Patents by Inventor Grant Lee Weber

Grant Lee Weber has filed for patents to protect the following inventions. This listing includes patent applications that are pending as well as patents that have already been granted by the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO).

  • Publication number: 20210176996
    Abstract: We have created a novel formulation to serve as a sanitizing, disinfectant or cleanser, excluding traditional synthetic chemicals historically addressing this role. The product is all-natural, GRAS certified ingredients that is safe, non-toxic and can be inhaled, ingested, applied topically to the animal body and of course, to all other surfaces we have defined herein. Thereby safe for water bowls, water and feed troughs, and water line flushing and disinfecting/sanitizing or cleaning.
    Type: Application
    Filed: December 16, 2020
    Publication date: June 17, 2021
    Applicant: Beneficial Biome Solutions, Inc
    Inventors: Douglas Steven Pernikoff, Grant Lee Weber
  • Publication number: 20210052689
    Abstract: An anti-microbial formulation of native ingredients for human and non-human vertebrate animal feeds, feed supplements/additives, or for direct doses to replace in whole or supplement traditional anti-microbial with side-effects such as allergies, microbial-resistance, and drug-interactions with non-toxic, side-effect free native anti-microbial for all vertebrates. The invention comprises of non-toxic, side-effect free native substances amalgamations having anti-microbial properties for food additives, food supplements, or direct doses. Furthermore, these native formulas can be use with or without other prescription or nonprescription anti-microbial medications. We describe the method of manufacture and also the process of use for this amalgamates.
    Type: Application
    Filed: August 24, 2020
    Publication date: February 25, 2021
    Applicant: Beneficial Biome Solutions, Inc
    Inventors: Douglas Steven Pernikoff, Grant Lee Weber