Patents by Inventor Graciela V. O. de Cuadros

Graciela V. O. de Cuadros has filed for patents to protect the following inventions. This listing includes patent applications that are pending as well as patents that have already been granted by the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO).

  • Patent number: 5046203
    Abstract: A collapsible hammock support that selectively receives a hammock. The hammock support includes a ground engaging hammock support frame assembly and a rotatably attached hammock shade support frame assembly. The shade support frame assembly can be disposed at various lateral dispositions to selectively orient a sunshade attached thereto.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: September 14, 1990
    Date of Patent: September 10, 1991
    Inventor: Graciela V. O. de Cuadros
  • Patent number: 4229845
    Abstract: Disclosed are two embodiments of a collapsible hammock support comprising (a) first and second ground-engaging support members for supporting a hammock at either end, said first and second ground-engaging support members being collapsible from a first, or use, position to a second, or travel, position; (b) at least one longitudinal bracing member carried by each ground-engaging support member and extending longitudinally from the ground-engaging support member by which it is carried on a first side thereof; (c) first means for detachably connecting said at least one longitudinal bracing member carried by said first ground-engaging support member to said at least one longitudinal bracing member carried by said second ground-engaging support member to form a rigid support for a hammock; (d) second means for detachably connecting one end of a hammock to the first side of said first ground-engaging member; and (e) third means for detachably connecting the other end of a hammock to the first side of said second gr
    Type: Grant
    Filed: September 7, 1978
    Date of Patent: October 28, 1980
    Inventor: Graciela V. O. de Cuadros