Patents by Inventor Gregory Ariff

Gregory Ariff has filed for patents to protect the following inventions. This listing includes patent applications that are pending as well as patents that have already been granted by the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO).

  • Publication number: 20120295358
    Abstract: Disclosed are magnetic conveyor systems and apparatus having a magnetic coupling with a housing and moveable magnet therein. The moveable magnet is substantially constrained in one dimension and adapted to move in another. The moveable magnet is adapted to magnetically couple with an attracting portion of a sample rack and move the rack along a conveying surface. Ease of transfer of sample racks is provided while minimizing spillage from the open sample containers therein. Method of operating the conveyor system are provided, as are other aspects.
    Type: Application
    Filed: January 20, 2011
    Publication date: November 22, 2012
    Applicant: Siemens Healthcare Diagnostics Inc.
    Inventors: Gregory Ariff, Timothy Evers, Milind Sawant, Tumkur Vijay
  • Publication number: 20080014181
    Abstract: The present invention provides automated devices for use in supporting various cell therapies and tissue engineering methods. The present invention provides an automated cell separation apparatus capable of separating cells from a tissue sample for use in cell therapies and/or tissue engineering. The cell separation apparatus can be used in combination with complementary devices such as cell collection device and/or a sodding apparatus to support various therapies. The automated apparatus includes media and tissue dissociating chemical reservoirs, filters, a cell separator and a perfusion flow loop through a graft chamber which supports a graft substrate or other endovascular device. The present invention further provides methods for using the tissue grafts and cell samples prepared by the devices described herein in a multitude of therapies including revascularization, regeneration and reconstruction of tissues and organs, as well as treatment and prevention of diseases.
    Type: Application
    Filed: April 23, 2007
    Publication date: January 17, 2008
    Inventors: Gregory Ariff, Thomas Cannon, Jennifer Case, Christian Haller, Paul Kosnik, Charles Luddy, Craig Mauch, Erik Vossman, Stuart Williams
  • Publication number: 20060281045
    Abstract: System and methods of detecting and measuring periodontal disease comprising filling a periodontal pocket with a fluid capable of propagating sound waves, transmitting a sound wave into the periodontal pocket, sensing the return sound wave from the periodontal pocket, and determining the depth of the pocket by measuring the time it takes the at least one transmitted sound wave to traverse the periodontal pocket and return. A peak discrimination analysis algorithm is also provided.
    Type: Application
    Filed: March 31, 2006
    Publication date: December 14, 2006
    Applicant: Perioimaging, Inc.
    Inventors: Gregory Ariff, Barry Berman, Jennifer Case, Robert Gwaltney, Christian Haller, Patrick Hardin, Fred Lane, Jeffrey Loper, Charles Luddy, Lynessa Erler, Jeffrey Smithanik, Andrew Steinberg, Craig Swanner
  • Publication number: 20060270935
    Abstract: System and methods of detecting and measuring periodontal disease comprising filling a periodontal pocket with a fluid capable of propagating sound waves, transmitting a sound wave into the periodontal pocket, sensing the return sound wave from the periodontal pocket, and determining the depth of the pocket by measuring the time it takes the at least one transmitted sound wave to traverse the periodontal pocket and return. A peak discrimination analysis algorithm is also provided.
    Type: Application
    Filed: March 31, 2006
    Publication date: November 30, 2006
    Inventors: Gregory Ariff, Jennifer Case, Robert Gwaltney, Chistian Haller, Patrick Hardin, Jeffrey Loper, Charles Luddy, Lynessa Erler, Jeffrey Smithanik, Andrew Steinberg, Craig Swanner