Patents by Inventor Gina A. Nocerino

Gina A. Nocerino has filed for patents to protect the following inventions. This listing includes patent applications that are pending as well as patents that have already been granted by the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO).

  • Patent number: 6913406
    Abstract: A writing instrument is comprised of an elongated, hollowed body that is cylindrical in shape, which extends and narrows into a tip for writing. Implement is worn directly upon a single finger by insertion through an opening at the upper or rear end of said body, and is constructed of durable yet flexible material. Writing implement also has an adjustable closure attached to its exterior, which extends laterally across body for a tighter or looser fit. The body is worn and extends approximately from knuckle to just past tip of finger. Toward lower end of said body, writing implement narrows past tip of finger and changes form into a harder material, the barrel, which begins the housing of a plastic, internal, ink tube or cartridge. The barrel attaches to and detaches from and equally hard and increasingly narrowing tip, through which the ink tube continues to extend internally. Finally the pointed, lower most end of said writing implement, is the tip from which the ink cartridge protrudes and permits writing.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: March 2, 2004
    Date of Patent: July 5, 2005
    Inventor: Gina A. Nocerino