eye including a central visual axis and a cornea with a first corneal layer overlying a second corneal layer, comprising the steps of separating a first surface of the first corneal layer from a second surface of the second corneal layer, thereby forming a flap and exposing the second surface, implanting on the second surface an inlay adapted to correct a refractive error of the eye, coating a surface of the inlay with a compound that promotes bonding with the cornea, and replacing the flap over the inlay.
    Type: Application
    Filed: February 24, 2004
    Publication date: June 30, 2005
    Inventor: Gholam Peyman
  • Publication number: 20050131434
    Abstract: The present invention relates to a device for separating the cornea of the eye and in particularly the cornea and a method for using the same. The device includes a head portion adapted to reciprocate, and a wire attached to the head portion. The wire is adapted to separate the cornea into first and second surfaces, which form a flap in the cornea of the eye.
    Type: Application
    Filed: December 12, 2003
    Publication date: June 16, 2005
    Inventor: Gholam Peyman
  • Patent number: 6899877
    Abstract: A process for inhibiting vascular proliferation separately introduces components into the eye to generate plasmin in the eye in amounts to induce complete posterior vitreous detachment where the vitreoretinal interface is devoid of cortical vitreous remnants. The process administers a combination of lysine-plasminogen, at least one recombinant plasminogen activator selected from the group consisting of urokinase, streptokinase, tissue plasminogen activator, chondroitinase, pro-urokinase, retavase, metaloproteinase, and thermolysin and a gaseous adjuvant to form a cavity in the vitreous. The composition is introduced into the vitreous in an amount effective to induce crosslinking of the vitreous and to induce substantially complete posterior vitreous detachment from the retina without causing inflammation of the retina.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: August 26, 2002
    Date of Patent: May 31, 2005
    Assignee: Minu, L.L.C.
    Inventor: Gholam A. Peyman
  • Publication number: 20050113911
    Abstract: The present invention relates to an intraocular lens, including a flexible capsule adapted to be inserted into the natural lens capsular bag. A polymerized portion is positioned within the flexible capsule, and an unpolymerized material is located within the flexible capsule, and has loose monomers and a polymerization initiator so that the unpolymerized material changes its volume when exposed to an energy source.
    Type: Application
    Filed: October 4, 2004
    Publication date: May 26, 2005
    Inventor: Gholam Peyman
  • Publication number: 20050106273
    Abstract: A method of suppressing appetite is disclosed. An amount of wheat bran sufficient to suppress appetite is consumed prior to or with a meal to achieve satiety and desirable weight reduction. Postum®, a coffee-substitute and containing wheat bran as the quantitatively main ingredient, may be used in one embodiment. It may be prepared by dissolving in boiling water as a beverage or adding to a solid or semi-solid food. Consuming Postum® before or with a meal suppresses appetite so that less food is desired during the meal, yet the individual does not feel hungry. Postum® is a natural product and does not contain herbs, botanicals, stimulants, or synthetic components that may be harmful when consumed.
    Type: Application
    Filed: December 22, 2003
    Publication date: May 19, 2005
    Inventor: Gholam Peyman
  • Patent number: 6887261
    Abstract: A system and method for treating cells of a site in the body, such as at a lens capsule or choroid of an eye. The system and method employs an energy emitting device, and a positioning device, adapted to position the energy emitting device at a position in relation to the cells at the site in the body, such as the cells of the choroid or the lens capsule, so that energy emitted from the energy emitting device heats the cells to a temperature which is above body temperature and below a temperature at which protein denaturation occurs in the cells, to kill the cells or impede multiplication of the cells. The energy emitting device can also include a container containing a heated fluid that can include indocyanine green, which heats the cells to the desired temperature. Alternatively, the energy emitting device can include a laser diode, or a probe that emits radiation, such as infrared or ultraviolet radiation, laser light, microwave energy or ultrasonic energy.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: April 25, 2001
    Date of Patent: May 3, 2005
    Inventor: Gholam A. Peyman
  • Publication number: 20050063997
    Abstract: Ocular solutions containing at least one macrolide antibiotic and/or mycophenolic acid provide anti-inflammatory, anti-cell proliferation, anti-cell migration, anti-angiogenesis, antimicrobial, and antifungal effects. In one embodiment, the solution is administered intraocularly after cataract surgery before insertion of a replacement intraocular lens, resulting in reduced posterior capsular opacification which may eliminate the need for a subsequent surgery. The solution may be one that is invasively administered, for example, an irrigation or volume replacement solution containing at least one macrolide antibiotic such as tacrolimus, sirolimus, everolimus, cyclosporine, and ascomycin, or mycophenolic acid. The solution may be one that is non-invasively or topically administered in the form of drops, ointments, gels, creams, etc. and may include eye lubricants and contact lens solutions.
    Type: Application
    Filed: January 6, 2004
    Publication date: March 24, 2005
    Inventor: Gholam Peyman
  • Publication number: 20050065091
    Abstract: Ocular solutions containing an antioxidant provide beneficial properties, for example, the antioxidant scavenges free radicals in the solution which may cause the solution to deteriorate. However, antioxidants are themselves extremely susceptible to oxidation. A stabilizing agent for the antioxidant retards or prevents the antioxidant from undesirable reactions and thus enhances its ability to stabilize the ocular solution. This in turn enhances the physiological properties of the ocular solution, which may be a topical solution such as eye drops, or a surgical ocular irrigation or volume replacement solution.
    Type: Application
    Filed: September 18, 2003
    Publication date: March 24, 2005
    Inventor: Gholam Peyman
  • Publication number: 20050063996
    Abstract: Ocular solutions containing at least one macrolide antibiotic and/or mycophenolic acid provide anti-inflammatory, anti-cell proliferation, anti-cell migration, anti-angiogenesis, antimicrobial, and antifungal effects. In one embodiment, the solution is administered intraocularly after cataract surgery before insertion of a replacement intraocular lens, resulting in reduced posterior capsular opacification which may eliminate the need for a subsequent surgery. The solution may be one that is invasively administered, for example, an irrigation or volume replacement solution containing at least one macrolide antibiotic such as tacrolimus, sirolimus, everolimus, cyclosporine, and ascomycin, or mycophenolic acid. The solution may be one that is non-invasively or topically administered in the form of drops, ointments, gels, creams, etc. and may include eye lubricants and contact lens solutions.
    Type: Application
    Filed: September 19, 2003
    Publication date: March 24, 2005
    Inventor: Gholam Peyman
  • Patent number: 6855163
    Abstract: A system adapted to modify refractivity of a cornea of an eye, including a first component, and adapted to be implanted at a first depth in the cornea. A second component, separate from the first component, is adapted to be implanted at a second depth in the cornea at a position relative to the first component, such that an axis passing through the eye parallel to the optical axis passes through the second component without passing through the first component. The second depth is closer to the front surface of the cornea than is the first depth.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: July 19, 2002
    Date of Patent: February 15, 2005
    Assignee: Minu, LLC
    Inventor: Gholam A. Peyman
  • Publication number: 20050025810
    Abstract: A formulation to treat ocular conditions such as dry eye disease, as well as other conditions, is disclosed. Rapamycin and/or ascomycin is administered intraocularly, such as by topical application, injection into the eye, or implantation in or on the eye. For example, a topical administration may contain between about 50 pg/ml drug to about 50 ?g/ml drug in a formulation which may be applied at bedtime or throughout the day. For injection, a dose of about 50 pg/mi to about 200 ?g/ml may be used. Rapamycin and/or ascomycin may also be administered in milligram quantities as a surgical implant, for example, in a diffusible walled reservoir sutured to the wall of the sclera, or may be contained within an inert carrier such as microspheres or liposomes to provide a slow-release drug delivery system.
    Type: Application
    Filed: July 31, 2003
    Publication date: February 3, 2005
    Inventor: Gholam Peyman
  • Publication number: 20040220151
    Abstract: A composition and process for suppressing pain and irritation of tissue includes an anti-irritant in an effective amount to suppress pain and irritation temporarily when applied topically to the skin or mucosa. The anti-irritant is a natural or non-nutritive sweetener. The composition can be a solid containing an edible acid such as citric acid and ascorbic acid from fresh lemon juice to form a solution having a pH of about 2.0 to 4.0 and an anti-irritant, such as sodium saccharine. The composition can be used to apply a pharmaceutical agent to the skin, mucosa or eye without irritation. The acidic composition can further be used to remove or loosen calculus deposits from the teeth without burning or irritation of the gums.
    Type: Application
    Filed: March 18, 2004
    Publication date: November 4, 2004
    Applicant: Minu, L.L.C.
    Inventor: Gholam A. Peyman
  • Publication number: 20040219110
    Abstract: A composition and process for removing calculus deposits from the teeth and suppressing pain and irritation of tissue includes an anti-irritant in an effective amount to suppress pain and irritation temporarily when applied topically to the teeth and gums. The anti-irritant is a natural or non-nutritive sweetener. The composition can be a solid or aqueous solution containing an edible acid such as citric acid and ascorbic acid from fresh lemon juice to form a solution having a pH of about 2.0 to 5.0 and an anti-irritant, such as sodium saccharine. The composition also can be used to apply a pharmaceutical agent to the skin, mucosa or eye without irritation. The acidic composition is effective in removing or loosening calculus deposits from the teeth without burning or irritation of the gums.
    Type: Application
    Filed: March 18, 2004
    Publication date: November 4, 2004
    Applicant: Minu , L.L.C.
    Inventor: Gholam A. Peyman
  • Patent number: 6786926
    Abstract: A method of correcting refractive error in an eye, comprising the steps of marking at least one axis on the surface of the cornea. A portion of the cornea is then separated, forming a first anterior facing surface and a second posterior facing surface. An inlay having at least one axis indicated on the surface thereof is positioned between the first and second surfaces, and the at least one axis on the inlay is aligned with the at least one axis on the surface of the cornea. This results in precise positioning and orientation of the inlay and thus correction of astigmatic error in the cornea.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: November 9, 2001
    Date of Patent: September 7, 2004
    Assignee: Minu, L.L.C.
    Inventor: Gholam A. Peyman
  • Publication number: 20040167623
    Abstract: An intraocular lens system for implantation in the eye to modify the lens system of the eye comprising the cornea and the natural or existing artificial lens in the eye, and a method for using the same. The system and method comprises a lens having a high minus portion, adapted to be implanted in the eye to create a lens system that functions as a teledioptic lens system which, when used without an external lens, provides unmagnified and peripherally unrestricted vision and which, when used with an external lens, provides magnified and peripherally restricted vision to correct for macular degeneration. The lens can be attached to the iris, to a portion of the iris that was removed by iridectomy, or can be implanted in the cornea. The lens can also include a plus portion that is surrounded by the high minus portion.
    Type: Application
    Filed: June 23, 2003
    Publication date: August 26, 2004
    Inventor: Gholam A. Peyman